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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Pesach, Passover, the holiday that is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (Christian Old Testament), established in memory of the Israelites out of Egypt. Celebrated for seven days in Israel and eight days in the Diaspora, the beginning of it - on the eve of the 15 th day of the Jewish month of Nisan (falls in March-April). The first and last two days (in Israel the first and last day) - full holiday, but in the intermediate days are permitted to work. In reformist Judaism Pesach follows a period of seven days, the first and last day - the full holiday. Throughout the holiday eating Matsuo, symbolizing the unleavened bread that Israel ate in the desert after leaving Egypt (Ysh 12:39). Use of leaven, and even save it in the house is strictly prohibited during the Easter week.

An important part of the festival is "Seder, or ritual meal, held in the first two evenings of Passover (in Israel and reformists in the first evening only). During Passover Seder Agadi read the book containing the story of the Exodus from Egypt with comments and liturgical design, and also held symbolic ceremonies. Key elements Seder - Passover meal and the presentation of the Easter transfer - have biblical roots, but material Agadi and special ritual Seder largely derived from the Talmud, and some chanting Paschal Agadi - the later, medieval origin. Saturated symbolic release Pesach became synonymous with messianic expectations.

In biblical times Pesach celebration accompanied the pilgrimage to the Temple, sacrifice and eating of the Easter feast of the Lamb. Considering that in Pesasi have combined two ancient holidays - ranchers and farmers, in the biblical period, it has become synonymous with liberation from Egyptian slavery.

In 2006, the Passover is celebrated April 13-20.

In 2007, celebrated Pesach 10/03 April.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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