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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Day standing on Mount Arafat (Yaum Arafa)

Day standing on Mount Arafat (Yaum Arafa)

Last Day of Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca and Medina and joining pilgrims in the valley of Arafa. Pilgrimage to Mecca to worship the sacred Kaaba, the main shrine of Muslims is a Muslim duty bound to guarantee him the remission of all sins and achieve eternal bliss in the hereafter life.

From 9 th of zul-Hijra (in 2006 it was January 9) pilgrims to congregate in the valley of Arafat in Mecca, to spend the whole day to dusk (Arafa Day). This is the central rite of Hajj, and if a Muslim does not carry all day in the valley of Arafat, his pilgrimage is considered invalid, even if he fulfilled all subsequent ordinances.

Arriving in Mecca, gynecology primarily directed to the house to kiss the Kaaba stone and circuit implementation of the Kaaba, then go to the well Zyamzyam to drink holy water, make progress between the hills Safa and Myarva that are within 100 steps from the Kaaba (here Hagar mother of Ishmael, seven times ran from one hill to another, searching for water for her son), then go to Mount Arafa, located on Mecca for 7 hours - is the most important part of Hajj: this mountain of Adam and Eve met after the fall. On the day of Arafa gynecology should listen hutbu (teachings) that lasts 3 hours before sunset, after which the headlong rush to the mosque Myazdalyazha, located on Mount Arafa 3 miles, there to listen to the evening prayer, 4 th and 5 th then gynecology greet each other with the title of Haji.

Pilgrimage ends 10 th Hijra zul-holiday Eid al-Adha, which marks three to four days and is the most important holiday of the Muslims worldwide. His Turkic name Kurban Bairam, which means "the day of sacrifice."

Zul-Hijra month period is a strict ban on all evil acts are basically a normal person should look out for in everyday life: all the violence, intolerance, skvernosliv'ya, theft and other bad intentions and deeds.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
Переглядів: 845 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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