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Holidays and significant dates in July

Holidays and significant dates in July

July 1 World Day of Architecture

July 1st Day of Ukrainian Architecture

1 July 205 years since the birth of George Sand (1804-1876), French writer

July 2 Day of the State Tax Service of Ukraine

July 2 International Day for sports journalists

July 3, 1917 - Proclaimed the second wagon of the Central Rada

July 4th Day of court expert

July 4 International Day of Cooperatives (first Saturday of July (?))

July 5th Fleet Day of Ukraine (in the past - the Day of the Naval Force of Ukraine) (first Sunday in July)

July 5 Day of the sea and river fleet (the first Sunday of July)

July 6th World Day Kisses

July 7 Day prophet John the Baptist

July 7 Midsummer Festival (see also the books Garafiny Macs and B. Sapieha)

7 July 125 years since the birth of Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958), German writer

July 11 World Population Day

July 11 Day Chocolate

July 11 Deadline Petrova post

July 12 Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

July 12 Fisherman's Day (second Sunday of July)

July 12 125 years since the birth of Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920), Italian painter and sculptor

July 13 Council of the twelve apostles

July 14 Martyrs Cosmas and Damian

July 16 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine (1990)

July 16 Day Accountant

16-18.07 Volyn. The defeat of the Cossack regiments Maxim Kryvonosa Polish troops near the town of Jeremiah Vishnevetzkogo Starokostyantinoom (Khmelnytsky region).

July 19th Day of Metallurgists (third Sunday of July)

July 19 170 years since the birth of Edgar Degas (1834-1917), French painter, sculptor and graphic

July 20 International Day of Chess

July 21 110 years since the birth of Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961), American writer

July 23 Day of St. Anthony of the Caves, the chief of all Russian monks

July 24 Day ravnoapostol'noy Grand Duchess Olga

July 26 Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel

July 26 Day of Trade (the last Sunday of July)

July 28 Day Apostolic Grand Duke Vladimir (in holy baptism Basil)

July 29 160 years since the birth of Helena Pchilki (1849-1930), Ukrainian writer, folkloristki, ethnographer

July 31 Day of the system administrator (the last Friday of July)

International Day of Cooperatives

The first Saturday in July

In 1992 the General Assembly proclaimed the first Saturday of July 1995 International Day of Cooperatives (resolution 47/90 of 16 December). On this day, noted the century of the International Cooperative Alliance - the union organizations, estimated at 760 million cooperative members in 100 countries.

In 1994, the Assembly, recognizing that cooperatives have become an indispensable factor of socio-economic development and invited governments, international organizations, specialized agencies and national and international cooperative organizations to observe this day annually on the first Saturday of July.

In 2006, the festival falls on July 1.
Day of the Naval Force of Ukraine

Abolished the holiday. Noted in the first Sunday in July

The holiday was established in Ukraine Presidential Decree N 708 of 17 August 1996. The Ordinance has been determined: "Given the importance of the Navy as an integral part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to protect the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the decree and Novikov I hereby: Set in Ukraine holiday - Day of the Naval Forces, which is celebrated annually on August 1."

Appointment Day Navy on August 1 was due to the fact that on this day in 1996 held its first tactical exercises of the Ukrainian Navy, "Sea-96. Go to the teachings of six ships involved (Fr. "Sagaidachnyi" WEC "Olshansky," corvette "Lutsk", "Khmelnitsky," Vinnitsa, Chernigov), in exercises attended by President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine.

In 2006, for unknown reasons by Presidential Decree N 259 dated March 24, 2006 this holiday was moved to the first Sunday of July. The decree determined: "... in order to revive the national maritime traditions and taking into account the role of the Naval Force of Ukraine in ensuring the defense of the state ... "according to the Presidential Decree" On the Day of the Naval Force of Ukraine "dated March 24, 2006 № 259/2006.

Day Day of the Naval Force of Ukraine was abolished by presidential decree "On the Day of the fleet of Ukraine" dated November 18, 2008 № 1053/2008. Day and installed fleet of Ukraine.
Navy Day in Ukraine

The first Sunday in July

Workers holiday of sea and river fleet and personnel of the Naval Force of Ukraine.

The holiday is set in Ukraine "... to the revival and development of national maritime traditions ... "according to the Presidential Decree" On the Day of the fleet of Ukraine "dated November 18, 2008 № 1053/2008.

With the resumption of Navy Day in Ukraine were repealed Day of the sea and river fleet and Day of the Naval Force of Ukraine.

World Population Day

July 11

In 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) recommended that 11 July be observed as World Population Day.

Day of the metallurgist

July 15 (date to 2007)

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 187/93, of 03.06.1993), in the third Sunday in July as a professional holiday of workers of the metallurgical and mining industries.

International Day of Chess

July 20

For many years, since 1966, around the world on July 20 celebrating the International Day of chess. This holiday is held by a decision of FIDE - World Chess Federation (founded in 1924).

Name of the game comes from the Persian: Shah mat - the ruler died. Birthplace of chess is in India. There appeared in the V century predecessor of chess - a game chaturanga. At the Kiev Rus chess appeared about the IX-X centuries.

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Категорія: Other Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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