Holidays and outstanding dates in December
1 December World AIDS Day
Dec. 1 Day of prosecutors
December 1, 1991 the Ukrainian people the free will in a national referendum confirmed the Act of Independence of Ukraine
2 December International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 3 December International Day of Disabled Persons
Dec. 4 in the Temple of the Blessed Virgin. Third-Pure
5 December International Volunteer Day in support of economic and social development
December 5th Day of Statistics
December 6th day of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
December 6 Holiday Vélez (Ukrainian Grandfather Frost), the ancient Slavs
7 December International Civil Aviation Day
December 7th Day of Local Self-Government
December 7 Catherine the Great
9 December International Anti-Corruption Day
10 December Human Rights Day
11 December International Mountain Day
Dec. 12 Day of the Army of Ukraine
December 13th Apostle Andrew the First Called
Dec. 13 Day of charity (the second Sunday in December) 13 December International Day of Children's Television and Broadcasting (the second Sunday of December)
Dec. 14 Day of honoring participants of liquidation of the Chernobyl accident
December 14 355 years since the birth of the Apostle, DP (1654-1734), the Ukrainian military and political leader, Hetman of Left Bank Ukraine
Dec. 15 Day of trial
18 December International Migrants Day
December 19 Day Bar
December 19 Day South-South Cooperation of the United Nations
Dec. 19 St. Nicholas
19 December International Day for the poor
December 20 Militia Day
December 20 International Human Solidarity Day
Dec. 22 Day of Diplomatic Service December 22 Day Energy
December 22 Conception Righteous Anna of the Blessed Virgin. Prophetess Anna
Dec. 24 Day of archival institutions
December 25 Christmas on the Gregorian calendar (Catholic Christmas)
World AIDS Day
December 1
Proclaimed by the World Health Organization. Celebrated since 1988.
Day prosecutors
December 1
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1190/2000, on 02.11.2000, the).
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
December 2
Celebrated on the day the General Assembly adopted the Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons and Exploitation of others.
International Day of Disabled Persons
December 3
October 14, 1992 1992 on the basis of the UN Decade of Disabled Persons (1983-1992), the UN General Assembly proclaimed 3 December as International Day of Disabled Persons.
Introduction to the Theotokos
December 4
See on a separate page
International Volunteer Day of Action for the Economic and Social Development
December 5
Is celebrated annually by the UN General Assembly on 17 December 1985.
Day of Armed Forces of Ukraine
December 6
Celebrated in Ukraine according to the Decree of the Verkhovna Rada (№ 3528-12, from 10.19.1993), in the day of adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 1991, the Law of Ukraine "On the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
International Civil Aviation Day
December 7
Celebrated since 1994 on the initiative of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Day of Local Self-Government
December 7
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1250/2000, on 25.11.2000, the).
Charity Day
9 December (date to 2007)
December 13 The President of Ukraine decided to celebrate every second Sunday of December Charity Day.
Ukrainian President explained his decree that our society should affirm the principles of humanism and charity, to promote charitable activities. The decree was signed on the initiative of public organizations of Ukraine.
In 2007, the second Sunday in December, was the 9 th day, so this really necessary day Ukraine will celebrate only since 2008.
Human Rights Day
December 10
The decision to celebrate this day accepted December 4, 1950 5 th session of UN General Assembly. Celebrated on the day of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
World Day for Children's Television
December 11
Enshrined in the international market TV Children's Fund (UNICEF) in April 1994.
Day of the Army of Ukraine
December 12
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1167/97, from 10/18/1997 was)
Day celebration of clean-up of the Chernobyl accident
December 14
Presidential Decree of November 10, 2006 № 945/2006 "On the Day of honoring participants of liquidation of the Chernobyl accident" In order to adequately honor the courage, dedication and professionalism of participants of liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster and to support initiatives of NGOs and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine decides on a n a l I hereby: Set in Ukraine Day in honor of participants of liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which is celebrated annually on December 14, the day of completion of the sarcophagus over the destroyed fourth power unit of Chernobyl NPP. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko
Day of court employees
December 15
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1318/2000, on 08.12.2000, the).
Daily energy
17 December (date for 2006-year. According to other sources - 21 th or 22 th December 22 th December on the third Sunday can never be)
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 522/93, of 12.11.1993), in the third Sunday in December as a professional holiday of workers' power and electrical industries.
(With amendments introduced by Presidential Decree N 282/2001 (282/2001) on 04/25/2001)
In support of the initiative of workers and energy electrotechnical industry of Ukraine and decides on a Mr I hereby:
Set in the Ukraine, a professional holiday of workers of Energy and electrical industries - Day of Energy, which to observe annually on 22 December. (Ordinance, as amended by Presidential Decree N 282/2001 (282/2001) on 25/04/2001)
President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk
Kyiv, November 12, 1993 N 522/93
International Migrants Day
December 18
Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly (2000).
St. Nicholas Day
December 19
See on a separate page.
Advocacy Day
December 19
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1121/2002, December 2002). Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of 19 December 1992 was put into effect the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy". According to him, the Bar of Ukraine - it is a voluntary professional associations designed to promote the protection of the rights, freedoms and represent the legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens, foreign citizens, stateless persons and legal entities, to provide other legal help.
International Day of the poor
December 19
According to international experts, at the end of the 20 th century about a quarter of the world's population, ie a half billion people begging. In this regard, the UN adopted several programs aimed at poverty eradication.
The first programs to eradicate poverty started acting 10 years ago, but while the number of people living below the poverty line has not diminished.
United Nations considers poverty as "a state of prolonged involuntary lack of necessary resources to ensure a decent lifestyle." It means not only lack of money, but rewarding work, comfortable housing, access to good education and health.
Militia Day
December 20
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 567/92, of 11.17.1992), in the day of adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 1990, the Law "On militia".
Workers' Day archival institutions
December 24
Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1200/98, from 30/10/1998 was).