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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2009 » Жовтень » 14 » Voronenko?


A village of Voronenko is in the riverhead of the river of Paradzhin, alongside with the village of Yablunicya.


The name of village of Voronenko, probably, originates from a color black, that black. It is difficult to explain reason of such name, possibly this determination of color of locality, possibly from the last name Voroniy.


First a village is remembered in 1873 years. With the gasket of railway and more mushroom growth of village begins a tunnel. In the middle of ХІХ item one steam sawmill the proprietor of which was an engineer from to Berlin worked here. At the beginning of ХХ item Voronenko was a boundary point between Poland and Czechoslovakia, the barracks of boundary service were here disposed also.


In a village only 1930 school was opened. A church in a village is built new - in 2005 year of Heart Khristovogo. Interesting objects in a village is a cemetery of builders tunnels and obelisk to the falling warriors in ІІ world war.


From the village of Voronenko comfortably to walk up the mountain of Kukul.

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