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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Chanukah (Festival of Lights, the name comes from drevnoyevreyskoho update dedication), 8-day Jewish holiday of joy, which is celebrated in winter in memory of the restoration of worship in the Jerusalem temple when the sanctuary was cleansed of statues of Greek gods after a victory over Judah Maccabees Selevkidamy 166 p . BC; celebration installed by Judas Maccabees. Saved the money that was found in the temple with a sacred vessel for the oil ignition vosmystvolnoho candlestick (menorah). In kazhen eight days in a special Hanukkah Chanukah lamp lit another candle. Jews sing religious hymns, arrange the cheerful feast, exchange gifts.

Note. At one site Jewish word "Hanukkah" podavalos with an emphasis on first syllable, and "Dictionary of Religious directory" VN Shevchenko submit it with the accent on the second.

Interesting additions of Chanukah came from Mr. Anton. We submit them virtually unchanged.

   1. Candlesticks in the Temple was not sinking eight and seven. Flask of oil had to be enough for one day, but it sufficed for eight days until new oil svyatyly.
   2. Candlestick, which is lighted in honor of the holiday called Chanukah - the holiday by name - hanukiya. It has nine candles - eight sacred and one normal (Shamash, is maid), which lit the sacred.
   3. By modern rules of pronunciation of the word Chanukah stvytsya emphasis on the third syllable.
   4. The traditional children's game in the bottom Hanukkah - with quadrangular Top (savivon), which knocked out the sides of the letters, yaki means "great miracle happened here" (outside of Israel - was there). For games and buy sweets parents give children little money, called Hanukkah or Chanukah dmey helt (ie Chanukah money).
   5. Traditional treats - patches, pancakes, donuts, etc. fried in oil.

In 2006, the Hanukkah is celebrated from 15 to 23 December, and in 2007 - from 5 to 13 December.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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