
1. Təqdimat Ukrayna istirahət, şəhər Yaremche [23]
2. Prezantimi i pjesës tjetër në Ukrainë, qytet Yaremche [23]
3. Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche [23]
4. عرض الباقي في أوكرانيا، Yaremche المدينة [23]
5. Aanbieding van die res in die Oekraïne, die stad Yaremche [23]
6. Aurkezpena Ukrainan gainerako, hiria Yaremche [23]
7. Прэзентацыя Адпачынку ва Украіну, горад Яремче [23]
8. Представяне на почивка в Украйна, гр. Yaremche [23]
9. Trình bày của các phần còn lại tại Ukraina, thành phố Yaremche [23]
10. Cyflwyniad o'r gweddill yn yr Wcrain, Yaremche ddinas [23]
11. Ներկայացում մնացածը Ուկրաինայում, քաղաքը Yaremche [23]
12. Prezantasyon rès la nan Ikrèn, Yaremche lavil [23]
13. यूक्रेन में आराम की प्रस्तुति, शहर Yaremche [23]
14. Presentatie van de rest in de Oekraïne, de stad Yaremche [23]
15. Παρουσίαση της υπόλοιπης στην Ουκρανία, πόλη Yaremche [23]
16. პრეზენტაცია დანარჩენი უკრაინაში, ქალაქ Yaremche [23]
17. Presentación do resto da Ucraína, cidade Yaremche [23]
18. Præsentation af resten i Ukraine, by Yaremche [23]
19. Ettekanne ülejäänud Ukraina linn Yaremche [23]
20. מצגת של שאר באוקראינה, בעיר Yaremche [23]
21. פּרעזענטירונג פון די מנוחה אין אוקריינא, שטאָט יאַרעמטשע [23]
22. Penyajian sisanya di Ukraina, kota Yaremche [23]
23. Cur i láthair ar an chuid eile san Úcráin, chathair Yaremche [23]
24. Kynning á hvíla í Úkraínu, borg Yaremche [23]
25. Presentación del resto de Ucrania, ciudad Yaremche [23]
26. Presentazione del resto in Ucraina, città Yaremche [23]
27. Presentació de la resta d'Ucraïna, ciutat Yaremche [23]
28. 介绍在乌克兰各地,市Yaremche [23]
29. 其餘介紹在烏克蘭,城市Yaremche [23]
30. 프레 젠 테이션 우크라이나의 나머지 부분, 도시 Yaremche [23]
31. Presentation of Ukraine ceteris civitas Yaremche [23]
32. Iepazīstināšana ar pārējo Ukrainā, pilsētas Yaremche [23]
33. Pristatymas Ukrainoje poilsio, miestas Yaremche [23]
34. Презентација на одмор во Украина, градот Yaremche [23]
35. Penyajian sisanya di Ukraine, bandar Yaremche [23]
36. Preżentazzjoni tal-bqija fl-Ukrajna, belt Yaremche [23]
37. Präsentation der Rest in der Ukraine, Stadt Yaremche [23]
38. Presentasjon av resten i Ukraina, by Yaremche [23]
39. ارائه تفریح و سرگرمی در اوکراین ، شهرستان Yaremche [23]
40. Prezentacja reszta na Ukrainie, miasto Jaremcze [23]
41. Apresentação do resto da Ucrânia, cidade Yaremche [23]
42. Презентация Отдыха в Украину, город Яремче [12]
43. Prezentarea restul în Ucraina, oraş Yaremche [23]
44. Презентација остатак у Украјини, град Иаремцхе [23]
45. Prezentácia zo zvyšku na Ukrajine, mesto Yaremche [23]
46. Predstavitev počitka v Ukrajini, mesto Yaremche [23]
47. Uwasilishaji wa mapumziko ya Ukraine, mji Yaremche [23]
48. การนำเสนอส่วนที่เหลือในยูเครน, เมือง Yaremche [23]
49. Sunum Ukrayna dinlenme, şehir Yaremche [23]
50. Bemutatása a többi ukrajnai városban Yaremche [23]
51. Презентація Відпочинку в Україні, місто Яремче [10]
52. ڈیمو یوکرائن میں باقی کی، شہر Yaremche [23]
53. Pagtatanghal ng mga pahinga sa Ukraine, lungsod Yaremche [23]
54. Esittely loput Ukrainan kaupunki Yaremche [23]
55. Présentation du reste en Ukraine, ville Yaremche [23]
56. Prezentacija odmora u Ukrajini, gradu Yaremche [23]
57. Prezentace ze zbytku na Ukrajině, město Yaremche [23]
58. Presentation av resten i Ukraina, stad Yaremche [23]
59. プレゼンテーションウクライナの残りの部分、都市Yaremche [23]

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Головна » Статті » Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche » 3. Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche

History Yaremche

History Yaremche

Archaeological finds in the area Yaremche found a little bit. The work of the famous scientist Jaroslav Pasternak (1892 - 1969) "Stanislavschina in hoary old" we find evidence that in the village of Dora, in a mountain ravine on the Prut, found in 1874 by several different pieces of flint tools from nadbuzhanskogo syrovtsa. It was a so-called flint treasure, which certifies the links praistorichnoy Stanislavschiny the western Volhynia, then by Barter, who went from outskirts of Vladimir - Volyn along the river Bug, and Seret in Podnistrove and Pokuttia.

According to Associate Professor of National University of Carpathian. V. V. Stefanik Klapchuk, age at first archaeological finds from nearby. Dora is 40 thousand years. And from the time of the Mesolithic (11 - 7 th was because) there is concrete evidence of conversion of primitive man through this territory: in the old girl Bogorodchany area found articles obsidana, deposits of which are known in Transcarpathia, in the outskirts of the nearby Delyatyn discovered the so-called plaschanitskaya culture which is related to complex finds prevalent in Ponnonii.
In 1893, in Dora (Tract White Rock), found the treasure of bronzes (boilers and sword), which date from the age of 8000 years BC.
Active population Huzulschina held in princely times. This was reflected in the toponyms Yaremchanschini - Mount Malivo, drip Boyarsky (Dora), the village Mykulychyn.
Renowned historian Peter Lviv Siredzhuk in "Chronology oldest mention of towns and villages Galician Huzulschina" suggests the date of first mention in records with. Dora - 1618, Yamna - 1618 and Yaremche - 1787. Interesting was the symbolism of. Dora XIX - XX century., Composed of long Yaremche included: the figure of a lion who walks to the left (in heraldic). Lion is depicted with a raised left paw.
Noticeable trace in the history of the Ukrainian people left the Carpathian opryshkinstvo. Already in the late XVII century. on the outskirts of Dora and Yamny appeared Opryshko. In the unit of Nestor, who in 1618 managed to catch about gentry Delyatyn was a farmer from Yamny. The inhabitants of Dora and Yamny party members were squeaky and Pinta in 1703-1704 years. ; Gregory shingles (doryanin Kocherzhuk Semen, Semen Bayurak, Yurko Panchuk, Peter Marchuk) in 1734
Nice Ataman oprishkiv Olexa Dovbush often in the outskirts of Yaremche. In the village lived Yamna sister Dovbusha, and hence came his sister and nephew Paul Orfenyuk, where his followers maintain Pavel Stepan Dronov.
Dora was born a twin and continuer of Dovbusha Basil Boyurak.
After the death of Dovbusha (1745) Paul Orfenyuk created his own squad, but at the end of 1745 he defeated the Poles, and the opryshok killed in battle around with. Dovgillya.Doryanin Basil Boyurak, leading Opryshko, "shaking" the Lord in all the mountain villages. To his squad, particularly those belonging Babchuk, Stefan and Alex Ivanichuk of Yamny. In 1754 Vasily Bayurak was sentenced to a cruel death. Polish poet F. Karpinski, an eyewitness of the execution recalled that before his death asked the chieftain Bayurak mountain pipe, which played sad tunes Hutsul.
Under the rule of the Polish gentry and after the establishment in 1772 the authorities of the Austro-Ugorschiny life of peasants and Dora Yamny was extremely heavy. Hutsuls engaged in livestock, particularly sheep, arable land was not enough, it was necessary to perform primarily cash and in kind for public works. The peasants paid taxes in cash, rogovschinu, different contribution. Lack of arable land deprived the feudal opportunities to farm in the mountains, but because corvee played a minor role. In 1786, when describing the soil Dora says: "In the rural estates have never happened."
Often the peasants involved in the construction of a highway Delyatyn - Yablunitsa. Initiator and implementer of the structure was Stanislavsky elder Franciszek Kratter. His post he held from 1821 to 1833., Highway construction continued for several years, was completed in 1847. Not far from the cliff Dovbusha were several houses, and behind them hung a large rock on the highway, which stretched from Makovytsya, named "Stone Krattera.
Yaremche remember the first time in 1787 in the so-called Yosifinsky metric - the first land register Galicia - as priselok s.Dora. In Priselkov Yaremche (1787) lived in 7 families dorovchan: Peter Boyko, Ivan Gnativa, Theodore Savchuk, N. Stus, Gregory Stifuraka, Gregory Shtifuraka and Andrukh Halashnyuka.
In a separate village Yaremche stood out in 1895 after construction of the railway Delyatyn - Voronenko. In 1894 there was built one of the largest in Europe arched railroad bridge with an arc of 6.5 m, designed by engineers Stanislav Kosinski and Sharik Sigmund's theory of elastic arches based on the research of Austrian society of engineers in Vienna. Unfortunately, in 1944 during the Second World War the city was destroyed.

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