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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Andrew's Day

Andrew's Day

December 13

On this day, traditionally held on the boys and girls guessing about his future, going for this band in pre-conditioned house.

This method is used mostly guessing Balabusko - small buns. One of the girls, typing in your mouth water, bring it in house and pours in the batter. Balabushok make the number of girls and put on the seats of them in pairs - a "bride and groom. Then drop the dog into the house that same day still ate nothing. Woman whose dog Balabusko seizes first get married earlier than others. And if a dog Balabusko not eaten, then and girl get married this year.

Then the young people played different games, which also thought about the future groom. One of those games - kalety biting.

St. Andrew some researchers associated with Yadreyem. In "The Word of idols" (XII century.) States that someone else prays "and Yadreyu, and Obyluhe, and the cattle god, and fellow travelers, and lesnu God, and sporыnyam, and hurry."

In ancient times believed that Andrei Andrei wolves that gather in swarms. This postuyut days shepherds. It was thought that if a woman will work for Andrew, it will quickly get pregnant.

On this day, mice in the barn leaving a handful of cooked grain to the summer they do not harm crops.

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Категорія: Folk festivals | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-20)
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