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Головна » 2011 » Травень » 9 » Trying to climb the Yavorynka
Trying to climb the Yavorynka

Trying to climb the Yavorynka

Неділя, 12th July. Planned many things actually happened Valley - Nob. Mizun - slope Yavorynka - Nob. Mizun - Valley.
Departure at 5:08 from the railway station by train and diesel-F - Stry.

Since sleep before the trip failed, a camera barahlyty somewhere in the middle of the road, but the ultimate goal was not reached and at, the report will be a little confusion.
Planned to go to the five-man, but at the last moment we turned four: Elvis, Mavik, Matush, AndriyP. Given two hyphens trip, well, that all got out.
Riding through the night Frankivsk added surrealism in my perception of the world that day. Someone goes to work, only one out of snuff and vociferate songs. On the streets almost no cars. As in the fantasy film. Got Lviv cyclists who love to ride the city at night.
In the train it was very culturally. Interviewed on Rover, computers, work, even tried a little nap ... At 7:40 left on the platform Dolinsky station, screw the front wheels and moved towards Mizun. I decided to jump on a moment to relatives, then dohanyav guys. Nice vkruchuvaty the highway ... somewhere in the Old Mizun caught, but had to stop immediately and put on a jacket - heavy rain started.
The first pictures (of course):


Matush, Elvis, Mavik:

There was Zvyhoda:

There was a scene of Zvyhodi:

Latest feet of asphalt:

First puddles (very modestly):

And here was during Zvyhody belvedere (near source). Obviously, the quality of tourists accidentally burned:

First stop, source:

Cross-kantriyschyky should remember this climb (we were up, and then along the river):

Soon the camera gets wet and begins to "die", but this image white divorce - that pieces of clouds that zachepylysya per tree:

Optimistic landscape:

The second stop (the first, the spring actually reduced to filling flasks, because of rain there was no where to hide):

Left from the road saw the raspberry cane. Basically, you can stop here:

Go see it was just scary:


Carpathians good even in such weather:

Elvis repairs Steel Cup and other hard thinking "Where are we hit?":

"Jozhik in the fog:

Here was the bridge. Ever. Long:

Met a local resident who told us how and where to go climb on Yavorynka. Map of the district, apparently, simply depicted the military maps fihzna is giving way and some did not meet the map.
The road got more fun. Puddles were not just above the bushes, and sometimes almost completely cover the wheel! At the bottom - a real quagmire. One could bypass their side, in the thickets, but not always succeeded. At some point it became pofih, so just bare Rover in these puddles, marshes:

Finally started to rise from Mizunki Yavorynka. Apparently, began to rise right along the ridge, but the road (marked on the map) was so thrown that I was afraid to go on in those bushes and offered to come down below:

Down to the crotch and began another ascent, a small river on a river. Judging from the map, there should be "narrow." Actually it's not there for many, many years, barely visible from the bridge sleepers pointed to its existence. A couple of kilometers traveled (mostly go) down the road, then it became clear that we should turn right and climb the ridge. Easy to say ... Climb angle degrees 30, and also because of the downfall of the forest was unreal. We Matush'em came down to investigate, they saw that we need more slope at all hopeless, as there is no road and roll Rover on the river (rocky) does not like.
So again returned to the fork, rested, calmed down and decided to no longer climb up.
Then there was the descent to Mizunki:

Road to the familiar puddle of rain ending:

again the source, asphalt again ... The benefits stopped to wash themselves and Rover (our files in zalyapanomu clothes not teaching on ethical grounds):

Mavik his way, quickly zakleyivsya and we went with benefits. Fatigue could not go faster 25 km / h, and in general this area for some reason do not remember ... Then there was the Valley. I forgot about the pad and erased accidentally drove into the bumper "Zhiguli. Elvis and Matush prykupyly of supplies, we are in the style of elite homeless pidkripylys sausage directly on the platform. Climbed into the train, waved bicycle traffic rules there (out of habit conductor tried to bring down with us full price, although as we pay for half the ticket), and has little pospaly half were in the eighth Frankivsk.

Brief conclusions:
1. Nightly sleep need (and what to do during the day then?).
2. In the rain should stay at home (not wait ...)
4. The route should be prepared carefully, and not through dvohkilometrivkah "nowhere stolen our mappers (but it was fun).

Who are the participants offended me as a navigator - sorry again. "Pianist deaf, able to play as (c)
I can excuse yourself on your card and errors with something else, but understand that it was just stupid phatysya in the mountains, not being sure of the route. Weather and bugs on the map - it is secondary.

But in general it was cool. Soaked through, heavily soiled like pigs - that still need a real mountain bike friendly?
I hope that passes the same route when acquire GPS.

Impressions velokomp'yutera: Length - 67.71 km, time travel (motion) - 4:57 pm., The average speed - 13.64 mph., Max speed - 46.85 mph.

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