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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Головна » Статті » Свята України :: Праздники Украины :: Holidays » Religious Holidays

cHonoring the Cross (Christ First).

cHonoring the Cross (Christ First).

According to the sources of Christian theologians, this holiday was established in Byzantium in 1164 to commemorate the victory of Emperor Manuel (1143-1180) over the heterodox - Muslims. On the day of victory before the battle supposedly miraculously flashed - Renewed - Icon. Ostensibly in the same day, August 14, 1164, Vladimir prince Andrey Bogolyubskii slew gentile Volga Bulgarians. Therefore, in order to provide local character that obviously busy, no Slavic roots, holy, he gave the Rus' national treatment.

To celebrate the rites of worship were introduced output of the cross, walking with him through the streets and water blessing ceremony. On the morning church services to worship the cross was brought out and kiss and remember the baptism of Kievan Rus in 988, on the Dnieper: "O Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance, pious people won a victory for our enemies and give Your Cross preserve - Your community. "

Honored as seven martyrs - the Maccabees brothers (Avim, Antonin, Guri, Eleazar Yevsevon, Alim and Markell), and their mother Solomoniyu (or Solomiya) and their teacher Eleazar, who suffered for refusing to accept the pagan year and in 166 BC . e. accept martyrdom. Therefore holiday in Ukraine had received another name - "Maccabeus".

This holiday coincides in time and even cutting out the second honeycomb from the hive. Therefore it another name - Honey Spas. First honey carried into the church ordain (Honey Spas). Focus on folk traditions in the celebration of First Saviour, Maccabeus can read in books and Sapihy Harafyny Macovei.

Day Commemoration Cross, celebrated on 14 August.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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