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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2010 » Січень » 23 » The winter
The winter

The winter

Mountain life is honest, there is not the least tint of parasitizing in him. In the survival there is nothing to depend upon achievements of civilization, this survival is needed kruglorichno to provide itself. To seat green-stuffs and fruit and look after a cattle, that not to die of hunger, provide firewoods, that not to freeze, to carry water for all of home necessities, but in winter often and for a cattle. Presumably, to due to exactly I do not have a sense this experience it is indignant to discuss a price increase on public utilities, and at the market never bargain with peasants which sell own gorodinu or chhanas.

Not so a long ago in mountains it is yet needed it was to spin wool and process flax for that to make itself dressed - my grandmother to beginning of 90th of XX age carried homespun shirts and zapaski exceptionally, think, somebody carries them until now. In early seventieth a mother yet bought «oil» (so in mountains named kerosene) for lamps which known my persons-negoryanam of the same the age unless from films or museums. But about museum-pieces in the mountain way of life it is possible it would be to write separately, as well as about winter child's entertainments, that only on the face of it little differ from child's entertainments in town or on a plain, about the features of purveyance of firewoods or kagatuvannya of green-stuffs and fruit, about winter washables and fonts and about much other vsyachini which this tart mountain life consists of.

Firewoods often saw by hand, dry is less than, than raw, that is why, kindling vatru, it is needed to chop cod or provide oneself old newspapers. Winter morning in vikhololiy for almost endless night usually to the wooden house a tooth does not get on a tooth. But about temptation to lie under a bedspread to the spring speech goes really in case if you already had time to make an attempt other, comfort life, - in consciousness of the real highlanders simply is such temptations of place. It is needed to go to feed and give to drink a cattle, and already potomu to prepare and breakfast part of which will serve as dinner itself, certainly, cold, because to kindle a fire till evening already nobody will be anymore. It is parallell needed to wake and viryadzhati children to school, if they are, and they are mostly.

   days in mountains are yet more short, than here and there. Women fill them v’yazannyam, by embroidery, weaving, arrangement of clothes, washable, cleaning up in a stable or barn, if it is the second half of the winter - getting of hay which a cattle often is not enough, transference of green-stuffs from kagata in exempt basement (what is named simply «ema», that pit) and similar things. In five darkles, time to begin to be «wrapped» - who thinks, that this word means very warmly put on, that very wrongs, because so for us name taking away of cattle. Preparation and consumption of supper takes a place, as a rule, already after wrapping.

Modern winter evenings in mountains are more short, than those which I remember, - presently there is a television set, if you do not have him at home - it is possible to go to look to the neighbours, it is normal. In the end, there is «Kiivstar» with favourable tariffs and, sitting after wrapping on a warm stove, it can someone call. If you yet molodiy-nezhonatiy, it is possible dark cold mountains to go on dance - distance in ten kilometres is overcame zavigrashki, even in nippings frosts.

In a day festive, - and such in mountains more than in any other place (original indemnification is for heavy week-days) - walk in guests to the relatives, neighbours and, certainly, drink, sometimes mercilessly. What it can be closed, unhardness to guess, because, unfortunately, drunkenness - one of powerful factors which unite Ukraine. However during a winter post and christmastides majority men-highlanders capable on abstinenciyu, which does them honour and does not deprive winter holidays, which last third of the winter, incomparable magic. Christmas is a decoration of mountain the winter; red row of kolyadnikiv, spilled in blinding snows, monotonous kolyada escorted by a hoarse mountain violin - for it to the mountains a lot of what probachaesh. <javascript:coolpopup('/images_06/6_085.jpg',80,80,500+16,389+43,'Карпати. Tourism. Vidpochinok','');>

Recently fallen to according to me, that I felt the flow of time very languidly, almost not realizing and being not afraid of his passing. Secret, presumably, in that I goryanka, and in mountains, as known, time flows considerably slower than somewhere. My internal clock until now is resulted on mountain time. For those fifteen years which I conducted there of age, little what changed around, unless trees grew up and to put, animals and people died, but basic, on what an eye decided daily, remained unchanging, naviyuyuchi an illusion which so will be always, nalashtovuyuchi consciousness on unchanging eternity. Those houses, those mountains, exactly the same, as well as ten years ago, road.

Two with a half kilometres of snow-bound, broken tractor gusenicyami of road is a daily way to school - during eight years also remained unchanging. And after twenty years - only one sad change: in my childhood the dense forest which presently did not almost remain grew on either side. But the new generations of schoolboys from our prisilka similarly overcome this in truth heavy way to knowledges. Especially heavy he in winter. In dints on the road from an autumn there is water, it is covered ice which at a bit more soft temperature is failed under your feet, and you wet feet, and already depending on the level of the student's honesty continue a way, and then dry feet near grubki in a class or, hiding gladness from that all went out so well, return home.

And until now sometimes, when does ice under feet appear already wiredrawn, and you are failed, it is very desirable to go back into cold mountain the winter, in childhood, home.?

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