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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 20 » Museums Yaremche
Museums Yaremche

Museums Yaremche

Cultural heritage, history and social life is vividly portrayed in museums Yaremchanskogo region. Each of them has its own exposure and specialization.

Cultural heritage, history and social life is vividly portrayed in museums Yaremchanskogo region. Each of them has its own exposure and specialization.
Ecology and Ethnography Museum of Carpathian region

In the museum presents a permanent exhibition dedicated and II and World War II: and leaders of OUN and UPA, and exhibited artifacts from the time of the Ukrainian liberation movement and activities of Soviet partisans in the Carpathian region. One niche presents ethnographic objects of everyday life hutsuls.
Previously, the museum called "The Regional Museum of liberation event", in Soviet times - the Museum of Partisan Glory. "

Address: Yaremche Str. Liberty, 269.
Tel.: (03434) 2-22-08
Timetable: from 10 to 18 hours;
Off: Monday
Metropolitan Museum of Andrew Sheptitskogo

The museum features a special collection-a collection of the priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the father of a missionary from the diaspora Jaroslav Svischuka dedicated to outstanding person in the history of Ukraine - the Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Andrew Sheptytsky.
The museum is located on the monastery Sv.Andrіya (priselok Dora).
The Museum has no clear timetable, because on the eve of visit should arrange a visit.

Contact: (03434) 3-33-99.
Ekoturistichny visitor center in Yaremche

One of the best in Ukraine tourist information center, built in 2008 with the support of the European Union. The center provides information of accommodation, food and tourist attractions. In addition, the center visit the exposition of natural objects and cultural artifacts of the Carpathian region, here is a gift shop and an electronic information kiosk, and the room with the most modern facilities for conferences and film screenings.

Address: Yaremche Str. V. Stus, 6
(Territory of the Carpathian National Natural Park)
tel.: (03434) 2-22-59.
Timetable: from 10 to 17, seven days a week.
The museum's collection of "Aryan tradition Gutsul" in Mykulychyn

The museum, private collection item Yuri Boberskogo - ethnologist Carpathian National Park m Yaremche. The exposition vividly portrayed objects of everyday life and culture of the Carpathian region, paintings and photographs that demonstrate the ethnological origin hutsuls. In addition to the exhibition features sacred Aryan symbols, as illustrated in embroidery, carvings, household items and decor of the church.
Review of possible exposure to a previous arrangement.

Contact telephone: 8 (03434) 3 92 69.
Museum "Ukrainian antiquity"

The museum exposition reproduces life of the XIX and XX centuries in several regions of Ukraine: Bukovina, Hutsulshchyna, Pokuttya and Boykivschini. In several halls are a variety of artifacts of culture and life the Carpathian region. In particular artefacts spinning and weaving, pottery, chests, exhibited rare books (tserkovnoslovyanskim, Latin and Hebrew languages), old photos of local people, paintings and icons on glass. One of the unique exhibits is the shackles of the Austro-Hungarian prison.

Address: Yaremche Str. Freedom, 325
Tel.: 8 (03434) February 12, 1917, Maria Medic.
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