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Holidays and significant dates in November

Holidays and significant dates in November

November 1 Feast of Svarog ancient Slavs

Nov. 1 Day of Social Workers (the first Sunday in November)

November 3rd Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

Nov. 3 Day Corps of Engineers

Nov. 3 Day Preschooler

Nov. 4 Day of Border Guards

Nov. 4 Day of the railway

Nov. 4 Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

November 5 the Apostle James, brother of the Lord in the flesh

6 November International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict

Nov. 7 World Day of Men (first Saturday of November)

November 7 Demetrius SATURDAY

November 8 Martyr Demetrius

November 9th World Quality Day

November 9 Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language

Nov. 9 International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism

Nov. 9 215 years since the death of GSSkovoroda (1722-1794), a Ukrainian educator, humanist, philosopher and poet

November 9 Venerable Nestor the Chronicler

November 10 World Youth Day (see also International Youth Day August 12)

November 13 120 years since the birth of Ostap Cherry (1889-1956), Ukrainian writer, satirist and humorist

14 November World Diabetes Day

November 15 International Day of immigrant (the third Sunday in November)

November 15 Day of Agricultural Workers (third Sunday in November)

15 November World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (third Sunday in November (?))

November 16 International Day for Tolerance (tolerance)

November 16 Day of Radio, Television and Communication

November 17 International Day for the student. See also the separate page.

Nov. 17 Student Day

November 19 Day of Hydrometeorological Service

November 19 Day stekloproizvoditelya

November 19 International Day of quitting (the third Thursday in November)

Nov. 20 World Children's Day

20 November Africa Industrialization Day

21 November World Television Day

21 November World Day greetings

November 21 Day of Archangel Michael (the patron saint of Russia, Ukraine and its capital city - Kiev)

22 November Freedom Day (Ukraine)

November 22 Day of Remembrance of the Holodomor and political repressions (the fourth Saturday of November)

November 24 Feast of the Goddess of Fate ancient Slavs

November 25 International Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women

26 November World Day Information

November 27 found the Nobel Prize (1895)

Nov. 28 Start of Advent

29 November the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

November 30 Feast of the ancient Slavs Kalita

November 30 350 years since the death of Daniel Vygovskogo (r.n.nevid.-1659), Cossack Hetman nakaznogo troops in a campaign against the Commonwealth

World Day for Men

1 November (date to 2008)

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 374/99, of 04.13.1999), in the first Sunday in November.

Day social worker

2 November (date to 2008)

The idea of celebrating occurred at the initiative of the last Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev. He was supported by the Viennese Magistrate, the UN Office in Vienna and other international organzatsii. Men's Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of November.

Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

November 3

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1215/97, from 31/10/1997 was).

Day Corps of Engineers

November 3

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1399/99, from 27/10/1999 was).

Border Guards Day

November 4

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 308 from 05.25.1992, the)

Railroad Day

November 4

Happy Railroader this date identified on the initiative of the Lviv railway. It was November 4, 1861, during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the territory of modern Ukraine - Lviv - the first train arrived, which was called "Yaroslav". In this sense, Yaroslav was international train. It connected to Vienna, Krakow, Przemysl and Lviv. Therefore, the passengers were free to reach any of these cities.

Railroad Day was celebrated before the first Sunday in August. His determined Stalin without reference to any historical event. And only a few years ago the railway of Ukraine received its professional holiday on a day that marked an important event in the history of the Ukrainian railway.

World Quality Day

November 9

Notes on the initiative of international organizations for standardization and quality backed by the UN.

Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language

November 9

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1241/97, of 06.11.1997), in feast day of St Nestor the Chronicler.

World Youth Day

November 10

Celebrated on the day the creation of the World Federation of Democratic Youth.
Can not fail to note that our site is one more holiday with a suspiciously similar name - the International Youth Day. Nothing is clear.

International Week of Science and Peace

November 11

Held at the call of the Special Political Committee of the 43rd session of UN General Assembly (1988) for a week, which accounts for day 11 November.

World Day for the blind

November 13

Celebrated the birthday of Valentin Hauy, a French teacher, who in 1784 founded in Paris, the world's first boarding school for the blind.

World Diabetes Day

November 14

Celebrated the birthday of Frederick Grant Banting, a Canadian physiologist who invented the hormone insulin

International Day for Tolerance

November 16

Proclaimed by the General Session on 12 December 1996.

Day of Radio, Television and Communication

November 16

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 667/94, on 11.11.1994, the).

International Day of No Smoking

20 November (date to 2008)

Celebrated on the third Thursday of November.

International Students' Day

November 17

Based on the World Congress of Students in Prague in 1946. More details are on a separate page. Although not do this without the contradictions that still need more thorough investigation.

Student Day

November 17

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 659/99, dated June 16, 1999).

World Day of immigrant

16 November (date to 2008)

Celebrated the third Sunday of November at the initiative of the national bishops' conferences.

Day of agriculture

16 November (date to 2008)

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 428/93, of 07.10.1993), in the third Sunday in November as a professional holiday of workers in agriculture, processing of agricultural raw materials, food processing, harvesting, water management and service enterprises and organizations of agroindustrial complex.

World Children's Day

November 20

In 1954 the UN General Assembly recommended that States implement the World Children's Day and celebrate it any day of the year at their discretion. 20 November 1959 UN General Assembly endorsed the Declaration on the Rights of the Child.

Africa Industrialization Day

November 20

Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly (resolution of 22 December 1989).

World Television Day

November 21

Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on Dec. 17, 1996.

World Day greetings

November 21

Celebrated since 1973. The idea of the day came from the brothers Michael and Brian McCormack from the U.S. state of Nebraska as a reaction to increased international tensions.

Freedom Day

November 22

2005 - the anniversary events of Orange November (2004), with a view to adopting the ideals of democracy in Ukraine, fostering a sense of national dignity of President of Ukraine issued a decree from 11.19.2005 № 1619/5005, the annual celebration of Freedom Day.

Day of Remembrance for Victims of Holodomor and political repression

22 November (date to 2008)

Celebrated in Ukraine by the Decree of the President (№ 1310/98, of 11.26.1998), in the fourth Saturday of November.
   President of Ukraine supported the initiative of NGOs, the Ministry of Culture and Arts, the State Committee for Religious Affairs, State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting, adopted a resolution to establish Memorial Day famine and political repression.
   First, the Presidential Decree of November 26, 1998 last Saturday of November was declared the Day of Remembrance of the Holodomor on the Decree of 31 October 2000 this day became known as the Day of Remembrance of the victims of Holodomor and political repression.

November 29, 2006-the year President of Ukraine signed a decree according to which the famine of 1932-1933 recognized as genocide against Ukrainian people.

International Day for the Eradication of Violence against Women

November 25

Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly (1999).

World Information Day

November 26

Proclaimed by the International Academy of Informatization.

Beginning of Advent

November 28

Advent ends on January 6.

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

November 29

Is celebrated annually at the call of UN General Assembly Resolution (1977) on the day when in 1947 the UN General Assembly approved a resolution on the partition of Palestine.

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Категорія: Other Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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