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Elements of the annual range of worship is a Christian
holiday. Mostly annual number of holidays in Christianity happened in
I-VI cent. district. e. Allocate several groups of religious holidays. |
Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ in Christian tradition -
the Virgin Mary (Mother of God) and the greatest of Christian saints.
Etymology of the name "Maria" (Heb. Mariam) was offered varies among the
proposed values, in particular: "beautiful," "bitter," "Mrs.", "beloved
by God." Scientists prefer the latter value, which goes to the Ancient
Egyptian language and can be explained chotyrystalitnim stay of the Jews
in Egypt. |
During the first three centuries Christians did not have
separate holidays at Christmas. For the first time began to celebrate
Christmas only IV, art, when it was installed on Easter, Pentecost and
epiphany - Epiphany. In the east a long time Christmas was celebrated
with Epiphany on January 6. This feast and included the Christmas and
Jesus' baptism in the Jordan. The Greek word "epiphany" |
Circumcision of Our Lord - the big (not dvonadesyate)
Holy Orthodox Church. Celebrated January 14 (January 1, Old Style). In
the Catholic Church after 1970 not included in the general calendar.
Circumcision of the Jews in the time of Abraham was carried out over
eight boys and served as a sign of entering i |
Epiphany (Epiphany) (Greek or Theophaneia Epiphaneia), a
Christian feast on the remembrance of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the
waters of Jordan. In the Orthodox Church is among larger Dvonadesyatyh
intransitive holidays. Celebrated on 19 January in the Orthodox churches
and 6 January in the Catholic Church. |
February 15 (Gregorian Calendar, 2 February - the Julian)
- Christians celebrate Candlemas Eastern rite of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Candlemas). |
Annunciation, Annunciation - dvonadesyate great holiday, the third most
important national-religious holiday after Easter and Christmas.
Annunciation Orthodox celebrate on April 7, Catholics - 25 March. |
Lent is the most important and oldest of all the multi
posts. It reminds us of the Forty Days Fast Savior in the desert, he
also introduces us to the Holy Week, and then - to the joy of holiday
celebrations - Bright Resurrection of Christ. |
Easter - the biggest Christian holiday. This day is the
day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and has another name - the
Passover. |
Wednesday through Sunday of the Paralytic, exactly in
half between Easter and Pentecost, the feast of St. Descent. Spirit
(Trinity), the Eastern Church celebrates the feast of Mid or
Peredilennya. Explained by the establishment of this holiday is: "On
Wednesday Paralytic celebrate the feast of Pentecost Mid to honor two
great festal days, ie Easter and Pentecost. Mid connects both of these
feasts. " |
On the 40 th day after Easter for an event which narekly
Ascension. In 2006, the Orthodox celebrate Ascension June 1, and
Catholics - May 25, 2007 and in the Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the
Assumption on May 17. |
Whit Sunday (Pentecost) (Greek Pentekoste), one of the
greatest Christian holiday that is celebrated on the 50 th day of
Passover to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit and dedicated to
the glorification of the Holy Trinity. The Orthodox Church -
dvunadesyate great holiday. In the West, not the feast of Pentecost is
called the Trinity, though closely associated with its veneration. In
the XIV century. Holy Trinity in the Catholic Church was named Sunday
after Pentecost. |
Set Peter (Apostolic) post belongs to the first centuries
of the Church. About ecclesiastical establishment of the post mentioned
in the Ordinance apostles: "After Pentecost celebrate one Week, and
then postitsya, justice requires and rejoice after taking gifts from God |