Котедж "Карпатська тиша"
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Головна » 2010 » Березень » 4 » Hutsul dialect
Hutsul dialect
peculiarity of this work is the author's attempt to most accurately
reproduce the characteristic features of writing gutsulskoy
pronunciation. So
do not be surprised unusual spelling of words recognizable as the
differences in transcription of the same words - as in the dialect of
the Ukrainian language so much depends on the rhythmic phrases.
Meaning of words and phrases that are not found in any other talk of Ukraine, submitted in parentheses. However,
the text is not translated many expressions and back, which, in our
opinion, quite prochytuyutsya every attentive reader. Finally, the poetics of this story does not require verbatim translation. Sometimes you can trust the feeling.
Sho by Gazda great and glorious sitting yonder in rizhy (on meadow) PIJ Sinitsa. God, Wole your great. Choho neither was in him. Is лишь potyechoho (bird) milk yimu braklo and byrshe byhme night. Had total income, has tai - лишь to live, nothing'm neither grieve. Sho for the horses were in him, Lord. This is Fayne and disorderly, and sho volyvni and cows and goats and vyvtsyam account and neither was.
Yeku already had zhynochku wines, it is hardly the court now and find a pair. Takye then chyukitne (happy), funny, yekes hardeshyste (proud), but sho. To himself syetets (holy) uzdriv her, then she would have had her love. Veda (apparently) forgot to bidnyk for the keys of the kingdom view, the EC said prypovydka ours. I tell you sho to one hundred pairs postolyv zydrav, the second such would not joined together. Shovzhe you Andriychyk Us Podufaly (fit) was yyde. This was then honorove. Erstwhile
EC'm vyvberaye (odyahnetsya), then to yekiy myndryy (wise) opryshok,
then neither hoden dobichi to him ever in the world. Vberet'm
in kresanyu (hat) with blyehamy in poroshnytsi for belt pystolyeta
fatty or (inlaid), the belt knives nasazhuvani through plecha through a
(gun), in the hands Bartko (puffin) and retyzky (chains) only
potsorkuyut, whenever EC goes where. A yiho zhynka Katerynka, EC media are first told, this whole chyudo was to vboryv. But the EC'm vny love both, then neither can you even say s.
But nothing UNI'm so neither were designed, their EC ditochkamy. Tay
EC'm so neither cheer, nor rejoice because, when all three of the EC as
hlopchiky eye fell Andriychikovy - skapennyy (leaked) it, but all
fashion yiho even so zhahlo (difficult) said, the EC said.
says happened - EC byh neither had children, toby we vsyy age was EC
zavyezanyy because nothing byh neither asked, night like we had neither
pochomu. Sho would we bohatstva with mayetkyv who byh then left. And so the EC has its own dityna, their own blood, that is, to whom and I do. Then it is fun zhytye, because I see neither sho vmru for my zhytye leave'm here on earth. Koby
only media she dyzhdav with svoyov Katerynov otyh pitskalykiv their
(kids) vydity Gazda, then tohby byh nichim neither asked. Because
even though to ESA syubyna (sown field), or ESA work was FINE, and the
EC to let sy or sy Us dokinchyyy, EC sy she breakage, then disappear. It
is better to her, and neither was it so nobody Us zachipav, because no
one would circle her, neither losing chys (time), nor muchiv sy.
nyraz yimu talk: You saraku (poor - gently), nor saraku, for you are -
but so has smysy unadyla say - go to the same utuda otymy debryamy -
chornivamy and nayhyrshe mnye hryzut ototy fyrmanky (shopping trips),
sho you so love to walk into one of bryndzamy for Gore (in Transcarpathia). Now chysy yeki. Byh only one knows vydkyv can voryh (enemy) to тє attack, so nynadiyno, tie for you. Then I byh gone with those little children by herself. Hadash, who would'm sho Then pass Martial (fear), or shows. All would rozykraly, rospalobysy, rozletilobysy all our hazdivstvo, EC popyv kind of wind. I
would say to you total suffered'm thereof, because we have to live with
choho, nor should you not striletstva (hunting) or otyh fyrmanok of
bryndzamy for Gore. EC sho Where necessary, the byh pyslaly servant.
been able to tie yzterpity Andriychyk neither stop it once it hryzotu
(sorrow) - You hadash, organ, sho is polehko hazduvaty. Hazduvaty so hyrko, EC Stone hlodaty. EC to sy we lowered from Uusimaa to chyuzhi, th. Lehko like we stoyely. I must sy pozhuryty for himself of every. The truth you say, you sho lehko des utuda holovov polozhyty, but it will pass, you hadash sho Grizes not great. Myni she wants vmeraty'm neither, because I know that I'm master here. Here soby building, the EC hochyu. Where would I'm bothering minyety (change) zhytyem to death when I know sho sessions EC Poppy flower world. It briefly zhytye EC nyvelykyy dream. Tymut (ago) povyden'm zmahaty Every one of us (to fight) to afford here in this world can beat nicely to Us zhyel umeraty. For koby in this world myni was good, and that - and-Ga. I know sho is - no one there she was neither, neither came tai vytyv court. And for me - even though most there mnov (me) already rafts (fences) pydperayut then myni nonsense. I she young - only came to MI zlotnyy age, I think лишье soby nicely with tobov, organ, life.
Andriychyku, MI Sokolik and any hodnyy - neither time and will not yimu
dokinchyty Katerynka - koby you know when the inhabitants umeraty, toby
so. And so des тє voryh yzbavy zhytya, end of tie.
- I'm neither fight (not fear) the enemy. EC traffic (a meeting) for the wolf or bear, it'm with them every two obrehuyu (vporayusya). To
them I have knives, pistolyeta through, hotby hundred, then myni
neither fear - is proudly zachnetsy Andriychyk zhynky protect species,
neither is it to add the fear, the EC wine pydet tai kuda si prybary
(delayed). -
And like where mnye opryshky attacked, they fight'm neither, because
neither ever their zachypayu well with them zhyyu, then neither fear,
and she benefited from them have. No
matter how des sy trafyv voryh this, sho would konche on my zhytye
nasivsy and'm kind enough to defend him, then gave byh yimu vsyy our
possessions, only to vretuvaty his and yours and dytochy zhytye because
of our wealth to live without night Us worth. Neither substance gives zhytye lyudem, but people give svoyem zhytyem mayetkovy'm rozrostaty. The EC would we zhytye Us vzyely, and only the estate, we neither fear. We wealth yzrobyly tses (this), tai mozhym she and desit separate estates, only kobyh zhytye had.
time tie twice so neither a lyubuyuchisy EC holubtsyv (blue) pair
vorkota Andriychyk with Katrynov, then this, then it is because it is
neither and second (no one else) vihadav The one співаночку:
Since voluntarily dolem in this world
I neither nalyubyusy,
From Lihovogo dolev lekshe will,
When rozluchusy.
But in disaster fate
Neither Sand dies
Neither одний then fine chittsy (kvitochtsi)
Korotaye live.
Because the story is filed in shortened form, very briefly - on the content of the second part.
It was one of the hardest winters. Shortly before Christmas Andriychyk said Catherine, who must fulfill a promise i make to the Hungarian side bryndzu. Catherine is requested him not to go for small specter, but the word is the word. She gathered Andriychyka i way toward Judaea in the road. For returning because Chornogory, Andriychyk met a large group of Tatars ...
Th-ha. These probably going to fight our mountains. Otteper znyshshyut us for ever. Ozmut my lehinykiv (boys) of all three tie zhynochku my ozmut. Koby even though all in a pile. But Veda Byh know. Zaymut (taken) worlds, tsaramy. Matt is byduvaty - and mayetchik znyshshyut. These Veda probably durbasni (stupid) zablukalysy, EC chysom yerchye (lamb) hungered in Sigle (in enclosure) species of sheep. Tai mut (will) pass Veda oblige, abyh them out on a good way to Tai yzviv Zhyeby (current Verkhovyna). A sho will be'm doing on Zhyebyu, EC vny came, then fear. Nyraz I heard of them. Vybyut, vynyshyut all. Tai Veda and neither will be with me honey, just so, the EC Musa in boiling water bath (in boiling water). Shoby I yiden curve, the nonsense. Because then I die, my chylyada (spouse and children), tie all Hutsuls in otyh kychirah (populated mountain). Koby MIG yekos Council give them himself otoby very well.
varylysy idea, hadky tyzhki, chorni, EC neither time chorna cloud of
tuchev nasuvayet'm on nashi kychyri, torture so yiho heart sho Us MIG
even breathe. EC
were round him Tatars have blizenko, the EC has wines, sho them in
their hands, fell on the idea yimu odzero frozen Peden Dantsyzhom - i
lehonko yimu was at heart, so sy zasmiyev himself from sobov.
Now I have in hand, but now you and I in you hands - a pohadav
Andriychyk, EC Tatar obskochily yiho i yiho konyki with usyh bokyv, tai
ymyly in ruky.
Came all the Tatars to buy. Popryhonyly with sobov zhynky Voloshky (prisoners Moldavanka) and usyeki fences (prey), sho was taken by mountains. Andriychyk was funny, otyek (as) on weddings. Tatar
said yimu to bring them to the same Sytyy Zhabye at night, because UNI
dosvyta have to have Ryzdvo GET ukutani (had to cope) in Zhyebyu and
crop at angles.
- OK, I will bring you information, she sho to be Ryzdva ukutani - said Andriychyk Tatars hytro usmihayuchis.
In ryvnym, ryvnenkim polls Tatars'm rozkoshekaly (rozklalysya) in Dantsyshy. Andriychyk led them to ryvnu polyenochku, winter cover and said:
- Here you tie my budem nochyuvaty and vytak I will bring you the very Zhyebye.
Tatar heard of every Andriychyka for (around), because their wines'm afraid pyddav (like).
Andriychyk ESA species sho Tatars yiho very sluhayut, she was radniyshyy because of sho iho idea neither was empty. Tatar said Andriychyk to:
- Hyy, proud of my brothers, you she Veda Us nochuvaly in Montenegro. But neither is it anywhere nychlih. EC
ukreshe frost, then up to you eye sy zalupy and pritelyk-vytryk EC
potyehne - tai is neither your des trip, byda znayet where yekis
miserable - Ali our polonytskiy, bohatskiy, the EC skorchytesy kwacha,
tai freeze EC ... And she may well zaharchite EC (zahropyte), even small (wolves) and sy prysunut yekymos (kotryms) IS you spohanye soby teeth. Otymut
to us was neither fear naburte (naskladayte) yskriz around tseyi rizhi
ryvnoyi up to horbochky motsni fire (fire), and thus a range of one to
nohov and neither was where to cross. And here is s choho, gene kuda, Ada, yekih shtubyv and suharyv (bundle of sticks and logs). Only drive on to work, I tie you save.
for small chyes naburyla large fire round about odzera sho so nobody
would sy it was Eid, or view them, neither dystav out the fire. Every Tatar Thai she put round his ватру Budi, so sho for the whole fact odzeri burning fire.
zdoymyv shypku from head stoyechy, Mizsei Tatars in the very middle,
and fell to the ground several sontsevy zasyechuyuchomu, she wept and
prayed again tyhonko to the Sun.
- Dykuyu you syte big sho EU still mnye sokotylo (guarded). Dalosmy good idea, sho zhlazhu (destroy) zu impurity (impurity) Zee world. May little children in my care, zhynochku tie all Huzuls and ototy beloved mountain-kychiry sho EU so nicely lighted them. Because no tsyy slut or myni already byrshe Us vidity you great yesnoho, bright sun. But I sho one curve, then neither vylykyy fear, Ali hundredth second Ruthenian will live good. Not great, because myni already short chys ...
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