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On the 40 th day after Easter for an event which narekly Ascension. In 2006, the Orthodox celebrate Ascension June 1, and Catholics - May 25, 2007 and in the Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the Assumption on May 17.

Put here two articles from the newspaper Valentina Shtynko Volyn (date unknown). Some information here applies to folk traditions celebrate the Ascension, but we have maintained the integrity of the article.

In Luke we read: "And he led them (disciples) up to Bethany, and took his hands and blessed them. And as he blessed them, he parted from them and carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. "

This day is celebrated as the great Orthodox Church dvunadesyate holiday, but people also called Demolition, or Vshestya and Happiness. Ascension is one of the feasts which have no specific numbers, but coincide with the same day, which will be the sixth week on Thursday Bright Sunday. Hence the proverb: "It would have Vshestya on Wednesday.

As you know, Jesus appeared to his disciples for forty days after his resurrection. He told them about the kingdom of God and that He had to bear their suffering.

In the Gospels of Mark and Luke contains only brief information about the big event, which ends the earthly life of Jesus Christ. This is described in Acts of the Apostles. Meetings with the apostles, Jesus Christ commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father. For John baptized with water - you are baptized with the Holy Spirit will be a few days. The apostles wanted to know if this should happen? He answered them: "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father hath put in his own power. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth. Having said this, as they watched, he was taken up, and a cloud took him out before their eyes ... "

Feast of the Ascension of Christ was recognized as early as the fourth century. The famous Greek historian and philosopher Socrates (440 City) called it "a general feast. In the fourth century, Queen Helen put a temple in his honor is the place of Christ's Ascension.

During its existence holiday covered with numerous folk customs and beliefs. Here's how it writes the renowned ethnographer Vasyl Skuratovskyi: "If within forty days, you could still hrystosuvatysya, that is to say" Christ is risen, and then you are welcome Vshestya already banned - because churches are buried in fine linen. " On this occasion people made a special ritual in the form of cookies drabynok - so why Christ had to climb to heaven. "

I usually carry "ladder" on graves and remember the dead. In some regions, and funeral baked breads and dyed Easter eggs, though they have not sanctified by the church. Sometimes it was traditional fry thin pancakes of millet flour. It was called "God onuchi. By the way, so sometimes referred to as the whole legislature is well known. According to popular belief, "God onuchi, if napekty enough," Lord wraps his legs and then "not Mulk" to get the ladder to heaven. And do not be skeptical smile of innocence of our ancestors. In each generation - your own life and spiritual experience.

It was believed that the best growing Vshestya any zelo. Whether in the field or in the woods or in the garden "all worn from earth to heaven." To not interfere with his blessed rampage, the villagers were not working that day, and only send prayer Father God.

Ascension - the last limit of seed grain and vegetables. This effort to complete the Pentecost, for ten days comes Trinity. For signs, good weather Ascension portends a good harvest, and slush - on abortion. Because of this great feast was not going to take on hard work, the families were farmers in the field of view crop for rye during this time of the spike is emitted. And nature reigns is beauty, harmony and rampage that, as he wrote Alexander Dovzhenko, who died that day, they regret. But our observant neighbors, the Poles characterize this time of such an proverb: "God - in the sky, the worm - in the flesh and the devil - the babu." Maybe so - with the folk wisdom is useless to argue.

Valentine SHTYNKO. Newspaper Volyn

This year we celebrate it today, for a great holiday dvunadesyate, as they say, does not last month. It precipitate falls in the period from 30 April to 3 June necessarily on Thursday the sixth week of Bright Sunday. No doubt, hence the saying: "Do not come on Wednesday Vshestya. Because this is sometimes referred to as the people's feast, which is based on - the gospel tale about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his ascension (demolition) 40 days after death to heaven.

In Luke we read: "And he led them (disciples) up to Bethany, and he took his hands and blessed them. And as he blessed them, he parted from them and carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. "

In all Christian churches is about this solemn service. And if the past forty days instead of the usual "Hello" we can welcome words: "Christ is risen", the greeting is from now on will not take until next year, "because in temples buried shroud.

After his resurrection of the Lord was not already with the disciples, but only appeared to them at different times, opening up completely alive, resurrected body. He talked with the apostles and lectured them, that acted like a normal living person because the apostles after the ascension of the Savior at a loss. But there were angels who told them that Jesus, who had just ascended the same way again return to earth. It was said by the prophecies of the second coming of Christ. According to Christian teaching, Ascension symbolizes the victory of human nature, adored, her involvement in the mystery Trinity.

And in the national life of the holiday got its pretsikave interpretation. Our ancestors always to him a special baked cookies as a ladder or ladder depicted in Pirogovo-zavyvantsi. She, according to beliefs of believers, Jesus had to help up to heaven.

In European folk tradition at Ascension pryurochuvaly ceremonies connected with the protection of crops (the British, Germans, Bulgarians), domestic animals (for the Italians, Czechs).

Many such rituals pobutuvalo and Ukraine. In Volhynia and alive this day lawful "zapolyuvaty flax" - that grew well, "pidnosyvsya" up. Generally, it is believed that during this time of any zelo optimal growth, "whirled away from the ground up." In a good host "to Vshestya rye already emits ear. This day was the last border for planting corn and planting vegetables. It was thought if the weather is nice Ascension something for a good harvest, and slush - on abortion.

In Chernihiv and Sumy was traditional to bake, sometimes - just outside - so-called "God's onuchi, special pancakes, similar to the legislature. This ceremonial actions would also contribute, to help Jesus ascend to heaven.

In the folk customs of pagan worship echoes strongly felt Velez (hair) - god of fertility and vegetative power, as originally rung (ladder) did for him. Our ancestors believed that the so-Velez will be easier to get to the colossus.

Older traditions organically merged with the Christian, while acquiring new Fig. Yes, it was thought that levels of biscuits have to be seven, the number of heavens Apocalypse.

Sometimes this kind of cookies used for divination: raised with him at the bell tower and cast down: what level will be reflected on this heaven is the one who Put forth thy. If all steps prove to be intact - righteous man straight path to heaven. All cracked and broken perekladynky - none of heavens can not accept the sinner.

Ascension ritual ends with Easter and Whitsuntide open, to begin by summer, nayblahodatnisha, most romantic time in nature. No doubt, no chance of our neighbors, the Poles have a proverb this way: "God in heaven, the worm in the flesh and the devil - the babu." Why yes, perhaps, guess yourself.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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