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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 12 » Ivano-Frankivsk region
Ivano-Frankivsk region

Ivano-Frankivsk region

      March 10, 2011, 14:29 | reference Digest |

      Journey of faith

      One of the most popular and favorite places of pilgrimage in the Carpathian region of Ukraine Hoshivskyy monastery of the Order of St. Basil the Great, which is located on the beautiful Jasna hill near the village Hoshiv Dolinsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region.

      March 9, 2011, 10:26 | reference Digest |

      Sanctuary in Krylos

      One of the attractions, but little known in Ukraine is in the village shrines Krylos. This place is great and glorious glorious history. If pryhlyanutysya closer to the story, you can see here a special blessing and intercession of the Blessed Virgin, which is manifested through the miracle-working icon.

      February 22, 2011, 12:03 | reference-digest | view photo |


      Church in the undergrowth - perhaps the only one in Ukraine wooden temple where the old body (another body in the church is in Kovel, but he is not old). Tools stored in the church in the undergrowth was made late XIX century. Jan Grokholsky master of Stary Sącz.

      January 6, 2011, 13:38 | Traveling Igor Sklenara |

      Spiritual days Yaremche (note after the New Year)

      It accidentally came across an ad at one of the churches of Lviv to meet the coming 2011 studytskiy St. Elijah Yaremche and decided that this is another opportunity to enrich themselves spiritually.

      May 14 2010, 23:18 | reference Digest |

      Church history in metropolitan chambers shelter

      Dream head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky create a museum of history of the church in Galicia, albeit with much delay, all the same true.

      April 20, 2010, 18:17 | Kaleidoscope |

      Tract Lawns: St. skit. Andrew

      "Who looks up in the mountains, the highest mountains in the heavens" - the words of the Ukrainian song is perhaps the keynote of all trips in the mountains. Since this is where people feel free, not burdened, by all stuff of civilization.

      April 13, 2010, 11:17 | Kaleidoscope | view photo |

      Manyava - Ukrainian Athos "

      "Ukrainian Athos" - so long been respectfully called only one monastery - Manyavsky skit.

      June 2, 2009, 10:20 | Kaleidoscope | view photo |

      In clear mountain glittering gilded Queen Carpathian region "

      Greek Catholic Monastery of the Order of St. Basil the Great in s.Hoshiv Dolinsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region is considered one of the greatest religious and historical and architectural relics of Western Ukraine. It attracts millions of pilgrims from around Europe. On the history and present of this sacred place says Igor SKLENAR, continuing the cycle of materials "Basilian monastery of Ukraine" started at Rice in 2007.

      December 6, 2008, 23:04 | reference Digest |

      Miracle Virgin Boiko

      In the church of the Ascension, in the village Broshniv-Osadsa Rozhniativ district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, a year keep an updated copy Chenstohovskoyi Virgin.

      August 22, 2008, 15:05 | reference Digest |

      Bilshovetska Virgin nations combined

      In the Carpathian village Bilshivtsi ongoing restoration of the church, where once was a miraculous icon of Virgin.

      August 20, 2008, 11:19 | reference Digest |

      Villages celebrate Christ the Saviour

      Ivano-Frankivsk - Two villages in the Carpathian Kolomyyskomu Rozhniativ district and have a religious name - the Saviour. Both in the mountains, almost identical in size - three thousand people. In the wake of both today - Save.

      August 18, 2008, 09:23 | reference Digest |

      Mountain Monastery on Jasna

      If long Hoshiv village, between Valley and Bolekhiv, also called "sun Pidgir'ya", the monastery of the Order of St. Basil the Great Temple of the Transfiguration - the place where God's light comes through the protection and grace of the Queen of the Carpathian region - the miraculous image of Our Lady in Hoshiv. To understand, perhaps, many have long and well understood, for a while and he poselyayusya in the monastery, which, according to one of the most logical versions next year ought to celebrate its 500 years ...

      July 10, 2008, 13:44 | reference Digest |

      Essay history Maniava Exaltation of the Cross Monastery

      Manyavsky Exaltation of the Cross Monastery, named second in the history of Athos, the stronghold of Orthodoxy. This ancient shrine is located between the Carpathian mountain cliffs near the village. Maniava in Ivano-Frankivsk. Between the mountain slopes, covered with ever green fir, with the healing spring water and microclimate, located a unique miracle of nature and architects.

      June 11, 2008, 14:07 | reference Digest |

      Snyatynska holidays

      Over 10 thousand people gathered last Sunday for the beatification of Sister Martha Vyetskoyi in. 2004 Pope John Paul II proclaimed the decree about heroyichnist its virtues, and last year Benedict XVI approved a decree on recognition of signs prescribed by the intercession of Sister Martha.

      May 2, 2008, 00:33 | reference Digest |

      Men on the eggs kolomыyku

      Pashalnoe Travel involves movement in East - Svyatoy towards the earth, and "Vыhodnoy.24" otpravylsya to the West - in Lviv and Kolomыyu, and nychut pozhalel not at the choice of direction

      September 28, 2007, 12:45 | reference Digest |

      Tyshkivska sanctuary

      Already hundreds of years passed from one generation to another local legend about a monk from Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, at the beginning of XIII century, fleeing the Mongol invasion and settled in a cave on this beautiful hill. There he preached the word of God and even people treated for various diseases. Fate unknown monk, but this place left cross. And this place was sacred to the community. Time has passed lots of water. and whatever we have not seen during this time these lands.

      September 28, 2007, 12:25 | reference Digest |

      Gnyla Lime was once Silver

      When pid'yizhdzhayesh to Bilshivtsiv, first striking ancient building on the hill church. It is kind of calling card of the town. Carmelite Church, as it is called, - one of the greatest works of architecture the late eighteenth century.

      September 3, 2007, 11:26 | reference Digest |

      Galician shrine

      The first mention of the temple of the Holy Virgin (Mary ever virgin), or in the Assumption Cathedral, associated with burial here in 1187 Prince Yaroslav Osmomysl. Other written sources tell about the celebration of the ceremony in voknyazhennya Daniel Romanovich Galich in 1208 and 1239 respectively, and the coronation in the cathedral on Prince Kolomana King of Galicia in 1215

      June 8, 2007, 11:54 | reference Digest |

      And forgive us our trespasses

      In the internet read about Gorodenka: "should attract tourists here primarily Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Bernard Meretin. The temple was decorated with many sculptures Johan Pinsel, but now you can see only the Madonna near the temple. For works of Johann Georg Pinsel, the museum guide his sculptures in Lviv notes that "in the early 50 th century XVIII. Johann-Georg Horodenka works, where does most of the order of Count Potocki: five altars for the church Oo. and four missionaries - for the parish church, but also puts the column with the figure of Mary. "

      May 26 2007, 12:42 | reference Digest |

      Protection of fire

      Stone Church of the Protection trykupolna Dobrivliany near the village of Ivano-Frankivsk was built at the beginning of XVIII century ... This architectural monument of regional importance with baroque iconostasis high weight artistic and valuable ancient Way of the Cross on a tree burned in just minutes a day February. Above the church was desyatymetrovyy torch flame, the fiery disaster powerful hum was heard in the village.
      <a href="http://risu.org.ua"> Source publication: risu.org.ua </ a>


      May 22 2007, 11:35 | reference Digest |

      Church "Holy Trinity"

      The first priest of the Latin in the New Village was mentioned in the register overcame by 1578 but because of the small number of the faithful he must have left town, because of Roman Catholic priests for 170 years, no mention.

      May 7 2007, 10:16 | reference Digest |

      Church of St. George in Bystrica

      Almost in the center of the village surrounded Bystrica fragile slender birches and cedars is a church of St. George. Among the churches-old resident district Nadvirna it relatively young, it has not passed and 100 years.

      April 13, 2007, 13:32 | reference Digest |

      The main temple of Ivano-Frankivsk

      About 400 years is a church of the Holy Resurrection in Ivano-Frankivsk, formerly Stanislav. Ancient church hornula to his parishioners in a time when she became the mother and placed in the parish and the Catholic church, and when it got the status of the cathedral during the formation of Stanislav Catholic Diocese by u1885

      June 30, 2006, 12:26 | reference Digest |

      Treasure father Bobrynsky

      In the case, which to many seemed utopian, myshynskyy pastor Jehoshaphat had signed all the power and savings to the last stubble. And zdiysnyvsya idea - a year after his death

      July 23, 2004, 16:30 | Kaleidoscope | view photo |

      Ukrainian Carpathians Athos

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