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"Карпатська тиша"

Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2010 » Березень » 4 » Roast



Meat: 300 grams beef, 1 package of mayonnaise, a large onion, salt, spice mixture "For Barbecue, cup broth.

Mushrooms: 500 g white mushrooms (champignons, lubricator), 50 g butter 50 g sour cream, salt.

Kartoplyanyky: 500 g potatoes, 2 eggs, onion, 100 grams of flour, salt, ground black pepper.

Also: 30 g of butter, 20 g garlic, dill, parsley.
This dish is prepared in Ivano-Frankivsk. In a small earthen horschechok designed for one batch, make stew meat, mushrooms and Plyatsko (kartoplyanyky, they are potato pancakes). Then put the pot in the oven and bake.

So, first of roast meat until golden crust. (A before this for a few hours of zamarynuvaty. Marinade - shabby onion, vymishana with mayonnaise and ground black pepper.) Add broth and simmer until cooked. Separately, prepare the mushrooms: clean myyemo, finely sliced and fry in butter. In 3-5 minutes. poured cream and keep on fire yet the same. Now the most important components of roasted - kartoplyanyky. Tremo on the tiniest tertsi cheese potatoes, onion, add eggs, flour, a lot of confusing and cook pancakes on the pan.

In the bottom horschechok Kladov piece of butter, then some kartoplyanykiv: not bitter, but on the sides of vessels. On the lay out of the pancakes with meat sauce. Rozrivnyuyemo, cover kartoplyanykamy. Top - part of the mushroom sauce and again kartoplyanyky. Layers on duty until horschechok fill two-thirds. Close the lid (required!) And set for 10-15 minutes. in an oven, heated to 200 degrees. 5 min. the end of baking, you can add a clove of garlic and chopped herbs.

Panska roast with vegetables


Unlike other zakarpatska fry it --kartoplyanyky with cheese and sour cream home.
Cooking the mixture to kartoplyanyky. To friction on shallow tertsi raw potatoes add chilled mashed potatoes, whipped with eggs to loose weight, tremo onion, garlic, vsypayemo flour and spices. Salt, fold. Separately make stuffing: to add brynza milk cheese, eggs, salt and knead well in the noggin to uniformity, dress black ground pepper.
Pancakes roasting so: on the hot pan greased with oil, and then placed tablespoon of potato mixture rozrivnyuyemo it is gaining a half tablespoons of stuffing is placed above the center of pancakes and also rozrivnyuyemo, cheese covered potato mixture.

Ready teaches in the cakes vessel layers, translating and brynza cheese mixture (mixture preparing separately, minced no use for this). Each layer of sour waters. Top kartoplyanyky prytrushuyemo greens. Lay and put into heated to 180-200 degrees oven for 10-15 minutes. Here are hot hot in the pot.
For kartoplyanykiv: 500 g potatoes, 2 eggs, onion, 100 grams of flour, salt, ground black pepper.

Number of vegetables arbitrary: one large carrot, handful beans, cauliflower inflorescence few, 2-3 tomatoes.
Sauce: tablespoon flour, tablespoon of butter, a glass of milk, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons grated cheese, 2 tablespoons sour cream, salt.

Also: 30 g butter, spices.

Vegetable roast you will be offered in the Bukovina. Here kartoplyanyky translate various vegetables and pour the special sauce. A meal is prepared without meat.
We bake kartoplyanyky. This potato natyrayemo tertsi at large apertures. Add the shredded onion, eggs, flour, roasting in large quantities of oil paint to peel. Separately, prepare the vegetables: boiled carrots, cauliflower, beans - all cuts on the pieces. Roasting tomatoes, previously removing them from skin.

At the same time making sauce. Roasting tablespoon flour in a kitchen tablespoon butter. Once the flour is slightly pozhovtiye, pours milk and prove to the density of sour cream sauce, salt and vystudzhuyemo. In chilled kill eggs, add grated cheese and sour cream, carefully fold.

In a vessel - a shallow pan or clay horschechok - Kladov pancakes. Jumble salted vegetables and some of them teach at kartoplyanyky. Cover 2.3 tablespoons of sauce, cover your pancakes, top - again, vegetables, sauce and pancakes again. Top pour remaining sauce, and then placed a piece of butter, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in oven open until zarum'yanytsya cheese. If you fry in kastrultsi - finished dish should turn on the platter.

Roasted cheese


Kartoplyanyky: 300 g of raw potato, 200 g of mashed potatoes, 2 eggs, 100 grams of flour, a large onion, 2-3 garlic teeth, a mixture of spices "for vegetable salads" or "For the omelette, salt.

Stuffing: 200 g milk cheese, 50 g brynza, 2 eggs, pepper, salt.
Mixture: 50 g cheese, 50 g brynza - pereterty.
Also: 100 g sour cream, dill, parsley.

Unlike other zakarpatska fry it - kartoplyanyky with cheese and sour cream home.
Cooking the mixture to kartoplyanyky. To friction on shallow tertsi raw potato add chilled mashed potatoes, whipped with eggs to loose weight, tremo onion, garlic, vsypayemo flour and spices. Salt, fold. Separately make stuffing: to add brynza milk cheese, eggs, salt and knead well in the noggin to uniformity, dress black ground pepper.

Pancakes roasting so: on the hot pan greased with oil, and then placed tablespoon of potato mixture rozrivnyuyemo it is gaining a half tablespoons of stuffing is placed above the center of pancakes and also rozrivnyuyemo, cheese covered potato mixture.
Ready teaches in the cakes vessel layers, translating and brynza cheese mixture (mixture preparing separately, minced no use for this). Each layer of sour waters. Top kartoplyanyky prytrushuyemo greens. Lay and put into heated to 180-200 degrees oven for 10-15 minutes. Here are hot hot in the pot.

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