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Holy Virgin Mary (Catholic holiday)

Holy Virgin Mary (Catholic holiday)

January 1

Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ in Christian tradition - the Virgin Mary (Mother of God) and the greatest of Christian saints. Etymology of the name "Maria" (Heb. Mariam) was offered varies among the proposed values, in particular: "beautiful," "bitter," "Mrs.", "beloved by God." Scientists prefer the latter value, which goes to the Ancient Egyptian language and can be explained chotyrystalitnim stay of the Jews in Egypt.

In the Catholic tradition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is regarded as a logical condition that has prepared her for the role of mother of the Savior. Her freedom from sin was a special grace, except with the general rule, privilege, which, according to Catholic theology (as opposed to Protestant), given no other living being.

Purity of the Virgin Mary and carnal lust storonnist combined therein with its independence any personal sin. In her saintliness indicates the definition of "grace" which it is given in the Gospels as a moral defect is incompatible with the fullness of divine grace. Augustine believed that the concept of personal sinfulness is not applicable to the Blessed Virgin is that it poshanuvav God.

On the role of Mary as Mother of the Savior and its associated intermediary role between Christ and the human race. In the theological doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church acknowledged that since the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Savior, which is the source of all grace, thanks to her this grace is transmitted to mankind.

In 1950 Pope Pius XII declared that "Preneporochna Virgo, protected from all stain of original sin, completing the path of mortality, was taken body and soul into heavenly glory ..." Catholic doctrine of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary based on double tradition: the steady and long belief that the Catholic bishops with the full consensus accepted the truth of faith as part of religious doctrine.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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