Anton Perezymnyk
January 30
Another name - Antonin Perezymnya. "Antonina Perezymnya - winter half. To this day, eager to end deforestation, tree while sleeping.
Prykmenta: running huge clouds of heaven, are drawn to the edge of the north - potepliye.
St. Anthony, whose memory vidznachayetsya that day - the Christian holy III-IV century. That is pokrovytylem cattle and healer of various diseases. In Serb Anthony and his brother Athanasius vshanovuvalys as a "plague" holy days celebrated their to avoid plague. According to Bulgarian beliefs, Anthony and Athanasius - take-smiths, who managed to catch the plague and link chains. In Slovenia, the hermit Anthony - the patron of marriage. Anthony of Padua in Polish - guard livestock from attack.