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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 30 » METHODS FOR TREATING CELLULITE


Slag produced by the body, laid in the subcutaneous tissue, and, basically, it's fat. Formed under the skin lumps, bumps, so-called "orange peel" that makes the body flabby, loose and just unappealing. Naturally, cellulite, as well as any issue that arises for 1 day. Indeed, the imbalance between the circulation of lymph and tissue-mineral balance developed over the years. Noted that 90-95% of women around the world have cellulite. The only thing is how the woman about this. There are those who do not do this problem, and conversely, those who try to own everything: 01 new-fangled diets and use of all food additives before surgical intervention, but after a while, cellulite comes back and hits all the new parts of the body.

Consider the treatment of cellulite pronounced - with the ugly orange peel bumps and hollows. If you are offered magic pill that could once and for all get rid of cellulite - does not believe it! Cellulite treatment requires long-term integrated therapeutic treatment programs, which not only effectively eliminate the pits and mounds on the skin, but also help to improve the shape of the whole.

The most effective is a comprehensive antitsellyulitnan program, which include external effects, and taking nutritional supplements inside. Now on sale a lot of anti-cellulite products and internal use (tablets, capsules, teas), and external (soaps, gels, creams, scrubs, peels, mud). All of these drugs are effective against a background of nutrition and physical exercises. Antitssllyulitnaya program is usually complex. It should include: topical application of cosmetics, balanced diet, adequate gymnasium complex, massage, herbal medicine, manual therapy stomach, restoring bowel function.

A few words would be given a diet that must comply not only with the passage of the program:

• Avoid food preservatives and dyes.

• Less use salt, sugar and fat.

• Do not use artificial sweeteners.

• Water use in reasonable to pichestvah.

• Limit consumption of coffee and alcohol.

• More salads.

• Fruits eat separately from the main meal.

Such a massive attack on cellulite causes him to retreat - and the skin is gradually smoothed out.

Effective in combating cellulite were herbal drugs. The main components used today cellulite - it's brown algae (Laminaria and fucus). They are tools and internal applications and external. In cosmetics against cellulite is also used extracts of ivy and ginkgo biloba. Scrubs and exfoliation, removing dead skin cells, promote tissue oxygen saturation, resulting in increased vitality, weakened stagnation. Anti-cellulite creams facilitate drainage of fluid from the adipose tissue through the lymph, improve skin tone. Anti-cellulite creams and mud are often used by the method of hot and cold packs: the body is covered drug is evenly distributed on the problem areas, after which the body is wrapped with a special film. 1-1,5 hours wrapping is removed and the remnants of cream or mud removed.

Among the methods of physical restraint in the treatment of cellulite using a variety of massages to help ease congestion and provide lymph drainage (pumping lymph-us): manual massage and massage hardware - pneumomassage and vacuum massage.

Greater impact provide other hardware effects - microcurrent stimulation and electromyostimulation at which muscles intensely contracting under the influence of current, include the metabolic processes of neighboring cells of tissues. Electromyostimulation burns fat and breaks cellulite bumps.

In the treatment of cellulite is still used technique of lipolysis: elektrolipoliz, lipolipoliz or tsellyulolipoliz. These are different names for the same procedure using electrodes (or molded in the form of needles), which allowed alternating current, and that cause the ions to move in the cage. As a result of these movements fat becomes fluid. During lipolysis is an intensive devastation of fat cells to decrease their volume and total fat mass.

It is now becoming popular ultrasonic method of getting rid of cellulite. Ultrasound gently crushes the fat, without affecting the cell.

Steepest method elimination of cellulite - liposuction (lipo-aspiration). This is a serious surgical operation performed under general anesthesia. Done it this way: in the subcutaneous fatty tissue are special hollow needle, it collapses and then suctioned through the needle. Now there are new devices for lipoaspiration, with two needles. One needle carries a current which melts the fat, the second it sucks. Healing after this surgery is quite long and painful, but the result is a radical - fat disappear forever.

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