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"Карпатська тиша"

Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2009 » Жовтень » 12 » Museums of our edge - interestingly you?
Museums of our edge - interestingly you?

A cultural legacy, history and public way of life, is brightly presented in the museums of Yaremchanskogo of region. Each of them has the display and specialization.

Museum of ecology and ethnography of edge of Carpathians

A permanent display, devoted And and to ІІ world wars, is presented in a museum: to the figures and leaders of OUN and UPA, and also artefakti is exhibited from times of the Ukrainian liberation movement and activity of soviet partisan in the edge of Carpathians. One niche is present the articles of ethnographic way of life of guzuls.

Before a museum was named «the Regional museum of liberation competitions», in soviet times - «Museum of partisan glory».

Address: Yaremche, street of Freedom, 269.

Tel.: (03434) 2-22-08

Graph of work: from 10 to 18 hour;

Weekend: Monday


Museum of metropolitan Andreya Sheptickogo

In a museum private collection-collection of priest of the Ukrainian greko-katolickoy church, father-missionary is presented from the diaspore of Yaroslava Svischuka, devoted a prominent person in history of Ukraine - to the metropolitan of the Ukrainian greko-katolickoy church Andreyu Sheptickomu.

A museum is located on territory of monastery of Sv.Андрія (prisilok is Dora).

A museum does not have a clear curriculum of work, that is why in eve a visit it follows to agree about a visit.

Contact telephone:(03434) 3-33-99.

Ekoturistichniy visit-center in m. of Yaremche

One of the best in Ukraine tourist informative centers, built in 2008 year at support of European Union. In a center give information of placing, feed and tourist atrakcii. Except for it the display of natural exhibits and cultural artefaktiv of region of Carpathians is presented in a visit center, a souvenir shop and electronic informative booth, and also hall, is here located with the most modern equipment for conferences and cinemashows.

Address: m. of Yaremche, street of V.Stusa, 6

(territory of national natural park of Carpathians)

tel.: (03434) 2-22-59.

Curriculum of work: from 10 to 17, without a weekend.

Museum collection is "Aryan tradition of Guculii" in Mikulichini

Private collection of p. is presented in a museum George Boberskogo - ethnologist of national park of Carpathians of mcode of Yaremche. A display is brightly presented the articles of way of life and culture of region of Carpathians, painting and pictures which testify to the ethnologic origin of guzuls. Except for it on an exhibition sakral'na aryan symbolism, illustrated in embroidery, screw-thread, domestic objects and church dekori, is exhibited.

The review of display is possible after a previous agreement.

Contact telephone: 8 (03434) 3 92 69.


A museum is "Ukrainian antiquity"

The display of museum reproduces the way of life XIX and XX ages of a few regions of Ukraine: Bukovina, Gucul'schini, Pokuttya and Boykivschini. The most various exhibits of culture and way of life of regions of Carpathians are presented in a few halls. Artefakti of spinning and weaving, ceramics, skrini is presented in particular, rare books (by cerkovnoslov’yanskoy, Latin and hebrew languages) are exhibited, old pictures of local inhabitants, picture and icon on glass. One of unique exhibits there are fetters from avstro-ugorskoy prison.

Address: m. of Yaremche, street of Freedom, 325

Tel.: 8 (03434) 2 12 17, Maria Medik.

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