
1. Təqdimat Ukrayna istirahət, şəhər Yaremche [23]
2. Prezantimi i pjesës tjetër në Ukrainë, qytet Yaremche [23]
3. Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche [23]
4. عرض الباقي في أوكرانيا، Yaremche المدينة [23]
5. Aanbieding van die res in die Oekraïne, die stad Yaremche [23]
6. Aurkezpena Ukrainan gainerako, hiria Yaremche [23]
7. Прэзентацыя Адпачынку ва Украіну, горад Яремче [23]
8. Представяне на почивка в Украйна, гр. Yaremche [23]
9. Trình bày của các phần còn lại tại Ukraina, thành phố Yaremche [23]
10. Cyflwyniad o'r gweddill yn yr Wcrain, Yaremche ddinas [23]
11. Ներկայացում մնացածը Ուկրաինայում, քաղաքը Yaremche [23]
12. Prezantasyon rès la nan Ikrèn, Yaremche lavil [23]
13. यूक्रेन में आराम की प्रस्तुति, शहर Yaremche [23]
14. Presentatie van de rest in de Oekraïne, de stad Yaremche [23]
15. Παρουσίαση της υπόλοιπης στην Ουκρανία, πόλη Yaremche [23]
16. პრეზენტაცია დანარჩენი უკრაინაში, ქალაქ Yaremche [23]
17. Presentación do resto da Ucraína, cidade Yaremche [23]
18. Præsentation af resten i Ukraine, by Yaremche [23]
19. Ettekanne ülejäänud Ukraina linn Yaremche [23]
20. מצגת של שאר באוקראינה, בעיר Yaremche [23]
21. פּרעזענטירונג פון די מנוחה אין אוקריינא, שטאָט יאַרעמטשע [23]
22. Penyajian sisanya di Ukraina, kota Yaremche [23]
23. Cur i láthair ar an chuid eile san Úcráin, chathair Yaremche [23]
24. Kynning á hvíla í Úkraínu, borg Yaremche [23]
25. Presentación del resto de Ucrania, ciudad Yaremche [23]
26. Presentazione del resto in Ucraina, città Yaremche [23]
27. Presentació de la resta d'Ucraïna, ciutat Yaremche [23]
28. 介绍在乌克兰各地,市Yaremche [23]
29. 其餘介紹在烏克蘭,城市Yaremche [23]
30. 프레 젠 테이션 우크라이나의 나머지 부분, 도시 Yaremche [23]
31. Presentation of Ukraine ceteris civitas Yaremche [23]
32. Iepazīstināšana ar pārējo Ukrainā, pilsētas Yaremche [23]
33. Pristatymas Ukrainoje poilsio, miestas Yaremche [23]
34. Презентација на одмор во Украина, градот Yaremche [23]
35. Penyajian sisanya di Ukraine, bandar Yaremche [23]
36. Preżentazzjoni tal-bqija fl-Ukrajna, belt Yaremche [23]
37. Präsentation der Rest in der Ukraine, Stadt Yaremche [23]
38. Presentasjon av resten i Ukraina, by Yaremche [23]
39. ارائه تفریح و سرگرمی در اوکراین ، شهرستان Yaremche [23]
40. Prezentacja reszta na Ukrainie, miasto Jaremcze [23]
41. Apresentação do resto da Ucrânia, cidade Yaremche [23]
42. Презентация Отдыха в Украину, город Яремче [12]
43. Prezentarea restul în Ucraina, oraş Yaremche [23]
44. Презентација остатак у Украјини, град Иаремцхе [23]
45. Prezentácia zo zvyšku na Ukrajine, mesto Yaremche [23]
46. Predstavitev počitka v Ukrajini, mesto Yaremche [23]
47. Uwasilishaji wa mapumziko ya Ukraine, mji Yaremche [23]
48. การนำเสนอส่วนที่เหลือในยูเครน, เมือง Yaremche [23]
49. Sunum Ukrayna dinlenme, şehir Yaremche [23]
50. Bemutatása a többi ukrajnai városban Yaremche [23]
51. Презентація Відпочинку в Україні, місто Яремче [10]
52. ڈیمو یوکرائن میں باقی کی، شہر Yaremche [23]
53. Pagtatanghal ng mga pahinga sa Ukraine, lungsod Yaremche [23]
54. Esittely loput Ukrainan kaupunki Yaremche [23]
55. Présentation du reste en Ukraine, ville Yaremche [23]
56. Prezentacija odmora u Ukrajini, gradu Yaremche [23]
57. Prezentace ze zbytku na Ukrajině, město Yaremche [23]
58. Presentation av resten i Ukraina, stad Yaremche [23]
59. プレゼンテーションウクライナの残りの部分、都市Yaremche [23]

"Карпатська тиша"

Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Головна » Статті » Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche » 3. Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche

Ski resort is number 1 in Ukraine Bukovel.

Ski resort is number 1 in Ukraine Bukovel.

Spa European and World level. Pride and Business Card Ukraine this winter BUKOVEL. Winter Holiday - first of all relax. That winter, when the whole world covered with snow blankets, nothing reminds of the noise of everyday life. Contemplation of fabulous landscapes, nature trips, bright starry sky in a frosty night - so you will not see a rest in a different time of year, much less sitting in the office.

Better yet, add colorful fun relaxing vacation - winter sports. This combination - strong cocktail for the charge of cheerfulness and health for the whole year. This winter holiday can be called the most active, useful for the mind and body. It can give impetus not only in the new year, but in a new life!
It helps to choose a place to relax is to your taste. Ski resorts are described in their entirety: lifts, trails, hotels, restaurants, car rental. Supplemental information will help pick up the hotel in advance and book a room at a convenient time for you. It will be interesting to learn historical and geographical information about the selected place to relax and of course, with tourist facilities, which can be visited at your leisure. So you do not prohaynuyete a minute of your precious holiday! The average height of the Carpathian Mountains - 1200-1400 meters. Highest Goverla height 2061 meters, it is on Montenegro's spine, which divides the Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk region. Snow cover in the mountains usually holds about five months - from November to March. For ski tourism infrastructure development, which includes skiing lodges, resorts, hotels, restaurants and more.
Mountains are located in four regions of Ukraine: Lviv, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. The region also is conventionally divided into two parts - and the Carpathian and Transcarpathia. However, with the geography of the Carpathian region also include Ternopil and Khmelnytsky region. This is due to the fact that in the Lviv, Ternopil and Khmelnytsky regions are the picturesque mountain ridges of hills - and bore Tovtry (local name in Ternopil and Khmelnytsky regions - Medobory). Between bore Tovtry on one side and the Carpathian Mountains on the other runs the powerful waterway - Dniester. Thus, several similar terrain, is virtually devoid of plains and river network, which united the land around the Dniester formed the "small homeland" for the local Ukrainian population homogeneity of language, similar traditions, shared history and destiny.
History of land-Carpathian region multicolored in the distant past there lived Scythians, Sarma-ty, Thracians, Celts, Goths, Alans, Avars, Bulgarians and many other nations. These areas are populated mostly Ukrainian population in the XI century became the center of Galician principality, the end of XII century merged into one state with Volyn principality. Galicia-Vo-lynska state existed until the mid XIV century, later visited these lands as part of Lithuania, Poland, and in XVIII century were divided between Russia and Austria: the territory of modern Lviv, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions ceded to Austria, and the surrounding territory of Ternopil and Khmelnytsky regions were ruled by Russia. In the first half of XX century these same lands were redistributed between Czechoslovakia (Transcarpathia).
Bukovel located in the charming seleschi Palianyts'a within 27 km. the town of Kalush.
Prices of accommodation and meals in g.Yaremche significantly lower than Bukovele at the same level of service: comfortable cottages with modern bathrooms, refrigerators, satellite TV, tastefully furnished with new, original wooden furniture mainly local produce.
And to get to the very best ski resort in Ukraine of European class Bukovel is just 50 minutes by bus or 20-30 minutes by taxi.

How to get their own transport
Transportation of its own with all the cities of Ukraine you must go to Ivano-Frankivsk (except Chernivtsi and Uzhgorod).
From Irkutsk to Bukovel (110 km) through the city Nadvirna, Yaremche Mykulychyn village, Tatar.
There Bukovel is free parking

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Категорія: 3. Presentation of the rest in Ukraine, city Yaremche | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-02-06)
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