Apostle Andrew the First Called
December 13th Apostle Andrew was the brother of Leaders of the Apostles Peter and was of Bethsaida of that in Palestine.
Since young age he preferred to spiritual, eternal values and so when he heard the preaching of John the Baptist concerning repentance, became his disciple. John humbly called his ministry only news of the coming One who will become the embodiment of all Old Testament prophecies, all expectations of humanity. So when he, pointing to Jesus, said: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world", Andrew immediately went after Christ. Then Andrew called his brother Simon, who later named Peter Lord, that is rock. Andrew was the first follower of Jesus Christ, so also he received the First-name.
The Apostle Andrew, as well as other apostles, witnessed the preaching of Jesus Christ, His miracles, confirming his divinity. Andrew saw the suffering Savior, His death and Resurrection.
Full of grace the Holy Spirit after Pentecost, the Apostle Andrew made three major pastoral trip to Jerusalem, preaching the Word of God in many European countries and Aziyi.Shlyah spread the good - is the way of suffering, as it always confronted with evil. Word of God says: "Christ suffered for us leaving us an example to follow in his steps." Apostol Andrey fully followed this example. He was crucified on the cross for preaching the Gospel zvistky.Trapylos it in the Greek city Patrakh December 13, 1970 the year for Christmas.
Ancient records claim that the Apostle Andrew in the last missionary journey, preaching in the Black Sea, the Dnieper rises in Skyfiyu, visited the place where he eventually set Kyiv. Nestor the Chronicler relates: "You see these mountains, - the Apostle said to his disciples - in these mountains shone the grace of God, and be a great city and many churches will be built." There's Apostle set Cross.
Concerning some scientists spoke out against the truth of the chronicle story. It is very similar to the later insertion to chronicle. And, they say, whether the meaning of the Apostle raised in the sparsely populated mountains near the Dnieper River?
Chronicles the story of the Apostle Andrew, perhaps later to insert the oldest chronicle, of which there are many, but decorated in detail, it has a real historical basis. Important evidence of the assembled Greek Church, which conducted the long rivalry with the Roman authority. Contrary to the information about the foundation of the Western Church the Apostle Peter Greeks carefully researched biography of its founder Apostle Andrew. These studies suggest one voice that the Apostle Andrew preached the Gospel in distant barbarous Skyfiyi. First it mentions the father of church history, Bishop Eusebius Pamfyl (died in 340 year). Interesting is also the story monk epiphany, which reports that the Apostle Andrew during his third trip going east and north coast of the Black Sea. Epiphanius says that he visited these places and listened to all the local stories on the AP. Andrew firsthand churches, crosses, images of St.. Andrew, all he asked, collected and wrote down the names of students Andrew, who were the first bishops of churches that founded the Apostle.
There is information about the first Ukrainian Saints-Martyrs Inna, Rome and the corner which we remember on January 20. They were disciples of the Apostle. Andrew, born in Skyfiyi and taught and ohreschuvaly skiff. But the ruler of the barbarians seized and murdered them, having poured over the cold water. Annals says was furious winter and river pozamerzaly so that they rode. "This, of course, could be somewhere further north.
All of this suggests that the Apostle Andrew really believe gardening Christianity in Ukraine. The Apostle Andrew, of course, was preaching in our land, it is possible that our sailing and Dnieper. One can doubt whether he rose so high as to whether they visited Kyyevi.Hocha is quite likely. But recognition of the Ukrainian Church and the Church of the First-enough that the apostle Andrew was really on the Ukrainian land and our ancestors taught the Word of God. It is possible that in the time of the apostle Andrew Christianity never perevodylosya in us, but always had more or less the number of his supporters even before the official baptism in 988 Ukraine - Rus Prince Volodymyr.