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Головна » 2010 » Березень » 4 » In kryshtaleviy temryavi
In kryshtaleviy temryavi

In kryshtaleviy temryavi

All heohrafichni opening on surface of the Earth, people have done. Each continent, sea, island has its own name and place of locator. "Bili spots" remained only in the mysterious underground world of natural labiryntiv. In Ukraine it Ternopilschyny of the cave: "Optymistychna (212 km), Lake (117 km), Crystal (24 km) and many others. Overall, the territory of the region have opened more than 100 caves, i annually updated inventory two or three new ones. For evaluations specialists, on the western Podillya rozvidana only a fifth of existing underground voids. It is easy to count - about 400 Ternopil caves await their "kolumbiv - speleolohiv.

Speleolohiya - science that is studying the caves, their origin, morfolohiyeyu, mikroklimatom and conditions of existence orhanizmiv. In Ternopoli more than 40 years, the club operates speleolohiv "Podolie» (www.speleotern.net). Club organizes expeditions in search of new hrotiv and caves all over the territory of the karst massif Ternopilschyny, conducts training, Environmental and rozviduvalni work. Each year, together with the regional station for young tourists and Borschivskym speleoklubov ternopilski speleologists investigates and sweep the cave "Crystal".

Narazi - the only cave in Ternopilschyny where the excursion route is equipped with corresponding lighting. Since the some visitors like to push papirets from chipsiv or flowers under stone or in the door well in stini, so that work always enough. I must say that not only speleologists traveling under the ground, but with pleasure dealing with other extreme sports - mountain hiking, etc. alpinizmom. Summer youth walking mountain trails Crimean storm vertykalni caves and canyons of Hungary, Slovenia and Romania, participated in competitions.
Gone - not returned

Cave "Crystal" deserves special attention: it not only fully available to to visit, but the oldest and nayvidomisha at Ternopilschyni. Located in the village of Lower Kryvche Borschivskoho area. The first written mention of the cave dates from the year 1721. In 1878 th "crystal" cited in kadastri on caves in the territory from the Carpathians to Baltiyskoho Sea Leon Rzhachynskoho.

At the beginning of last century publicity gained zvistka that local shepherds saw the hold on the Mountain Maria Divu. Came the Church Commission zi Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), which could not nor deny, nor the fact Confirm phenomenon Virgin. Nevertheless, they built a chapel on the Mountain, zvidusil z'yizhdzhalysya pilgrims, to pray at the holy place. Then i came trahichnyy case with one of the local residents. Peasant Karpo Music, which pryvydilos that pidzemelli is mother of God, gone into the cave. More nobody saw it. The search, which lasted several days were unsuccessful. Only after many years speleologists found human skeleton - perhaps it was the same i Karpo. Skeleton in pecheri preserved and hitherto in the hall with the appropriate name.
After the first World War to the entrance pidzemellya was wrecked, i only in the 1930's the cave began to investigate the Polish scholars. In those times, "Crystal" was the Most popular excursion by one of the caves on the territory of Poland. In 1941rotsi entrance to her pidirvaly NKVD, so that there could not get banderivtsi.
Investigation and excavation labiryntu that last and hitherto, vidnovylys in the year 1960. When the hands of Vladimir Radziyevskomu, kerivnykovi Ternopil Oblast Children's excursion-tourist station, got into the cave putivnyk Polish, a group of five decided MAN doslidyty it. But to get inside speleologists failed - entrance was swamped. Shepherds pidkazaly children-that is next to the course of other things pidzemellya. Thus, it was studied and drawn maps of the three caves. Today this expedition believed birthday Ternopil speleolohiyi.

The cave

Recently the club Podolie "won First Cup of Ukraine zi speleooriyentuvannya Rocky and poverty relief, which was held in" Kryshtaleviy. This victory was made possible due to permanent and persistent training. Perhaps our readers will learn interesting as speleolohiv classes take place?
Obviously, first you need to get to the bottom Kryvche мiжмiським the village with bus or car Ternopil. Usually, the team gathered near the cave is at the end of the day, spend nights under the earth, and actually begins the morning workout. Vhidnyy corridor in an enormous cave - almost kilometer. Course of twists like a snake, one must move carefully, sometimes pryhynayuchys to avoid bumping heads. Vkryti bezlichchyu walls of various crystals. Unfortunately, the excursion route walls deinde porubani "grief tourists" who want to make sure the cave kaminets in memory.

Zi ceiling hanging down камiння phantasmal forms. I looked carefully pidklyuchyvshy fancy, you can see the head of buffalo, giant eagle, stone bouquets of flowers. Small and narrow passages have to pull zhyvit to go. Hall Bril, by contrast, has veletenski volumes, even the ceiling is not visible, but on land are very large boulders, which can bypass a few minutes.

Near the Hall "Christmas tree" start branching in different directions. Once there put New Year tree, which prostoyali more than 10 years, losing only several hilochok. This is because i pecheri stovidsotkova Humidity permanent air temperature 9-11 ° C. Moreover, in neosvitlenyh galleries of the cave (which is more than 20 km) dominates the absolute darkness: if you do not include light, it is not visible even near the palm of their own nose.

In "Yalyntsi" clothes kombinezony and idemo to underground camp "Moscow". Room a little sleep if a large group, then all is not pomischayutsya, i have several people seek place in neighboring galleries. But first - Dinner. Table, dug in hlyni, furred камiнням i once clay is zatrambovanyy. At first glance, uncomfortable, but pryyemniy company and interesting conversation with a flying nepomitno.

Pidyom morning, breakfast, vvidna lecture. Sportsmeniv break on "dviyky, who have found all kontrolni points (MP), to mark their place on the locator and go back to camp. Couples are to start with intervals of three minutes. Time is limited, events take place a little confusion, but almost all the time come to finishu.

During the study found many of nevidpovidnostey locator, namalovaniy 20 years ago. Since the moment in the group is professional photographers, the shooting continued a whole following night. But in the morning - on the surface, the sun, i only nevelychki koloniyi local aboryheniv-bats provozhajut speleolohiv quiet squeak.

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