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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2010 » Січень » 13 » safety is during ekstrimu
safety is during ekstrimu

 safety is during ekstrimu

- What does need to be known and how to prepare to rolling on slopes? Above all things is experience of rolling. To begin to go for a drive out of routes, it is necessary to have a high enough level of rolling, especially on virgin soil and in the conditions of aggressive relief (narrow corridors, rocky appearances, steep slope). If a man has serious experience already, it is sure in the forces and prepares to the off-the-airway lowering, I insistingly would recommend carefully to learn relief of the future lowering - after a picture or from the nearby areas of slope. Then make an attempt go around the most dangerous areas...

Now about potential dangers. In the first turn it is «gifts» of weather. To go for a drive out of routes during a snow-fall or I would rain did not advise. Far greater pleasure can be got in fine clear weather.

Second danger - often mortal is an avalanche. For years my work and practice of rolling I formed clear enough rules. Will take the liberty to bring them over. It does not cost to go for a drive, if:

- plenty of snow fallen out for the short interval of time (more than two centimetres hour-long);

- goes or a strong thundershower passed;

- there was a considerable wind transfer of snow;

- it is the protracted cold and clear period which follows by intensive snow-falls;

- at first «cold» (below «zero»), then «warm» (higher «zero») snow-falls passed or vice versa;

- a temperature rose sharply (near a «zero» or higher);

- a temperature, close to the «zero», sticks to during the protracted period (more than days).

Will make an attempt explain, how to behave, if an avalanche climbed all the same. If you got in an avalanche, it is needed to operate quickly, without panic. you have one advantage before an avalanche: you moved on speed, and avalanche barely only began motion. Therefore take advantage of this advantage: you must sharply rev up motion (to ride steeply and straight downward), then by a declivous arc to go down in the nearest safe side. If a manoeuvre was not succeeded, make an attempt rid of all superfluous (backpack, sticks, pattens...) and remain on-the-spot stream.

What to do, when does appear under snow? Mainly, not to panic, it is needed to form a group, bending knees and closing a person hands. When an avalanche will stop, endeavour to fall out and move away snow from a person, creating an air-chamber. Your main enemies are panic, which takes away forces and hope, carbon dioxide which is selected at exhalation, and small supply of air. Getting out from such situation is possible. All depends on your desire to survive, certainly, your friends...

Dmitry STEFANOVSKIY, director of company Commandor, frirayder:

- Will talk about what clothes and accessories differ for hikes and rolling on the equipped routes from clothes and accessories for friraydu (material, cutting out, additional adaptations and others like that). On the whole, modern clothes for rayderiv are more free and more simple after a design, but here has a large degree of protecting from the whims of weather and contact with snow. The special attention is spared such elements, as a hood, cuffs, snow apron, device of ventilation, glove, mask. Defence of spine and helmet fully justify itself.

For ski-альпінізму and back-country is made very comfortable modern models of alpinist clothes. They are maximally easy and functional.

Except for a standard set - dressed, defence, backpack with maintenance - in large mountains, where the real avalanche danger is, it is accepted to have at itself a «dzhentel'menskiy set», which includes an avalanche sensor, probe and shovel...

Now a few words about surprises (risks), which catch friraydera. A most surprise is a shortage of skills, insufficient experience and insufficient physical preparation. They increase a risk to get a trauma and forever to lose a desire to go down virgin soil. Frirayd requires other technique and the far best physical preparation absolutely, than rekreaciyne rolling.

* Frirayd is as a morning in preschool - he is long expected and prepare daily...


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