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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Tu B'Shvat

Tu B'Shvat

Tu B'Shvat - the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month Sh'vat. In ancient times it was the last day of the tax year for trees that plodonosyly. Any fruit that mature after Tu B'Shvat, was assigned to the next tax year.

Today, Tu B'Shvat celebrated as the birthday of trees with the symbolic eating of fruits and active zdobryuvannyam barren land, planting trees. People exercise their environmental activities and express their desire to unite ourselves with nature.

Tu B'Shvat, New Year for trees, and celebrate with us. Jewish tradition marks the 15 th day of Sh'vat as the day when the juice begins to climb in trees, signals are transmitted awakening from winter slumber land, and indicates the beginning of spring. This mini-holiday is important for our assessment of nature and our attitude towards it. On Tu B'Shvat Jews celebrate the cyclical renewal of the earth: it is - a good time to evaluate the personal attitudes towards the environment.

The first mention of Tu B'Shvat we find in the Mishna (the assembly of Jewish laws, recorded in the II century AD), which reads: "... while 15 Sh'vat - new year for trees. Commentary explains: 15 Sh'vat most rain falls and the trees show buds. This day is called New Year trees, because it separates the harvest of one year from the harvest of another year. According to Jewish law, a person should divide "maaser" - "tithe" from the fruits of the Earth Israel, which he grew up, and be separate "maaser" the harvests each year individually.

In 2006, the Tu B'Shvat is celebrated on February 13.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
Переглядів: 666 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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