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0977739122 - Любов

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Головна » 2010 » Січень » 23 » Rescue service
Rescue service

Rescue service

Short information does not pass all of specific. It can be only felt on itself. Unfortunately, and can and fortunately, the creative group of magazine «Carpathians» was not able in time to arrive in the settlement of Vorokhta, that to take part in these searching works. Not because of public-call agreement, was under a large question: whether rescuers will take with itself in the winter mountains of journalist and photographer without alpinist certifications. Givings a hope about experience in this case obviously not enough... Confess, that illustrations to this material are done on lessons, what rescuers arranged in the day (it is and such) off specially for our magazine.

...Consequently, anyway, and after time of searches tourists were. The wet and promerzliy personnel of Vorokhtyanskogo of avariyno-ryatuval'nogo point (ARP) even had time to arrive home two hours prior to New Year and to meet him in a domestic circle. And in general, how do the rescuers of Carpathians live and work? Will make an attempt look over nearer.

  rescue service

Michael Savchuka inferior (and not only) for eyes call Grandfather. In April a commander Vorokhtyanskogo ARP will be 68 years ago. If all of his ascents on Goverlu it is possible it was to register officially, a mister Michael implicitly would get in Book of records of Ginnesa - a number is approached to one and a half thousands. Those, who took part in ascents on the greatest Ukrainian top, probably, met a grey man with a portable radio transmitter in hands...

Usually do young tourists at the foot of Goverli on Grandfather look a bit depreciatingly - and where it an old man going? And he yet and calms are boys, weather of good, a sun lights, can go quietly. Or cautions, showing on a small dark cloud which can bring a serious thunderstorm with lightning. (Then on a top will be not only terrible, but also dangerously). Presumptuous young people later change a scornful relation on a large surprise and respect. When Michael Savchuk quietly out-distances a group half-way. So native highlanders walk - as though and at an easy pace, by the usual measured rate, without jerks and «perekuriv». Go simply. And tourists sometimes almost hurry at first, and then znesilyuyut'sya. If inexperienced, certainly.

Thus a mister Michael walks up Goverlu not only with large groups and to duty-bound but also for support of the proper physical form. Goes for a drive the winter on mountain pattens. (By the way, goes for a drive very well). Minimum one time per a week goes for nearby from Vorokhtoy Maguru (1288 meters). Talks that manages young boys and must look sporting. «Boys» indeed not deprived a health, there are sport masters. Work obligates. Michael Savchuk in youth also was a sportsman, jumped on pattens from a springboard. Then 14 years «Advance-guard» managed an uchbovo-sportivnoy base in native Vorokhti, one and a half years is sportbazoy «Ukraine», and from there went in rescuers. So «hurries» already 30 years Carpathians, searching and rescuing those, who sues for a help.

 Не to due to, and vsuperech

Vorokhtyanskiy ARP are six persons together with a commander, staff with a telephone on the third floor of adminbudinku in the center of Vorokhti, six portable radio transmitters, mountain equipment majority of which rescuers purchased on a market for the personal funds, and twentyfive-year UAZ-452В without petrol. No, without a fuel he, certainly, does not ride, that is why rescuers buy petrol also. These six men are responsible for the searches of tourists approximately on the half of territory which belongs to Yaremchanskoy of city advice. Somewhere so from 300 thousand hectares, that - for 50 thousands on each. They were able to get the last ettlings only through a court. Presently again there is a debt. Chekayut':mozhe again it will be to file an action.

To this year the salary of mountain rescuer made 900 hryvnyas - money, as for Vorokhti and government service, small and considerable. If they in time were paid. Then the rescuers of Carpathians submitted Chervonogradskomu (Lvov area) to mine-rescue detachment. Presently they from a mine (underground) were separated with diminishing of ettlings to 600 hryvnyas. Now to survive it will be quite hardness. True, did not they yet get a new pay-envelope - can and will not «cut» away? In fact that year already promised to shorten rescue service of Carpathians or not twice - abolished. It would be good, that changed a mind and this bout. Because, if for two-three rescuers on a district to leave, not pay a pay-envelope, not give petrol - will be, as from the «delom hands of samikh utopayuschikh». That, rescued, ladies and gentlemen tourists, independently. Experimental alpinists more frequent all and to rescue is not there a necessity, and here that will be with stray girls on heels and drunk young ekstremalami, which search adrenalin?

Suggestion acted rescuers to earn a money - to make an agreement with the proprietors of mountain-skier lifts and serve slopes. «Vorokhtyanci» a similar agreement with local kanatkoy was made. On 2 000 hryvnyas for a year. In fact there also amateurs regularly go down on pattens between fences. And «tea-pots» - it will with whom work. A year passed - there are not financial receipts. In addition, if a rescuer was on a duty day on a frost, and in the evening a bell acted with an appeal about a help - or «sporting boys» will survive searching works - nobody knows. Therefore, Michael Savchuk talks, rescue service of Carpathians exists «not to due to, but vsuperech», and he is probably right.


For years the practice a mister Michael conducted a lot of tourist groups and helped the sufficient generous amount of victims. Considers self-confidence and alcohol the most enemies of tourists. Exactly these factors, usually, result in difficult, and even tragic consequences.

«Pair of years that is why one Poland - two-meter graduating student of Warsaw medakademii - an avalanche covered. Warned. And he: your avalanche - to me for knees. Dug out quickly, a dog helped from a weather-station - found. A tourist was yet warm, but did not breathe already. His partner pulled through, move aside on 60 meters - it was driven.

From Lutsk all of rescuers of Carpathians searched one tourist day after a day whole month. Searches halted in the end. A body was found in May, when snow climbed... Obviously, he went one. Pidskovznuvsya, struck a chairman at a stone, lost consciousness and froze». To have a fellow and presently arrives to Savchuka. A mister Michael leads it into that place.

«With vodka is a whole problem. Go to Goverlu, as on a picnic, a «fuel» is carried backpacks. And «it» on visokogir’I does not take long. A man does not feel intoxication, does not control itself. And then instantly fells a man from feet. There were here somehow the Lvov boys. Went out on a top, dressed tuxedos and began «po-kozacki» to drink too much. Then and lay on lowering, who where fallen down. We barely pozbirali them, poprivodili to the comprehension».

«On our area of work much, because here is Goverla. In a weekend arrive a summer for 10-12 busses. Bring schoolboys. And teachers not only quite do not know mountains, yet and not able to restrain children. One group in general was brought by a driver, but not a teacher, not experimental tourist, is a driver. A boy was lost, we began to search, and the leader of group calms: they say, not first time lose children, all will be good. The same is needed!».

«Carpathians of disrespect not probachayut'. Hear voice by phone - ask for a help, and where are - does not know. Talk: look to the right - that see, to the left - that see? It is here needed well to know the district, think, to calculate...».

Disturb the rescuers of Carpathians and mass political ascents. A record is 17 thousand persons. Result - two lost, more than hundred trauma... Probably, and is holding meeting needed, but to what here Goverla?

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1 Mauricio   (13-11-20 02:22) [Материал]
The forum is a brthgier place thanks to your posts. Thanks!

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