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"Карпатська тиша"

Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2011 » Травень » 9 » Education

             There Yaremchanskoy City Council has 9 secondary schools where 3662 students. The total capacity of 5 preschool institutions is 420 beds, ie, per 1 thousand inhabitants accounted for 19.6, that in 2,3 times lower than normal. Retail Banking provides a home "Enlightenment", 7 clubs, 12 libraries, a museum, an arts school. The balance of urban education are 9 secondary schools, pre-school, the center of school activities, inter-school education - and production combined adminprymischennya. Almost all educational institutions are in good and satisfactory condition. Before the start of the school year held their current and capital repairs. These repairs are carried out by sponsors, parents, and the municipality. The good point is that the boiler overhaul done secondary school degrees village Mikulichina and heating systems in secondary schools and village Tatarova village Rohatyn. Thereafter it continues to build the third start of the secondary school № 2 degrees neighborhood of Dora, in a stage production of technical documentation for construction of school in the village Polyanitsya. During the 2002-2003 academic year in 163 classes - a set of 3662 enrolled students. To advance the interests and inclinations of children in their spare time were two out-of-office (TSPRDYU, YOUTH), in which students engaged in 1346. Professional training in MNVK covered 516 students of 10 - 11 grade schools, 21 of whom formed a group of six profiles. In secondary schools and village-III levels. Rest in with. Yablunitsa worked 4 classes of distance learning. In which there were 63 students. The region has preserved network of preschool institutions.
     Pre-school education reached 164 children who attend kindergarten in May, in which there are three nursery and 6 pre groups. In eight prishkolnyh labor camps and recreation centers 210 students. In one-day excursions and hiking tours in 2499 students participated 1-4 - and 8.5 x - grades. In the period from 05/05 to 19/05/2003, with the sponsorship money in children's village "Caritas" (p. Yablunitsa) was recreation 8 children - orphans, 26 children with minor families (semi), two children - and 13 disabled children from large and poor families. In March and June 2003 at the ICC "Artek" there were three children - orphans. The planned rehabilitation of 9 children - participants in the regional competition at the tourist camp "Hoverla in the village. 07/07/2003 Vorokhta of the year. To implement the regional program "Informatization zhalnoyi secondary education in the years 2002-2015" in May 2003 from the local budget has in the secondary school № 1 of degrees Yaremche new computer class. With the city budget allocated 25.9 thousand. In secondary school levels number 2 city Yaremche in 2002 acquired two modern personal computers. Valid computer class in secondary school degrees in the village Mykulychyn.
             Decision of the Executive Committee approved the program "School bus" in 2004 - 2010 years ".

[09-10-23][All for the tourists of]
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[09-07-30][Відпочинок за кордоном.]
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[09-07-30][Відпочинок за кордоном.]
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Категорія: All for the tourists of | Переглядів: 717 | Додав: vechervkarpatah | Теги: Education | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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