Feast of the Holy Trinity. Whit
Whit Sunday (Pentecost) (Greek Pentekoste), one of the greatest Christian holiday that is celebrated on the 50 th day of Passover to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit and dedicated to the glorification of the Holy Trinity. The Orthodox Church - dvunadesyate great holiday. In the West, not the feast of Pentecost is called the Trinity, though closely associated with its veneration. In the XIV century. Holy Trinity in the Catholic Church was named Sunday after Pentecost.
Contents holidays
Pentecost received the Holy Name because the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles did in the Old Testament feast of Pentecost, established in memory of the Jewish people giving the Law at Sinai, it was celebrated in the 50 th day after Easter and was on the harvest and picking fruit, the first being sacrificed in the temple. On this very day, the 50 th day of Resurrection, when all students were gathered in one chamber, suddenly became a noise, like a sudden storm blew up and filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and every one of them lived. The apostles fulfilled the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-47). Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles opened dovershuyucha (?) A third person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the Triune God has reached perfect clarity and completeness. Event Descent of the Holy Spirit is the beginning of the Christian Church.
History Holidays
By tradition, the feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles set, but mentions of him contained in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 16:8, Acts 20:16) does not suggest that there is language about the Christian celebration of Pentecost. From Article II. no reliable evidence of the existence of this holiday. However, starting in historical sources III. Pentecost presented popular holiday. Thus, Tertullian Pentecost serves as a period of 50 days, and as a Christian holiday (On Baptism, ch. 19). On Pentecost as a separate holiday clearly says Origen (Against Celsius, VIII, 22). In the "Apostolic Decree» (III-V cent.) Commanded to celebrate Pentecost: "Ten days is Voznasinni fiftieth day from the first day of the Lord (Easter), so this day will be a big occasion, as in the third hour of the day Jesus sent a gift of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost celebrate a Week "(Kn. V, ch. 20). In IV. and evidence of Pentecost as a sacred period of 50 days, and as a special holiday become common in the church writers (Augustine, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian). John Chrysostom mentions the custom of decorating homes on this day greens, Gregory the Theologian - baptism of tradition on this day. From IV. came to us a detailed description of worship at Pentecost in the Church of Jerusalem that belongs to the western prochantsi Sylvia. Worship continued almost continuously throughout the day and consisted of a Tsilonichnoho vigil in church Sunday, two Liturgies (in Martyriumi and Zion) and lithium at Olives, in the church cave in Martyriumi in the temple of the Resurrection and Zion. All service ends around midnight.
The liturgical celebration
From the VII century. the earliest preserved description of rank Pentecost in worship of Jerusalem Canonarium (Charter) Georgian. This work has the same summer, described in Sylvia, and they are given three germ modern Poklonnaya prayers, read today on New Evening. In the Charter of the United Church of Constantinople (IX cent.) Is a full service work on the day of Pentecost for the Eastern Church. This is one of nayurochystishyh worship in a year, has the same features as the worship of Easter and Christmas.
Special added solemnity the feast of Pentecost the ancient custom of the Church do in this day declared baptism. In IV. Basil Poklonnaya prayers were made, read on New Evening, connected with the Liturgy.
Feast of Pentecost is a day and six days peredsvyatkuvannya celebration. The day after Pentecost, on Monday - a holiday in honor of Usesvyatoho True Spirit (Whit). Leavetaking Pentecost is the next Saturday after the holiday. On the day of Pentecost temples in ancient custom decorated with greenery and flowers.
Holy Trinity is called Pentecost because the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles held on the fiftieth day after Easter Sunday. Christian Feast of Pentecost, includes a double triumph: and the glory of the Trinity, and the glory of the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles apparently entered a new and everlasting covenant of God with people.
First day of Pentecost, that Sunday, the church dedicated mainly to the glory of the Trinity, and this day popularly called Troyitsynym day, and second, that Monday - for the glory of the Holy Spirit, from what is called a wind day.
Celebrating the Holy Spirit, the Church begins, usually the evening prayers on the day of Pentecost. This worship of genuflection read prayers supplications of Basil the Great, in which we confess our sins to the Father in Heaven and, for the sake of sacrifice of His Son, we beseech pardon, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ grant us the divine Spirit for enlightenment and strengthening of our souls, and, Finally, pray for the reposed fathers and our brethren, the Lord to rest in place, light blooming and quiet.
In celebration of Pentecost is customary to decorate churches and their homes with greenery - the branches of trees, flowers and most stand of flowers in the temple. Decorate churches and homes on this day herbs and flowers are, first, life-giving force confessions LIFE Spirit, and secondly - well his dedication shoots of spring.
Brief History
Glorious Feast of the Passover ends is less bright and a great feast of Pentecost. At Christmas and Resurrection this feast is one of the greatest feasts of the ecclesiastical year. Descent of the Holy Spirit is - like a crown and seal of salvation for mankind, that it wrought the Son of God. In the days of St. Pentecost the Holy Spirit himself anointed the apostles to preach Christ's gospel. In the days of Pentecost. Spirit born comes into the Church of Christ. Holy Spirit leads her, enlightens, sanctifies and saves in the way of truth.
Old Testament PENTECOST
Jews in ancient times annually celebrated three major feasts: the feast of Passover, the feast of Pentecost and the feast of tabernacles. The name of the feast is that it was the 50 th day after the feast of Passover, and the 50 th day of the beginning of harvest. Initially, 50 this was the feast of harvest and thanksgiving. In the day of the requirements of the law came to Jerusalem, the great mass of Jews from everyone, even from distant lands to thank God for the fruit of the ground and folding them in his temple sacrifice. In later times for the feast of these 50 as the feast of harvest, also joined the historical motive: anniversary of the law of God on Mount Sinai 50 th day after leaving Egypt.
The apostles and early Christians as the Feast of Passover and the Feast of 50 of these have used the Old Testament and arrested his name, because for them it was the 50th day after Easter, but gave him completely different content and meaning. The main motive of this celebration of 50 for New Testament Church is an event coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Hence, this feast has its name, Day of Descent of the Holy Spirit or Holy Day of Pentecost.
On Monday after the feast of 50 these, our Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Spirit. This is because the Eastern Church from time immemorial custom is to the next day to honor the great feast to those who carried out a major role in the day of the feast. Holy Day of Pentecost celebrates the same event outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, and on Monday appointed a special tribute to honor the Holy Spirit, God as the third person.
In themselves deserves Monday evening, which usually is not celebrated on Sunday evening, but now for Liturgy in the very near noon the day of these 50. The combination of evening Liturgy explains Fr. Dolnytskiy so that all present at the liturgy may participate in the Kneeling Prayers. This evening noted that in addition to other prayer has three longer sin of a prayer that they had to write St. Basil (+ 379).
From the official site of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Dates Trinity for several years: In the Orthodox Catholics 2000 June 18, 1911 червня 2001 June 3 June 3 Червня 2002 23 May 19 2003 June 15 June 8 2004 30 May 30 May Chernvya 2005 19 May 15 2006 June 11 June 4 Травня 2007 27 May 27 Червня 2008 15 May 11 Червня 2009 7 May 31 2010 May 23, 1923 травня