
1. Təqdimat Ukrayna istirahət, şəhər Yaremche [23]
2. Prezantimi i pjesës tjetër në Ukrainë, qytet Yaremche [23]
3. Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche [23]
4. عرض الباقي في أوكرانيا، Yaremche المدينة [23]
5. Aanbieding van die res in die Oekraïne, die stad Yaremche [23]
6. Aurkezpena Ukrainan gainerako, hiria Yaremche [23]
7. Прэзентацыя Адпачынку ва Украіну, горад Яремче [23]
8. Представяне на почивка в Украйна, гр. Yaremche [23]
9. Trình bày của các phần còn lại tại Ukraina, thành phố Yaremche [23]
10. Cyflwyniad o'r gweddill yn yr Wcrain, Yaremche ddinas [23]
11. Ներկայացում մնացածը Ուկրաինայում, քաղաքը Yaremche [23]
12. Prezantasyon rès la nan Ikrèn, Yaremche lavil [23]
13. यूक्रेन में आराम की प्रस्तुति, शहर Yaremche [23]
14. Presentatie van de rest in de Oekraïne, de stad Yaremche [23]
15. Παρουσίαση της υπόλοιπης στην Ουκρανία, πόλη Yaremche [23]
16. პრეზენტაცია დანარჩენი უკრაინაში, ქალაქ Yaremche [23]
17. Presentación do resto da Ucraína, cidade Yaremche [23]
18. Præsentation af resten i Ukraine, by Yaremche [23]
19. Ettekanne ülejäänud Ukraina linn Yaremche [23]
20. מצגת של שאר באוקראינה, בעיר Yaremche [23]
21. פּרעזענטירונג פון די מנוחה אין אוקריינא, שטאָט יאַרעמטשע [23]
22. Penyajian sisanya di Ukraina, kota Yaremche [23]
23. Cur i láthair ar an chuid eile san Úcráin, chathair Yaremche [23]
24. Kynning á hvíla í Úkraínu, borg Yaremche [23]
25. Presentación del resto de Ucrania, ciudad Yaremche [23]
26. Presentazione del resto in Ucraina, città Yaremche [23]
27. Presentació de la resta d'Ucraïna, ciutat Yaremche [23]
28. 介绍在乌克兰各地,市Yaremche [23]
29. 其餘介紹在烏克蘭,城市Yaremche [23]
30. 프레 젠 테이션 우크라이나의 나머지 부분, 도시 Yaremche [23]
31. Presentation of Ukraine ceteris civitas Yaremche [23]
32. Iepazīstināšana ar pārējo Ukrainā, pilsētas Yaremche [23]
33. Pristatymas Ukrainoje poilsio, miestas Yaremche [23]
34. Презентација на одмор во Украина, градот Yaremche [23]
35. Penyajian sisanya di Ukraine, bandar Yaremche [23]
36. Preżentazzjoni tal-bqija fl-Ukrajna, belt Yaremche [23]
37. Präsentation der Rest in der Ukraine, Stadt Yaremche [23]
38. Presentasjon av resten i Ukraina, by Yaremche [23]
39. ارائه تفریح و سرگرمی در اوکراین ، شهرستان Yaremche [23]
40. Prezentacja reszta na Ukrainie, miasto Jaremcze [23]
41. Apresentação do resto da Ucrânia, cidade Yaremche [23]
42. Презентация Отдыха в Украину, город Яремче [12]
43. Prezentarea restul în Ucraina, oraş Yaremche [23]
44. Презентација остатак у Украјини, град Иаремцхе [23]
45. Prezentácia zo zvyšku na Ukrajine, mesto Yaremche [23]
46. Predstavitev počitka v Ukrajini, mesto Yaremche [23]
47. Uwasilishaji wa mapumziko ya Ukraine, mji Yaremche [23]
48. การนำเสนอส่วนที่เหลือในยูเครน, เมือง Yaremche [23]
49. Sunum Ukrayna dinlenme, şehir Yaremche [23]
50. Bemutatása a többi ukrajnai városban Yaremche [23]
51. Презентація Відпочинку в Україні, місто Яремче [10]
52. ڈیمو یوکرائن میں باقی کی، شہر Yaremche [23]
53. Pagtatanghal ng mga pahinga sa Ukraine, lungsod Yaremche [23]
54. Esittely loput Ukrainan kaupunki Yaremche [23]
55. Présentation du reste en Ukraine, ville Yaremche [23]
56. Prezentacija odmora u Ukrajini, gradu Yaremche [23]
57. Prezentace ze zbytku na Ukrajině, město Yaremche [23]
58. Presentation av resten i Ukraina, stad Yaremche [23]
59. プレゼンテーションウクライナの残りの部分、都市Yaremche [23]

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Головна » Статті » Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche » 3. Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche

The pearl of the Carpathians are called Yaremche.

The pearl of the Carpathians are called Yaremche.

The pearl of the Carpathians are called Yaremche. Exotic landscapes, healing springs, remarkable architectural monument, a long and interesting history of the region, unique culture and language of sincere hutsuls did Yaremche most famous tourist attraction in the Carpathian region.

Accurate European town with its own customs and traditions, attracts yearly thousands of domestic and foreign tourists. The most magical place is the Falls "Break" on the Prut river, stone and rock Dovbusha unique separation on the right bank of the Prut River, beyond which can be traced a long and complex process of formation still quite young Carpathian Mountains.
Territory Yaremchanskogo City Council - one of the most important recreational areas and the Carpathian region of Ukraine as a whole.
City Yaremche with neighborhoods of Dora, Yamna situated at an altitude of 500 - 535 m above sea level. Yaremchanschina covers south - western part of the Ivano - Frankivsk region, occupying the central part of the Ukrainian Carpathians within the rock formations of Gorgan, Pokutsko - Bukovina Carpathians and Montenegro.
City Yaremche Ivano - Frankivsk region since 1977, is classified as urban regional subordination to include within it such settlements as villages and Dora Yamna. In addition, the territory of the city council owned Yaremchanskogo pgt Vorohta, Mykulychyn, Tatarstan, Yablunitsa and Polanica.
The city territory is 11,469 hectares Yaremche. The town's population 7,897 people.
The city has a customized relationship with other cities in Ukraine and abroad. Distance from Yaremche to Kiev - 590 km. To city - 210 km. To Uzhgorod - 275 km. To Ivano - Frankivsk - 65 km. To Ternopil - 200 km. To Chernivtsi - 125 km. To Warsaw - 530 km., to Berlin - 990 km. to Praiu - 900 km. to Budapest - 650 km.

Toponymy Yaremche
If you think about how to begin the story - let us turn to the science of toponymy. Many place names Yaremchanschini mediated by people's names, surnames and nicknames.
Scientist - the archaeologist Klapchuk M. (1920 - 1984) gave such an interpretation: the word "Dora" Turkic origin, which in Ukrainian means "door." Actually Dora - a door in the Carpathian mountains, cut through the river Prut between two mountain peaks - and Makovytsya Chernogoritsey.
Researcher Geographical Names of the Ukrainian Carpathians B. Lyashchuk believes that Dora comes from: "Dor, fight" - the place treated under arable by pulling out, pulling out the bushes, or stumps.
Expert in the ancient Indian language Sanskrit V. Kobilyuk explains the name as "that which divides and opens up."

Senior Researcher Yaremchanskogo Museum of S. Fleece believes that "Dora" - it's Easter, the holy bread. That is, in Dora was one of the oldest churches in the province and the Highlanders, of course, comes every week and on holidays is here to worship, as carried on Easter Holy Pascha - Dora. Part svyachenyh Easter - Dor gave to the poor. Easter put in a kind of wooden box - dorinnik.Hotya first written mention of the village of Dora, dated 1618 year, Academician Grabovetskaya noticed that such place names as a natural boundary and flowed Boyarsky can characterize to some extent, this population during the Galician - Volyn Principality (XII - XIII century).
Enough has been widespread interpretation that the city Yaremche comes from the first settlers Godovantsa Yarema, who settled on the banks of the Prut River, "won back from the mountains patch of land and started his own farm."
Interesting hypothesis is known Lviv orientalist, author of poetic translation into the Ukrainian language of the Koran, Yarema Polotnyuk (son of writer Irina Wilde, who had a villa in Dora) - a lot of names Huzulschina can be interpreted as a Turk. The word "Vorokhta" means "heavens", and "Yaremche" - "go back". With this name is a legend about the fear of Tatar - Mongolian before Carpathian impassable forests and courageous people and their return to the flat space.
The famous writer Pushik Stepan argues that the basis of name Yaremche lies the root of "u" - the word "Yaremche" means the arc, bow, they say, the river Prut arch hugging people.
But all of this version. Final argument about the name of the city Yaremche not. In one of the oldest log church, which was issued in Lvov, there is mention of a priest Michael Yaremnitskom, who was in parohom Yamne in the 60 years of the XVIII century, that is, before the official mention of Yaremche. It is possible that the church lands reached unoccupied seats just in the south - east of the stream p. Rod and people worked for the Church and for priests. Therefore, the name of the settlement would go to and from their father's surname Yaremnitskogo, as some say old-timers who "go to Yaremcheta" rather than Yaremche.
Yamna - the village that became part of Yaremche lies among the mountains in the "pit" (depression, hollow, round-shaped valley). Accordingly, it is influenced by the location.

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