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Головна » 2010 » Лютий » 22 » "Well, just condensed energy of oatmeal"
"Well, just condensed energy of oatmeal"

"Well, just condensed energy of oatmeal"

From Natalia Karpiuk

This is a very good thing. First of all, delicious. Second, nutritional. We boil it to "pidzaryadytysya" long before the transition, before the storm peaks, if you want somewhere quickly "run up" and will not be time to stop for lunch. Therefore, this breakfast. "Catch" six hours - you do not want to eat, only drink. So many cook tea - do not drink, take with you.
We call this dish "for oatmeal zhuschentsi.

Take grits "Hercules", or any, but it is better to fast cooking. At five people - three-liter pot. Boiling water, throw a pinch of salt, porridge vsypayemo (proportion of grains and water "home" - a glass to two) and let yourself bulkaye. When almost ready, there lavish bank condensed milk (you and two - is at an amateur), fold and remove from heat. Just eat. Sometimes dokydayemo porridge in raisins, prunes, dried apricots.

While people vylyzuyut packaging, making tea. We love the "forest" - scalded it (any kind of black) with leaves and young pussy blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. Not tsukruyemo! Then slowly vidliplyuyemosya the place and starts. Principal in the first ten minutes, when it is happy surfeit of laziness and win themselves - up and go. For the next ten minutes to physically feel the energy all kilokaloriyi become - well, just condensed energy oatmeal.
"Sushit potato!"

John Yakubovich

Course menu plans for long passages. Suitable all meals, which are in the market, even those that are not very yidyatsya home - fine and yachneva. Taken from the calculation: at once - 75 grams of dry cereals per person. Corn and millet porridge navaryuyutsya more missing 60 grams each. Beans, peas - zvechora Dampen the morning dia. Oil'm not. Better to stew: half of banks zvechora tossed in the fire, the rest - in the morning. Salo, of course. Yes to cracklings with Tsibulko to porridge. Potatoes - to stew. That's just about it.
Potatoes difficult, hard to bear, many do not take a backpack. Therefore, it should be dry. Boil potatoes in an old home uniforms - no salt, almost ready. Clean and cuts on a piece. What zahrubi? In about half a centimeter. Plyasterky is by Deco and - in the oven. Fire average. Sushi to light brown. Yes, that potato was the "call". When it poskladaty in the bank and shake the glass vessel, the potato chatterbox. By the way, in a jar she may have gone bad year. As we go into the mountains, translate it into linen bag (glass banok in campaign better to avoid).

Dried potatoes are very light, it can take many and many of her cook. What exactly? Foremost zupy (soups - auth.) Various stew - potato stew with onions, stew, bacon. Zupu always boil for dinner - mostly packages and briquettes. Fluid hot meal after the day of transition badly needed - the person loses fluid, it should compensate. When the pot boiling the water, throwing a handful of dried baraboli - slightly less than at home zupu. Boil five minutes out. During this time the potatoes and swelling is normal boiled, but very good. Then vsypayemo package zupy, dovaryuyemo for his instruction. Take the spoon.
There is a dessert. Way to collect berries in pot and pour condensed milk bank there. To tea or coffee. I recommend!
"Divine sausages"

From Alexander Ivashchenko

What is special can be found in the campaign, which does not have at home? This fireside. Man of a thousand years hrilas campfire, cooking on open fire. Hiking I try to use fire as much as possible.
Houses can cook it the same as the fire. But to cook or pidkoptyty, badly needed edge and smoke. Fry almost any food that you can stick to patychok. If you do this properly, we get smakotu.

Sausage often delicious, but fried in the fire - it is divinely delicious. The only comment from my experience: it should not be sausage-type "Drohobych. They contain little fat and frying in the fire practically does not change their edibility.

Sliced bread can be converted to a wonderful toast. To do this, it is desirable krapnuty pomastyty oil or butter. Bead on patychok and hold on until a crispy hrannyu shkorynky. Just to remind industry-the truth - not the best cook in the flames, namely, heat. Contact has fire with food that is fried, should be avoided.

Meat products such as sausage, ham, brisket, may spoil before the end of the hike. Choosing them for a trip should give preference to those products in which less water - kopchenishym, drier and zhyrnishym. ° x should wrap in paper, polythene in such things deteriorate quickly.
When I suspect that the sausage could "not dotyahnuty and spoiled before it eat, then at each halt when dohoraye fire, pidkopchuyu it.

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