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Головна » 2010 » Січень » 10 » Winter fristayl
Winter fristayl

Winter fristayl

Спортивні funkcioneri consider that by the center of development of fristaylu the navchal'no-sportivna base of «Zaroslyak» must become in Ukraine (smt. Vorokhta, Ivano-frankivschina). At the end of 2004 years, building of modern springboard, additional complex is here completed for all of directions of fristaylu, and also territory is taken for placing of audience.

Within the framework of the program II the Winter Allukrainian sporting games of 4.01 - 07.01.2005 on NSB «Zaroslyak» competitions will take a place from ski acrobatics.

From 25 to February, 28, 2005 on the navchal'no-sportivniy base of «Dynamo» (s. Slavske, Lvov) the program of Games is plan competitions from mogulu.

At the same time, the tournaments of fristaylistiv are traditionally conducted on the mountain-skier base of «Dragobrat», where also oblashtovano complex of springboards for the jumps of different complication. Competitions from mogulu annually organize in s. Tisovec' (Lvov obl.) and nearby mountains Bruise (Zakarpattya).

Переможці vsuperech

For today to support a high level Ukrainian fristaylistam uneasily. Most springboards now are not in the best state and suitable unless for beginners. On them it is possible to execute a somi only in two turns, and for large sport - it the stage is already a long ago passed. Without regard to unfavorable terms, Ukrainian fristaylisti show good results. Say, 26-years-old Stanislas Kravchuk from Mukacheva, took the fifth place on XIX winter Olympic Games in Солт-Лейк-сіті in competitions from ski acrobatics and became the best sportsman of Ukraine. And last year student of Anatolia Mazura first in history of Ukrainian fristaylu «flew» up on the pedestal of honour world Cup, more precisely on his third step. It happened in the Finnish township Hand at extraordinarily difficult weather terms to which not zvikati our ski acrobats.

...Fristaylistami does not give birth, but become as a result of daily laborious labour. Unlike most types of sport, in fristayl does not come in babyhood is a too large danger to get a trauma. As well as his most colleagues, Stanislas Kravchuk, before to become on a fristaylingovi ski, was engaged in a gymnastics. Began him sporting career far outside Ukraine - in the township of Chirchik in the north of Kazakhstan. With disintegration of the USSR a trainer Anatoliy Mazur and group of young sportsmen moved to to Mukacheva. «It was very hardness at first. We even wanted to return, - Stanislas Kravchuk remembers. - Lived in one room, slept on the floor. Sometimes a money was not even enough on a meal. Through a conflict with the of that time head coach of collapsible Ukraine Kostyantinom Danilovim we long not viizdili a foreign country on a competition. Not all reconciled oneself to with such terms. From seven sportsmen remained only two is I and Enver Ablaev. Three gave up large sport. And two Dimi - Maruschak and Arkhipov (in 2003 years became a world champion) - today protect the Russian colors».

 Фактор to fear

Life of Stanislas Kravchuka strongly changed since, as he with a porozhneyu pocket and heart, complete hopes, arrived a 16-years-old boy to Ukraine. But for this purpose it was him to make quite a bit pushes. It is imagined, far not everybody would consent daily to risk.

However, fristaylisti are the same people, as well as all, peculiar sense of fear them. And if someone will say from them, that for him knees did not begin to the tremble and not drying up in a throat, when he in the first time walked up a springboard, disbelieve. What then does force to take a step?! At first simply it is not desirable to be embarrassed before friends and begin to work reputation of coward, and in course of time ce becomes a drug from which hardness to renounce as though.

«If before every output on a start I thought that can happen something bad, if went in cycles on the traumas and paid a regard to pain,, probably, fristaylom would not zaymavsya already, - Stanislas talks. it is Other business, that it will be us to risk the health considerably more frequent than to our colleagues from other countries. We try to lose not a single case for jumps. If our competitors utillize time before competitions, that prizvichaitisya to the slope (every slope has the features), we - practice. In default of the proper terms for preparation at home it is the unique method though as to stick to at level. On the stage of world Cup in Canadian Ferin'e I forfeited for forcing of form. There was a strong snow-storm and wind in the back, and for jumps this naygirshe. During one of trainings attempts I lost an orientation midair: did not understand where sky is, where earth is. Fallen down, as a sack, by a person in snow and on some instant lost consciousness even. But about it did not say doctors. In fact, if they examined me,, probably, on the nearest week, and even two, would forbid to take part in competitions!»

Will mark that in Finnish Hand, where Stanislas Kravchuk extracted in a fight the first cup reward, weather terms were not far the best. But the organizers of tournament, in order to please sponsors to which through the translations of body it is not advantageous to abolish or vidterminovuvati competition, however gave participants «green light». True, for all was the general level of complication is some mionectic. «We were not compelled to go out on a springboard. But by the right on the waiver of participating in competitions so nobody availed. In general, we before every start sign a paper, which it is talked in, that in the case of trauma we will accuse nobody».

 На to one ski

Two years ago on a world cup 25-years-old Enveru Ablaevu quite a bit it was not enough in an order to be dragged as far as to the pedestal. To the finale of olympic tournament in Солт-Лейк-сіті of Enver did not force one's the way through, but got on the pages of the American magazines. On training during the last jump in Ablaeva one ski unstucked suddenly. Vikruchuyuchi midair intricate somis with pirouettes, a fellow already prepared itself to naygirshogo. But a miracle happened - he took a ground on both feet and even not injured. It appeared later, that this episode sfotografuvav one of the American reporters.

Lately sportsmen from former soviet republics all more frequent «jump» over on the official competitions of the transatlantic colleagues. It was climaxed on a last year's world cup, where victory was got by Russian Dmitry Arkhipov, a silver prizewinner was become by Byelorussia Alex Grishin, and Ukrainians of Enver Ablaev and Stanislas Kravchuk took the fourth and fifth places accordingly. And all of it - on the motherland of fristaylu in the township of Holes of Velli (THE USA). And when in 1971 in N'yu Hampshire (THE USA) there were the first competitions from ski acrobatics, on the walks of life of the former USSR this type of fristaylu was in the embryonic state. «And presently we, as a television set, - Kravchuk talks, - both we were included or eliminated; both we appeared on competitions or us there are not two years. So in large sport not done. It is needed all of time to «shine» on international starts, but not to skip them through the economy of money.

 and next year for us extraordinarily important. In fact we begin to work on an olympic prospect. From that, how we will conduct these two years, that, which our results will be in Turini depends directly. Preparation will deserve - there will be a medal!».

What is fristaylisti engaged in in summer?

In summer sportsmen jump in water from a springboard with artificial coverage. «In principle, it is even better, in fact a danger diminishes to get a trauma, - Stanislas Kravchuk considers. - Certainly, there are the inconveniences: vilaziti from baseyna in a ski equipment hardness».

Mortal number

On Olympiad in Солт-Лейк-сіті Cech Alesh Valenta got victory to due to because the successful executed «three somis with five pirouettes» is a jump which then obeyed not many. But a new era is in fristayli, despite the prognoses of many specialists, did not come so after it. Zeal of Valenti, which does attempts (sometimes successful, sometimes - no) to execute the «mortal number» and farther, in other fristaylistiv does not find mass solidarity. «Our type of sport and so travmonebezpechniy. At speed a 70 km is on a hour it is needed to fly up a sportsman on the height of four meters and execute the set of difficult acrobatic elements. Wind breathed not so - and you have problems already, - Stanislas Kravchuk explains. - to Go on «three somis with five pirouettes» - means to increase the degree of danger, which and without that very large. Does not think that this jump soon will enter in a norm for fristaylistiv».

 Фрістайл (free style, - angl.) - mountain-skier all-round which includes for itself mogul, ski acrobatics and ski ballet. Mogul have olympic status and ski acrobatics.

Mogul is lowering an uneven slope on pattens after maximally exact direct length to a 250 mcode with obligatory implementation of two jumps. <http://www.karpaty.net.ua/images_03/freestyle_06.jpg>

Ski acrobatics is two jumps from the special springboard with implementation of acrobatic elements.

Ski ballet is a figure-skating to music during 2-2,5 minutes on a slope long to a 250 mcode and breadthways 35 m.

In all three disciplines of judge estimate raising and complication, technical trade, and also artistry of implementation. Governed competitions were officially ratified Federation of ski sport (FIS) in 1978 year. The first world cup from fristaylu took a place in swiss Engel'berzi in 1986 year. On Olympic Games in Calgary (1988) of fristaylisti appeared with model appearances. In four years in Al'bervili was played off the first complete set of olympic rewards in moguli. In 1994 years ski acrobats joined to mogulistiv. The first olympic champion in this discipline was become by Lina Chiryazova from Uzbekistanu.

to name the date of birth of fristaylu sufficiently difficultly. It is considered that history of this type of sport in a that format, in which he exists today, begun with 1971 year, when in Нью-Гемпширі (THE USA) the first official competitions were organized from fristaylu. To this fristayl had commercial character: this was a requiring payment show, intended for holiday-makers in mountains.

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