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"Карпатська тиша"

Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2009 » Жовтень » 23 » Bank of the city Yaremcha - Money?
Bank of the city Yaremcha - Money?

A commercial bank "Khreschatik"

Address: m. of Yaremche, vul.Свободи, 264

Telephones: (03434) 2 12 61, 2 12 97, fax 2 12 82

Work hours: 9:00 - 20:00, at a stretch

Services: an exchange of currencies, reception of payments, money orders, maintenances of physical and legal persons, opening of current and deposit accounts, crediting, operation, is with bank metals

Savings bank, vul.Свободи, 260, tel. (03434) 2-24-70

Privatbank, vul.Свободи,268А, tel. (03434) 2-11-42, 2-11-37

Rayffayzen Bank Guarantee, vul.Свободи, 307, tel. (03434) 2-21-58, 2-21-57 Ukrsocbank, vul.Свободи, 264a, tel. (03434) 2-20-04 VAB Bank, vul.Свободи, tel. (03434) 2 24 95

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