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0977739122 - Любов

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Головна » 2010 » Березень » 4 » Center Europe
Center Europe

Center Europe

For residents of the Carpathians question geopolitical choice not true. Burning unfounded believe that going to Europe does not make sense, and no inns uncle not pohytne this conviction. Why? It's simple: Europe around them. In the Carpathian Mountains near Rakhiv mark is the geographical center of the European continent.

To the place where the intersection of imaginary line between Lisbon and the Urals, Franz Josef Land and the Bosphorus, the Caucasus and the North Sea, or you can get from Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod or. Journey to the regional center Prykarpattya - more cognitive and malovnychisha because allows one route to combine a few.
Choose the car. Started with Prykarpattya way: through the foothills stop off in standard Gorgan, starting with Delyatyn and Yaremche overcome a system of high bridges, pidnimayemos Yablunitse to pass. Here, at altitudes of over a thousand meters above sea level, visit the restaurant "Golden Eagle" and wayside souvenir market. From there - leave in Transcarpathia. And we find ourselves in completely different world where the climate is different - more gentle, more mountains - not solid logs, and some slightly convex, similar to the female breast, and other agriculture farmstead, the other dialect. Kvasy, Rachel, business - we have in place.

Central Europe is located near the business, both sides of the road on Bychkov and Teresva. Beside the road means here - on the shores of the Tisza River, as roads and rivers in the Carpathian Mountains hold fast each other. Wild Carpathian landscape violates only railway bridge over the River inverted slope of 1413-meter mountain calvity.
Spire, set to indicate the geographical pupa of the European continent was called unexpectedly by one of the turns of the mountain road. A stone monument is set on a small area. Next - great pompez-on the ceiling. Near it - even one memorable character. This, of course, convinced that he is still here. However, the question arises: where is it?
The oldest and most conservative of the monuments was erected on this ground in the late 19 th century. Latin inscription on a marble board, said that there cross conventional lines that connect the most remote points on our continent. Determination of latitude and longitude of this point, which was considered the center of Europe, little more than a century ago, scientists conducted the Vienna tsisarsko the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

In some few meters rises another notch European Center. Stella - clearly socialist style. She laid in place in 70 of the last century. Obviously, the Soviet Academy of Sciences not too trusted calculations tsisarskyh astronomers and geographers, therefore, decided to move a little tag.

Along with these monuments is the third - set up recently in the first years of Ukrainian independence. Monument probably be seen as a unique expression of joy: they say, among the places of Ukraine is still is - promovyste and meaningful - as the geographical center of Europe.

Slightly above the memorials on the mountain slope, is a set of information tables. Brief message boards talk about Ukraine, region, Carpathian National Park, as well as the flora and fauna of the land. Just above them arranged place for tourists and travel - on the ground, hidden by a number of fir, beating a source close to him - a wooden gazebo.
Come to the Center for European and domestic tourists and foreign guests. This conducting official delegations from other regions of the country and abroad. However, foreigners Memorial there is still more. Passing Ukraine, they will certainly return there, where the real Europe.

Possession owner Raha

Rachel. "Gutsulsky Paris" - so named is a city resort before World tourists from abroad.
Rachel - the city between the Carpathian Mountains. From north to occupy Pryvododilni Gorgan, Svydovets rises in the west, northeast - Montenegrin Mountains and the south come Rakhiv mountains.

City of Tiso. Rachel Rica cut in half, and chained in granite, flowing parallel to the central city street.

Rachel - the most highest town in Ukraine. Lies at an altitude of 820 m above sea level. Between the lowest and highest on the streets - more than 500 m difference in height.
City elements. Meteorological observations show that in the most Rahova happens in Ukraine thunderstorms. During the year there almost 50 days accounted for by thunder and lightning.

Some day, September / October (probably a libra) 1447 is the date the foundation Rahova. While local investigators allege that the first written mention of the city was made back in the year 910.

Rachel - "land owner Raha. Six centuries ago it was a village in fourteen yards. The first inhabitants - hutsuly. Hunters, Sheep and beekeepers.

Less than a hundred recent years Rachel has visited five different states. Possessed him Rakoczi Hungarian and Austrian Habsburgs, it passed the Turkish conquerors and Cossack hundreds Severin Nalivayko. Messengers arrived from Istanbul. Each era has left its mark on the city streets - in architecture, in the names.

During the Austro-Hungarian town of Rahim became colonists. Germans, Italians and French came deep into the Carpathians to build a railroad here. Narrow These survived till now. As well as still living in Rahov grandchildren and their grandchildren to the builders.
Today Rachel - a multinational city. With 17 thousand of its inhabitants little more than half - Ukrainian (ethnic group - hutsuly), 14 per cent - the Hungarians, 10 percent - Romanians. And yet here live Germans and Russians, Czechs and Slovaks, Poles and Italians, Belarusians, Jews, Gypsies. On the streets you can hear a different language. However, the Ukrainian state owned all.

[10-03-19][Все для туристов]
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