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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Maulid al-Nabi)

Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Maulid al-Nabi)

Birthday of Prophet Mohammed, Al-Maulyd naby This holiday is celebrated on 12 th of the month Rabi al-avval. Muhammad began to celebrate Christmas only 300 years after the emergence of Islam and, according to researchers, not without the influence of Christian tradition.

Since the exact date of his birth is unknown, Maulid on the day of his death. It should be noted that in Islam birthdays celebrated quite modestly, and sometimes not observed, while the date of death, usually treated as the birth of eternal life, imposed more solemnly.

The Prophet Mohammed was born in 570, after Christmas in modern Arabia. It comes from the Arab tribe Kuraish. Mohammed's father died before the birth of the prophet. Without the ability to keep the child, his mother gave Amen future Prophet of education to nomads. After she died, with 6 years of age, Muhammad lived with his grandfather, one of the local temple priest. All my childhood spent in the Mohammed family nomads who roamed the desert peninsula. With kindness and honesty mekkantsi little boy called Amin. Mohammed is the founder of one of the world religions - Islam. He told the Arabs and other followers of the true knowledge of faith in one eternal creator. His preaching helped in their time to unite the Arab tribes. 1923 Mohammed preached belief in Allah.

On the occasion Maulyda read sermons in mosques, prayer is common after Mohammed, distributed alms, Holiday includes recitation of Quran verses that praise Muhammad (mavalid). In some countries, held a solemn procession with lighted lanterns and torches, Muslims bear the image of mother Prophet - Amen.

In 2006, the feast of Al-Miladun Nabi falls on April 9-10.

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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