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Yom Kippur (the Day of Judgement)

Yom Kippur (the Day of Judgement)

The tenth day of the Jewish New Year - Judgement Day (Yom Kippur) - the day of atonement of sins and the Supreme Court. This is the only day of the year when the Torah commands man not do nothing but analyze your actions and thoughts.

In ancient times, still stood in Jerusalem Temple, the Day of Judgement high priest performed the procedure of purification, was in the house, preparing to slaughter the sacrifice and bring it in expiation of sins of the people of Israel. Today the essence of ceremonies moved from the Temple to the synagogue, and sacrifice took place of prayer. "Opening Prayer" - Number lap, turned into a symbol of all holidays. It is pronounced three times, and sung aloud. No doubt that this has contributed a great tune that came out of medieval Spain.

In the Yom Kippur also read a memorial service, which today added two parts: the commemoration of Holocaust victims and those killed in Israel's wars for independence.

In 1973, the day the armies of Egypt and Syria made a sudden attack on Israel. Right from the synagogues and houses of their people went into battle, and roaring engines broke the quiet holiday. Many did not return. So old ritual forms filled new content tragic - loss and grief.

On the eve of Yom Kippur adopted eat "sharing a meal, after which until the end of Yom Kippur - strict fast. Synagogues are filled with people: come, even those who could not be there for a year, closed all the institutions, transport does not work, radio and television. The streets are not visible even private cars, but full of children on bikes, free-flying empty streets.

Judgement Day, according to Jewish tradition, concludes that each Jew receives a positive or negative assessment of their actions, and based on it - or damnatory merciful sentence. This is the day when it turns out, adopted or rejected the request for forgiveness of the highest court in heaven. Special importance is the "Ending prayer, which vyholoshuyetsya at sunset - after it had closed the gate as if mercy, which rises to the sky and request prayers of the people of Israel. Some use shofara sounds and audible call, which completes all the ceremonies: "Next year - in Jerusalem."

In 2006, the Yom Kippur is celebrated on October 2.

In 2007, Yom Kippur is celebrated on September 22.

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