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"Карпатська тиша"

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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2010 » Січень » 23 » «Europe-Center»


   to preparation of this етно-фолк-фестивалю «smelled singed». Two months is too short space, to do everything in a quiet atmosphere, but organizers did some the work not badly.

Before participating star composition of groups and performers of etno-folku was invited in an action, that promised to collect the proper, no less power public. So it happened. Samobutni Serbians from Boban Markovic Orkestar, two inflammatory Lvov Georgians of Gorgishelli, reckless frankivska of Perkalaba, stylish Katya Shilly - only small part of participants, for appearance of which public, natancyuvavshis', brushed off on crowd of the tired out horse. It because «worked» to the end, the same as performers on the stage.

By the way, about the stage is went down in memory people for a long time. In it there was something unusual and mystic.

By those days Center of Europe was visited by a few thousand guests. It was decided to do a festival annual. New musical battles are in Carpathians not after mountains, but Rakhiv was hidden for them (mountains) and expects.

Opening day of Carpathians

   this festival of the folk applied art passed on September, 10-11, 2005 on the area of Sheptickogo in town to Ivano-Francovsk. Participants were become by both the known masters and those, who undertakes the first steps in the capture of handicraft. Approximately a half was made by the representatives of Prikarpattya. The second most delegation arrived from Bukovina. There were guests from the Zakarpatskoy, Donetsk, Kievan, Lugansk, Lvov, Mikolaivskoy, Odessa, Sumskoy, Ternopil'skoy, Khmel'nickoy and Cherkaskoy areas.

   it is possible it was to see works from ten of types of the decoratively applied art. Visitors with pleasure bought or the refined woven examined (authors gladly told about the wares) at least, embroidered, wattled, fretted, ceramic, glass, wooden, woolen et cetera things, which represent and Ukrainian tradition, and modern tendencies of dekorativno-uzhitkovogo art. And that especially interestingly, masters gave lessons, so-called classes of masters of folk trade all of persons interested: ceramics, lozopletinnya, embroideries and pisankarstva, vitinanki and v’yazannya, wickerwork of dolls-motanok.

A festival set to the work in the morning in Saturday of surmom trembit of orchestra from the Verkhovinskogo district under the direction of famous collector of folk instruments, musician Romana Kumlika, and in a resurrection completed appearance of band of triple musics. In an interval on the stage lasted show-program, competitions, jokes. A fair was accompanied music and songs.

The main organizer of opening day» of «Carpathians was become by Advice from tourism of region of Carpathians.

Terra Heroica - 2005

  З 7 for October, 9 an attempt to turn time back took a place in Kam’yanci-podil'skomu. More than 150 participants 12 military historical groups from Ukraine, Poland, Czekh and Russia took part in the first international festival Terra Heroica.

The main event of holiday was become by the reconstruction of assault of the Old fortress by the troops of Bogdana Khmel'nickogo in 1653 years. 75 kilograms of gunpowder, 30 explosive packages and a few metric centners of plain weapon, made after the standards of XVII age, were here utillized. The spirit of epoch was answered by not only the suits of participants of festival, reproduced from homespun fabrics after the fashions of dark ages but also domestic details - say, tableware and meal.

By the way, the fragments of assault will be utillized in a film «Bridges are cardiac», which during a month was taken off in town above Smotrichem. A producer Leo Karpov invited to participating in the film of Bogdana and Ostap Stupkiv and known after a film «councillor of the state» the Russian actress Amelia Spivak.

In the program of festival there were also appearances of equestrian theater «Scythian», sainted beer, athletic games and «Karaoke on an area». In the evening kam’yanchani and the guests of city saw a theatricalizing action «We are descendants of large heroes», the honoured artist of Ukraine Victor Pavlik, group of «Gaydamaki», and also Lvov spiritual theater of fire of «Resurrection», took part in which. A festival made off by a laser show from the Lvov company «Tekh-art» and festive feerverkom.

An attempt to conduct a military historical festival in Ukraine pretended must put beginning beautiful tradition. Next year Kam’yanec'-podil'skiy will invite guests on the reconstruction of events of 1672, times of Polish-Turkish war.

Dedication in geographers

  presumably, dedication of freshmen is in an action on the geographical faculty of the Cherniveckogo State university students-geographers. This mass measure is conducted already 38 years in succession.Dedication which usually takes a place in a natural boundary Lawns near-by the village of Vizhenko Vizhnickogo to the district is known the traditions.

The students of fourth course, which arrive into place of action preliminary, manage a holiday. Already near the busses of freshmen the changed clothes «guzuls» meet and overcome with them a route by a slowness 20 kilometres, full of surprises and adventures.

At first it is necessary to pass a symbolic custom, where a person is «stamped» students-novices the seal of geofaku and «confiscate» superfluous and heavy things before getting up. During all of hike, providniki-«guculi» force freshmen to sing songs and cry out original «krichalki». Certainly, there is an oath in the program - on knees, solemnly and ardently - on loyalty to nature (a text is read out by forest «nymphs») and on loyalty of geofaku and university (before the portrait of dean).

On the mountain pass of Nimchich of tourists hot tea expects with rusks. And yet are «cannibals» and «gipsies» which vorozhat' on a hand topographical cards on a future session. Here chetverokursniki arrange junior colleagues various competitions and relay races.

On lowering to the natural boundary of Protyate of stone a procession walks around «suicide-gallows-bird (led to student life) » of senior man. It is possible to examine rocks and a bit popraktikuvatis' in skelelazinni. On a ferriage across the river of the tired travelers the «aquatic» meets with the «family» and helps to pass to the far bank. Hungry and dirty girls and boys are entertained by «devils», accompanying them to the place of basic action near-by the stand of busses.

On a stand chetvertokursniki equip a camp and prepare a buckwheat cachou with greaves on a supper... At dark all, holding candles, going on a glade near-by the high decorated throne. Under the golosni appeals of the first course and bright feerverki goes down on a throne god Geo. He assigns each of groups of students. Only executing them, students are considered devoted. A ceremony is clamped divine drink - nectar (among students - by a «pigswill»).

A similar action, certainly, for a long time remains in memory.

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