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"Карпатська тиша"

Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2009 » Жовтень » 14 » Nature of our edge - Whew!
Nature of our edge - Whew!

Yaremche and region is located in the cavity of mountains, within the limits of Gorgan (mountains which have asymmetric slopes and sharp combs of mountains). Yaremche is located in south-west part of the Ivano-Francovsk area and occupies central part of Ukrainian Carpathians within the limits of the mountain formings of Gorgan, Покутсько-буковинських Carpathians and Chernogori. The heights of mountains hesitate from a 400 mcode to 1542 m. of Yaremche it is surrounded mountains zusibich: from a south and south-west spine of Yavirnik, westerly - Schivka, Montenegrin, Sinyachka, easterly - Makovicya.

On territory of Yaremchanskogo
krayu located national natural park of Carpathians, created on Junes, 3, 1980, in accordance with the decision of Council of Ministers of UKRAINE №376, has a national value and enters in the complement of the naturally protected fund of Ukraine. The area of park makes 50 495 hectares. Relief of territory of national park was formed during great while: about 35 million years that is why on this territory there was an ocean Tennis. Sand, clay, limestone, accumulated on the day of ocean, which after retreat of water petrified and under the action of natural external factors formed modern mountains.


 By the basic river which flows through Yaremchanskiy krae there is Twig. Headwaters begin on the north slopes of Chernogori on a height over 1750 mcodes above a sea level. Basic influxes of Twig - Prutec' Yablunickiy, Zhonka kam’yanka, Piga, Prutec' Chemegivskiy, Gomulec'. Annually on the river Twig there are international and allukrainian competitions from raftingu and amateur alloys on kayaks.


There are 3 waterfalls on territory of Yaremchanshini:
By a most waterfall on the river Twig is «Hooke» which is on territory of preserve near the settlement of Mikulichin.
A waterfall is «Hasp» on the river Twig is on territory of the second souvenir market. A waterfall falls a cascade.
On the river of Prutec' Chemigovskiy the waterfall of «Kaplivec'» falls not far away Mikulichina.


There are quite a bit sources of mineral waters on territory of Yaremchanskogo of region, in particular
khloridni, carbonate, sulfate, gidrokarbonatni mineral water as “Borzhomi”, “Narzan”, “Esentukiv”, “Arzni”. Carbonate гідрокарбонатно-натрієві is especially known and calcium water, so-called “Burkuti”.

 Sources of Yaremchanskogo of region:

 • Vorokhtyanske PONDV, apt. 10
 Yamnyanske PONDV, source
 of Tatarivske PONDV, source,
rekreaciyna area of «Rebrovach» (smt. Vorokhta)
 Source near a gramme. Pozhizhevska
rekreaciyna area «Goverla»
rekreaciyna area of «Rebrovach» (smt. Vorokhta)
 Yaremchanske PONDV (farmstead)
 Source, Yamna (near a route)

On territory of national park of Carpathians about 1100 types of plants are counted (54% all of flora of Ukrainian Carpathians). The basic type of plants of park of Carpathians are the coniferous forests, in particular fir-tree, and also silver fir white, pine-tree forest. Except for conifers the forests are widespread in a national park a beech, mainly in a river basin Twig.

The grass vegetation of national park is presented different trees, bushes and bushes, among the last a whortleberry, brusnicya, spindle, slanka willow, is widespread, nasel'nicya. Quite a bit types of plants, in particular korenebul'bistikh and bulbous is a snowdrop, bilocvit spring, saffron of Geyfeliv, it is brought to the Red book. Statistics testify to the following: from 132 types of higher vascular plants of Carpathians which are brought to ІІ edition of the Red book of Ukraine, 80 grow on territory of natural park of Carpathians.


The numerous amount of various types of living organisms lives on territory of natural park of Carpathians - from the simplest to the mammals. 48 types of mammals, 110 birds, 11 finfishess, are counted in a park, 10 amphibious, 6 reptiles, 32 representatives of fauna are borne in the Red book of Ukraine.
Most widespread in a national park is plenty of birds, rodents, something less than lives predators and Artiodactyla. Birds it is presented such kinds a bullfinch and
gorikhivka, kanyuki, wood grouse, is Carpathians, thrush, white spinal and three-falling woodpeckers.

From shallow mammals widespread: burozubka small, ordinary and alpine; kutori had, mise domestic and zhovtogorla, polivki dark, a squirrel is Carpathians, snow and small aquatic norici, broomrapes grey, forest and gorishnikoviy.

From Artiodactyla more frequent all there is a deer Carpathians, roe deer, wild boar wild. Rarer marten happen forest and stone, a badger, wolf, cat, is forest, lynx, otter and ermine and brown bear.

In mountain streams a trout is led brook. From amphibious often tritons happen alpine and Carpathians, a salamander plyamista, frogs - gostromorda and grass, from reptiles - veretil'nicya, grass-snake, grass-snake, viper ordinary, lizards. A national park of Carpathians is a natural habitat for some kinds and subspecieses of fauna.

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