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Holidays and significant dates in May

Holidays and significant dates in May

May 1 International Workers' Day. Labor Day

May 2 150 years since the birth of Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927), English writer

3 May World Press Freedom Day

May 3 Day of the Sun

May 3 935 years since the death of Theodosius of the Caves (c. 1036-1074), Old Church writer-polemicist, St.

May 4 130 years since the birth of Mandelstam (1879-1944), Ukrainian and Russian physicist

5 May the International Day of Obstetrics

6 May Day Martyr George (George) George

May 6 Radunitsa. All Souls (the Orthodox)

May 8 World Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
May 8 Apostle and Evangelist Mark

8-9.05 days of remembrance and reconciliation to commemorate the victims of the Second World War

9 May Victory Day

9 May Day of Declaration of Robert Schumann. Celebration of the European Union

May 9 commemoration of the fallen soldiers

9 May International Migratory Bird Day (2 nd Saturday of May)

May 10 Mother's Day (second Sunday in May)

May 12, 1955 (1954) from the date of Ukraine (Ukraine) to UNESCO and the International Labour Organization

May 12 World Day Nurse

May 12 Day of the Holy Spirit Catholics

May 13 cutting off of Pentecost in the Orthodox (movable date)

May 13 160 years since the birth of the Peace Panas [Rudchenko Athanasius Y.] (1849-1920), Ukrainian writer

May 15 World Day of the Family (International Day of Families)

May 15 All Ukrainian Day of Families

May 15 150 years since the birth of Pierre Curie (1859-1906), French physicist and chemist

16 May Europe Day (third Saturday of May)

May 16 Science Day (third Saturday of May)

May 17 Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression

17 May World Information Society Day

17 May World Telecommunication Day

17 May World Telecommunication Day

May 17 Day of youth and children's organizations (the third Sunday in May)

17 May World Day of memory of people dying from AIDS (the third Sunday in May)

May 18 Day of Mourning and Remembrance of the Deportation of Crimean Tatars (1944)

May 18 International Museum Day

May 18 Day of Martyr Irene

20 May Day bank employees

May 20 Feast of the Virgin Mary Mother of the Church (Catholics)

May 20 210 years since the birth of Honore de Balzac (1799-1850), French writer-realist

May 21 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

May 21 International Day of Space

May 21 Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

May 21 105 years ago (1904) in Paris, established by FIFA, Fédération Internationale de Football

May 22 International Day for Biological Diversity

May 22 Day of St. Nicholas (Nikola Spring)

May 22 Day of the reburial of the Ukrainian poet, artist, thinker, Taras Shevchenko on Chernecha hill near Kanev (1861)

May 22 Feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord (for Catholics)

May 22 150 years since the birth of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), English writer

May 23 130 years since the birth of Simon Petlyury Vasilyevich (1879-1926), Chief Ataman and the President of the Directory of the UNR, the Ukrainian socio-political and statesman, essayist

May 24 Day of Slavic Writing and Culture

May 24 Day of Cyril and Methodius (see separate page on Cyril and Methodius)

May 24 The European Day of Parks

May 25 300 years from the date of destruction (1709) Russian Tsarist troops Zaporozhye Sech

May 25 120 years since the birth of Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky (1889-1972), aircraft designer and entrepreneur

May 25, 1975 birthday of Peter Mach (1934), Ukrainian writer

25-31.05 Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-

May 27, 1980 birthday GI Ivanichuka (1929), Ukrainian writer

May 28 Border Guards Day

May 28 Ascension Day (the Orthodox)

May 29 International Day of UN Peacekeepers

May 30 Day of publishing, printing and book distribution (the last Saturday of May)

31 May Day Chemist (last Sunday in May)

May 31 World No Tobacco Day (tobacco and tyutyunopalinnnya)

International Day of Families

May 15

In 1993 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution since 1994 on May 15 each year will mark the International Day of Families.

Made it to increase understanding of family issues and improve the institutional capacity of countries to address the serious problems associated with the family, based on a comprehensive policy.

See a holiday on a separate page.

Day of youth and children NGOs

The third Sunday in May

In order to promote children's and youth public movement in support of the initiative of NGOs President decided to establish in Ukraine's Day of youth and children's organizations, which is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of May.
Presidential Decree of June 27, 2008 № 599/2008

World Day of memory of people who died of AIDS

The third Sunday in May

Was first celebrated in 1983 in San Francisco (USA) on the initiative of those who are personally touched AIDS.
One of the signs of memory and solidarity with people affected by the epidemic, a red ribbon, which in 1991 was invented the artist Frank Moore (who died of AIDS in 2002).

International Day of UN Peacekeepers

May 29

In 2002 the UN General Assembly declared May 29 Minarodnim day peacekeepers. This afternoon is intended to pay tribute to the sacrifice and sacrificial devotion of peacekeepers, supporting services worldwide. It marks the fact that the UN made in various countries to alleviate the suffering and reconciliation of warring parties.

                             Y K A Z
                         PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE
                 On the International Day of Peacekeepers
     Given the significant contribution of peacekeepers in the maintenance
stability in various regions of the planet, and supporting decision
UN General Assembly enact and Novikov I hereby:
     1. Establish that the International Day of Peacekeepers
United Nations celebrated in Ukraine every year on May 29.
     2. Repealed Presidential Decree
Ukraine on 15 June 2002 N 555 (555/2002) "On the Day
peacemaker. "
 President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma
 Kyiv, April 30, 2003 N 374/2003

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Категорія: Other Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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