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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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World Family Day (International Day of Families)

World Family Day (International Day of Families)

May 15.

In 1993 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution since 1994 on May 15 each year will mark the International Day of Families.

Made it to increase understanding of family issues and improve the institutional capacity of countries to address the serious problems associated with the family, based on a comprehensive policy.

UN considers the family as the basic element of society, therefore, believe in the organization when trampled the basic rights of one family, is threatened all of humanity.

The word "family" comes from the root race "," race "that speaks for itself. "Family" refers to the seed and procreation, that is, birth and upbringing of children, which is traditionally considered the main purpose of creating a family.

The family was and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. With the family's life begins, here is the formation of his as a citizen. Therefore the union of the family and the state - a necessary guarantee of prosperity and welfare of its citizens. Family well-being will always be a measure of development and progress of the country.

UN Centre for the Family Day suggests that Day celebration at the national level will contribute to the submission of projects focusing on family issues for families, conferences and festivals.

No nation, no civilized society is not treated and can not do without the family. Family - is the cornerstone for every person and for each state. In our state, too, initially evolved traditions to strengthen family, relationships, parental responsibility for child rearing. After all, the family will live - will live and thrive Ukraine!

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Категорія: Other Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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