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Головна » 2010 » Лютий » 20 » Olexa Dovbush and Its Treasures
Olexa Dovbush and Its Treasures

Olexa Dovbush and Its Treasures

Man with a legend

Due diligence Prikarpatskogo historian Professor Vladimir Hrabovetskoho folk hero legends i переказiв Dovbush appeared in front of our contemporaries as completely real person who lived and diyala in completely specific time. Working with archives of documents, particularly with so-called "Black Book", where zapysani proof in court interrogatee pobratymiv opryshky renowned professor Hrabovetskyy made naytochnishu Chronology and geography pohodiv Dovbusha in the years 1738-1745.
But the most documented facts with the life of legendary opryshky for people has always been enough. People need more information about your favorite hero i undertook to create his own biography, as a result of which, for three centuries, there bezlich legends, songs and переказiв, most interesting of which, of course, related Dovbushevyh skarbiv.
Although the researchers only povazhni niyakovo usmihayutsya on the proposal doslidyty ymovirnist existence opryshkivskyh skarbiv, but legends about Dovbushevi pyvnytsi and barns with gold zahovani from outsider's eye in the Carpathian lisah continue to bewilder the imagination. Sometimes people's orders surprisingly pereplitayutsya zi proof of historians, so perhaps the truth about Dovbushevi treasure lies somewhere between the middle of the legends and historical facts.

Looking skarbiv

June 10, 1895 the newspaper "Dilo" reported by that some old didok with Hungary pidmovyv farmers Guts Pistynya Kosivskoho povitu search Dovbushevi treasures mistseznahodzhennya which he allegedly is known. Zaintryhovani hutsuly took up shovels i, guided вказiвками old, dug up in several long noru sazhniv depth. Skarbiv then so i can not find. Subsequently, similar history occurred in the village Rozhniv todishnoho Snyatinskogo povitu. But these searches zakinchylysya avail.

Such shukachiv opryshkivskoho gold was enough in all times. Even more than in the Carpathians find people who tell chuti from didiv and pradidiv history of searches Dovbushevoho treasure. And geography is not confined to legends Gutsulschine where mainly acted with his sister Dovbush. The tale of treasures i can hear in Transcarpathia, i in Skolivskomu and Starosambirskomu Lvivschyny areas, and one of the legends, folklore was recorded even in the Romanian village of Lug (Hole la Tisa) Maramureskoho povitu.
Legends give their explanation of why Dovbush zakopuvav treasures of the earth. Opovidachi told that vidibravshy gold rich, Oleksa gave some farmers, and what remained sheltered. In addition Dovbusha nadilyaly property rozriznyaty pravedni hrishni and money. I when he zakopuvav unclean treasure, then put the curse on him. When gold was clean, the distaty able to anyone who needs that. Particularly in the village of Upper Rozhanka Skolivskoho transfer area exists that urochyschi slag shovani nechysti treasures, and Kryvim - clean.

Place shovku in legends are almost always associated with some remarkable feature of the landscape - The original stone, ancient, etc. Well. That once was considered a well-known sign of Ceyhan stone - a large rock with minted therein for sign-"revashamy. Verhovynski чоловiки once gathered to look under his treasures, but before the end of the case not proven. Opryshkivske wanted to extract gold farmer i zi Staruni Bogorodchany District diznavshys that Horoshivskomu box, on the Mountain Holytsi, Dovbush Prokop'yukovym hidden treasure under the rock. But when in mid 60's paved the way here, stone-ground oriyentyr pryvalyly.

In the region of Rozhnyativskomu tells a similar story but with a happy end. Paving the way to the bulldozer zsunuv Callback stone, which allegedly was made by the Dovbusha pomitka. Then from under the earth appeared trylitrove zi pot of treasure coins. And on the Mountain Kolystsi that near Tuholky Skolivskoho District mistseznahodzhennya treasures associated with the well from which the need for thirty vidiyty sazhniv on west i dig. But the most interesting among these was переказiв rozpovid peasant village with Havrylivky Nadvirnyanskoho district, which once recorded the famous folklorist and ethnographer Stephen Pushyk.

"It happened - rozpovidav summer Hutsul - held once Dovbush holidays Velykodni through Havrylivku. When the bells started to ring in the Church, opryshky decided not to go more, stopped, threw sakvy. Then dig a hole i buried money, which carried with them. That year Dovbusha killed, so he did not take away the treasure.
According to legend, to find a place where hidden treasures can be in the New Year night. Where buried gold has trychi blymnuty polovin (fire). They say that tamteshniy resident, called Nicholas, walking over potik Synynovets (Syniy potik) saw this flame. Vrantsi tried to dig gold i even saw the box, but rozverzlasya earth, i treasure disappeared hlybyni.

What says the Historical Sciences?

About life opryshkiv known quite a lot, particularly with those still svidchen that they gave in court Dovbusha brothers. I must say that the historical sources do not give pidtverdzhen nepomirnyh opryshkiv wealth. Finally, Dovbush never would be a popular favorite, if the purpose of his activity was prymityvne desire to enrich themselves. Vidibrani in bahatiyiv harchi, weapons and money were потрiбними Robin only to proisnuvaty during the Wild "partyzanky. Surplus zdobychi certainly prevented maneuver opryshkivskym detachment. Surplus or distributed to farmers, or just zakopuvalysya in the mountains. Yes, opryshok Paleychuk told in court that after defeating the noble court in Voskresintsyah they podilyly i prey every buried his share in lisah. After the attacks on Armenians in Kutskogo vidibranym gold did the same.

Another historic source states: "In Usterikah took the money, canvas, Vodka, kis 18, which are then buried in the ground. A twin Dovbusha Bayurak recalled how after Easter in 1745 to polonyni in Montenegro Dovbush vidkopav from secret place berberytsyu brynza i bochivku Vodka - photo made earlier. How many more such shovkiv left after a opryshky, i how much their prostoyali intact for centuries - it is difficult to say.
In summer 1744 held a march unit nayvdalishyy Oleksy Dovbusha consequence of which was getting Bogorodchany castle. Despite the fact that the fortress guarded zhovniry, not just ministers, opryshky vvirvalysya inward i got a huge booty. Later Voznya of Galician Grod, who came on a complaint Bogorodchany finance Shidlovsky, pidrahuvav that damage zavdani shlyahti amounted to thousands of zlotys. The castle is located skarbnytsi castellan Podlyanskoho master Kosanovskoho, paniv Romanovsky. In the archives documents recorded that opryshky zavolodily coins "tyleramy same, more or less at 2 thousand zlotys. How rozporyadylysya those treasures opryshky Dovbusha - remains a mystery. Known only the next zymivku Dovbush Baw in Montenegro, where even built themselves a stone hut.

"Gold" middle

Porivnyuyuchy historical facts, geography pohodiv Oleksy Dovbusha those legends which regulate opryshkivskyh skarbiv could lead to interesting vysnovkiv. Skazhimo, the tale of zahovani treasures in the Mountain and Mahuri Vilsi Skolivskoho area associated with the campaign of Dovbusha in October 1744 in Turku, where he demanded a ransom from the noble Kalinovskiy. Knowing habit opryshkiv leave vengeance in the Wild skarbiv shovkah, probably completely that there remains a certain fraction donyni. Many legendary places where the treasures are located, coincide with a reference point opryshkivskyh zahoniv used in different time were the outskirts Pechenizhyna, Bukovetsky mountain valley, mountain Stih, Yasinya.

Mysterious is the fate zdobychi, seized in opryshky Bohorodchany castle. Known that Bayurak said in court: "Since we Bogorodchany robbery departure tiyeyi most nochi back despite Solotvino Babche and in meadows. Path opryshkiv thus neodminno runs despite Starunyu village and mountain Golitsi. And it is there, on Horoshivskomu Prokop'yukovym box, under a stone, as the legend zahovani treasures. You can also assume that Bohorodchany gold opryshky distalysya to Журавлевої Klyvy far Huta. According to tradition, there is zymuvav Dovbush, but early last century, people saw that the place mysterious stone house.

But nayneymovirnishyy zbih concerning the legendary treasure in the village Havrylivka Nadvirnyanskoho area that was left in the year Dovbusha his death on Velykodni holidays. In the archives documents zafiksovano that in May 1745 opryshky Dovbusha did march on pivnich - despite Rohatyn on Shumlyany (now Lviv region). Returning from a raid, Dovbush stopped before Nadvirnoyu, has caused a stir in local bahatiyiv. In cities were styahnuti digit military forces, so attack Nadvirnu opryshky did not. It seems logical that avoiding peresliduvan, Dovbush really passed through Havrylivku. That I most interesting - in lehendi and historical hronitsi one i said about the same time!

Treasures Dovbusha - in England?

From the mouth of local krayeznavtsiv had to hear another Main page further doli skarbiv Oleksy Dovbusha. It is said that after the death of his sister drove Dovbusha Ivan Boychuk took part opryshkivskoho gold i vidviz him Zaporizhzhya Sich. On the money if those weapons were Cossacks. And later, when the hetman Polubotok vidvozyv zaporizki regalia to London, then joined them to shadow Albionu sailed and balances Dovbushevyh skarbiv.

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