The beginning of the Muslim fasting (Uraza)
Day 1 of Ramadan - a month is the beginning of Lent (saum) during the holy month of Ramadan. Lent during the month of Ramadan (po-pers. - Ramazan) is required for all adults, healthy, ritually pure people. Ritual purity (tahara) in Islam is very important, tahara means liberation from all that defiles. Those who accidentally broke the fast must fast after Ramadan for the lost days.
Fasting for Muslims - a means of curbing the passions generated by animal instinct (Nafsiah) in humans. During the fasting believer, focusing volitional effort is exempt from instinctive defects and improves a man's spiritual principle (kalb), thus if oblahorodzhuyetsya human nature. So fast, especially in the month of Ramadan is the best way to atone for the sins committed during the year. In Islam, unlike Christianity, there are no intermediaries between God and man, and no clergy in the Christian understanding that believers can forgive sins in the name of God. A Muslim is responsible to Allah for their sins.
Following 30 days of fasting in the month of Ramadan linked with references in the Quran that during this month Allah through the Archangel Dzhabraila bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad as a revelation of the Koran.
In 2006, the beginning of the Muslim fasting accounted for 23 September (Ramadan 1).
In 2007, the beginning of the Muslim fasting falls on September 13.