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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 20 » RESORTS Ivano-FRANKIVSK REGION


BukovelIvano-Frankivsk region - established in 1939 after joining the Western Ukraine to the Ukrainian SSR. The climate is temperate, mild winters, warm summers in the plains, the mountain climate is much stricter. The surface area rather riznoridna.U are part of the Carpathians and their foothills in the north - part of Podolia Upland. Major rivers - the Dniester and Prut, with many tributaries: Bistrita, rotten Lime, Lime Gold, Limnytsya, Cheremosh of rock rifts and waterfalls create a very beautiful landscapes.

In the region preserved architecture, mainly religious use of the Kievan Rus to the XX century, including masterpieces of wooden architecture. Among other architectural monuments - the medieval castle, town hall, administrative and residential buildings XVIII-XXv.v. In the reserve is one of three national parks and many other natural monuments.

Ivano-Frankivsk - Regional Center, located in the watered-Solotvynska Bystrica Bystrica-Nadvirnyanskoyi.Misto and rich architectural heritage in the form of temples, some of them are used as museums, in a former exhibition hall located museum. Dozens of office buildings, gymnasiums, hotels early XX st.sformuvaly attractive architectural appearance of the central part of modern Ivano-Frankivsk. A pedestrian street of the cozy atmosphere of the cities of Western Ukraine.

Bolekhiv located on the shores of Sukol associated with the name of the famous Ukrainian writer and organizer of the women's movement in the Carpathian N. Kobrin. Preserved house where she lived and which came Franko, O. Kobylyanskaya, M. Pavlik. Highlight of the city is the recently renovated Town Hall, the few surviving mansions of the XIX century., Building saltern.

Bubnyshche - a small village on the left bank of the unnamed rivulet, tributary of the river Sukol, famous due to accumulation of rocks in the middle of picturesque beech forest in the watershed of two tributaries of the left Sukoli. Rock pillars composed of very dense sandstone, formed about 60 million years ago. Located semicircle, they have long been a good natural hardening, where in old the rocks were carved caves and three 6-meter well in one of them. The beauty of these places attracts and curious, and creative people. I. Frank, visiting these places, wrote a poem with the same name.

Vorokhta - village on the banks of the Prut river, through which the end of XIX century. Railway held in Ivano-Frankivsk, Yaremcha and viaducts which operated until now. After the war Vorokhta becoming a popular resort town is built tourist base "Ukraine" with well-equipped gym and a series of ski jumping.

Gorgan - Nature Reserve in the Ukrainian Carpathians, at the top of the watershed year dovhunets Zelenichka.Tut and grow 402 species of plants, whose distinguishing feature is the altitude explain. Huge dense forests cover much of the area of ​​preserve. The main species of trees - pine, beech, fir. With a height of 1200 m and further up solid wood transforms with Embroidery-subalpine forest, crooked, yet there is little vegetation above and view open peaks with scatterings of stone covered with mosses and lichens. Forest residents in the most populated zone of the reserve forest.

Carpathian National Park area of ​​503.03 km2, is the most populated of the Ukrainian Carpathians protected area. Park occupies the upper basin of the Prut, and almost all towns located on its shores (Yaremcha, Rest in Tatar, Mykulychyn). Good roads are laid in the park, allow comfortably familiar with the diverse landscape and breathtaking scenery of this corner of the Carpathians, and make it very attractive for autotourists. Very beautiful main park road - the road from Yaremcha Yablunitsky pass that on the border with the Transcarpathian region. It also affects travelers Vorohty road to the foot of Mount Hoverla which lies on the terrace of the Prut river, surrounded by high and slender spruce similar to the honor guard. At the foot Goverly parking and hotel - a great place for hiking climb a mountain. In the park is growing more than 1105 species of plants, many of which - rare or endangered. Rich and Wildlife Park: deer, roe deer, wild boars, foxes, bears and lots of small living creatures.

Coloma - a district center on the bank of. Rod from the Middle Ages inherited gutsulskoy masterpiece of wooden architecture - Annunciation Church tradition and make kolomyiky - rhymed folk compositions. Since the mid XIX st.zbyrayetsya collection of folk art museum, now located in a beautiful building of the early XIX century. In Coloma, as in other cities in western Ukraine, the dominant building that crowned the market square is the Town Hall building. A time to open the International Festival of folklore and ethnographic Hutsuls Constructed original museum building of Easter egg painting, which preserves a collection of eggs not only from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, but also from China, India, Egypt and other countries.

CBS - a model city of Western Ukraine, still famous for its crowded Fairs where you can buy various products of craftsmen from all over the province and the city center is a museum of natural folk art. CBS is also known as low-climatic resort and has a large tourist base, which works throughout the year.

A museum - a village on the shores of the Black waters, glorious chance - these beautiful places in the early XX st.prydyvylysya Ukrainian intellectuals. It worked and rested Ivan Franko, a famous ethnographer V. Hnatiuk, M. Kotsyubynsky and many other literary figures, who called this place "Ukrainian Athens. The village is a museum of Ivan Franko, here come the modern romance and mysticism.

Manyava - a large village on the shores of Manyavka, became famous thanks to the Orthodox monastery Manyavsky skit, which is now a museum. A few kilometers from a small monastery, upstream of the river, is the most beautiful waterfall Manyavsky.

Starunia - a village on the right bank of the River. Lukavets' where early XX century opens ozokerite trade. And soon the village became known in the scientific world - in the industrial mine in the thickness torfobolotnyh deposits were found the remains of skeletons of mammoths, woolly rhinos, three, deer, birds, amphibians and others that are currently stored in the Krakow Zoological Museum. While fishing ozokerite closed here remained phenomenal geological phenomenon - mud volcanism. This area is a unique natural monument Carpathians.

Sheshory - a village on the shores of Pestynka, the main outstanding monument of nature which are considered Sheshorski waterfalls. They are called silver, they are small but very picturesque. Cascade of waterfalls along the river stretches for several hundred meters. In the valley of a mountain stream is a huge stone chaos that almost hides during heavy rains. This is a favorite vacation spot of tourists and local guests of resort hotels, it is often removed for art, documentaries, music videos.

Yaremcha - resort city on the banks of the river Prut. It built a lot of resorts, private villas. The greatest wealth Yaremcha - a beautiful nature, clean air and picturesque valley of. Prut. In the very narrow stream created spectacular 5-meter-long cascading waterfall - Yaremchansky Hook. Local restaurants, tourist centers built in the style of Carpathian folk architecture and harmonize with the surrounding landscape.

Near the village at an altitude Polyanitsya 920 m above sea level is a young elite tourist complex Bukovel, customized and professional skiers, and for amateurs and beginners. The total length of 50 km of ski slopes, they have different levels of complexity. On the roads has 14 lifts, 6 chair lifts. In the winter season, which lasts from December to April, Bukovel offers tourists rent ski equipment and snowboards, cross-country skiing, running children's playground, ski school. In the tourism sector can be a number of health and beauty treatments: massage, jacuzzi, Mesotherapy, mineral water - Bukovelska Bukovelska 1 and 2, similar to Truskavets "NAFTA" and wraps, fitness, hairdresser's services.

    * BUKOVEL - PARTY LIFE (21 Articles)
    * Ivano-Frankivsk (14 Articles)
    * VOROKHTA - winter resort in the Carpathians (7 Articles)
    * Coloma - city gutsulsky traditions (5 Articles)
    * YAREMCHE - hutsul PEARL (20 Articles)
    * CBS - lowland climatic resort (15 Articles)
    * Tatar - climatic resort of healing AIR (1 Article)
    * SHESHORY - LOCATION Silver Waterfall (2 Articles)
    * Kalush (1 Article)

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