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"Карпатська тиша"

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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 11 » "I'm kind of bread ..."
"I'm kind of bread ..."

"I'm kind of bread ..."
Literary and musical composition with works of Boris Oleynik
Grade 7
Extracurricular reading
H. Press, L. Skotnyachenko,

teachers of Ukrainian language and literature


Purpose: To familiarize students with works by famous poet whose works have gained not only nationwide but also public recognition; develop readers' tastes, observation, ability to carry out ideological and thematic analysis of poetry, develop skills in expressive reading poetry: love and nurture respect for the Ukrainian poetry, sense patriotism, love of mother, respect for the bread - a symbol of life.

Equipment: Portrait of the Poet, a collection of poems by Boris Oleynik, epigraph, handouts, table sun Boris Oleynik poetry, music (Beethoven's music, recordings of songs on the words of Boris Oleynik "Song of a mother", "frosty swallow").

Course Lesson

I. Motivation training school

Announcements theme and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher. Today each of us unique world of poetry opens the famous Ukrainian poet Boris Oleinik.

Look at his portrait. What can we say about the artist? (Eyes glow kindness, sincerity, understanding, and it is probably one of the great life experiences, room / Drama, honest.)

In the lesson we look at the various theme-Tiko poet's works, will strengthen skills ideological thematic analysis of poetry, expressive reading poetry, and expressing their opinion on what he saw and heard in class and learn to justify it.

Epigraph is a lesson the following lines:

Love desperately, like spring,

Hating, as winter, mercilessly -

This is full value.

But not completely,

When you have no luck to forgive.

Boris Oleinik

II. Expressive reading of poems by students Boris Oleynik

Poetry Boris Oleynik absorbed the wise plan of land, its rough authenticity, proud power and memory, and kindness. Still waters are clear and the stars, and Osier sutin, whispering hills and strict silence of the graves, the song from the mountains and the sound of jet engines ozyvayutsya in her voice, old and new - experienced people in their historical existence. Is it reasonable peace, which flows between flat and steep banks of the Dnieper, the sun comes to the germ, the earth absorbs early spring snow, and the farmer's time Niva.

Boris Oleinik was born October 22, 1935 in the village on the generous Zachepilivka Poltava.

1. I already order the debtor,

What Ukrainian naturally:

For fate must have been in the mood,

When we give dowry in land and water

And the blue sky in two wings.

My fat fertile black earth like a woman

History deep down oterp.

This is perhaps only in our gold obzhynky

Always close to hand with laughter cast sickle.

Come to my village - where thy Eden:

Pond. Chafer. Zelenohray groves.

And a new moon, though now tiara

Give your Churay.

("My Debt")

2. In the optimistic dreams of childhood

I felt the taste of flight:

Until the sun I got the head then.

And, perhaps, from the miracle I was red hair,

And the left forehead sontsenyata gold ...

("In the optimistic dreams of childhood ...»)

Love for the outside world gave Boris a small friendly family circle all his life, he zealously executes instructions of parents, of all people.

3. Santa said:

- A blow to evil,

All the same to me, parents, son!

Pohulyay have fun,

Dissassemble guys fence.

Hopak go out on a meadow,

Shkvar to know noblemen!

Straight cheshy, grandchildren,

Only ... graves not subdue.

4. Father says:

- Come on, boy,

Pohulyaymo as before.

Limits dukam peretopchem,

The petty officer wounded forest.

Tino Rozhytay lazy,

Vylupkiv provchy fat!

Only, see, in fact, Cossack,

You are your ... not subdue.

5. Mother makes Sorochyne,

A grid - as fire!

- Pohulyay, my child.

But, son, and yours.

Ponder the path of a sleepy through the latter growth

Protolochy in Russia.

And Guljaj itself in glory Only ... rye not trampled.

("The Parable of glory")

6. Cloud spreads like a tablecloth

Over and over grandmother Catherine.

Narobylasya, nahodylasya,

Natoptala as roads,

What in the legs no longer fit.

It put them under the threshold ...

And was it ever: swell house,

Even once svarylasya:

"Already nabralysya ... Ponahodyly ...

Do not tar you fools can drink? "

7. Father John oiled valiantly

Hopak yard sherstyv:

"And so I'm on their earnings,

Society is not treated? "

Walking to the front - was sober grandfather.

A covered her grief ...

Returned neighbor with prostheses,

A grandfather brought back from ... medal.

8. Do not cry, do not zabylasya,

Only in the last day dream

On the shutters shut

Prychilkove first window.

Then three more in the amount of our old.

them nobody odchynyt:

Second - children of ...

Third - son

And fourth - dochchyne.

And the left one.

And so strange zoryt

Through November, and flowering:

What began four ways in the yard,

But where they went?, ..

("Dear grandmother Catherine")

Did not evade terrible evil family Oleinik. Ominous war vkarbuvalasya bitter reality in di-tyachi years of the poet. Took it relatives and intimates.

9. In the Iron Age prystrilyanyy to the stump,

When more of the holy "Mother"

Thundered in the cradle: "War"

Bezmir destined us know ...

("In the mirror of words")

Poet survived the war and calls for poetry to posterity:

10. I bow to you in a filial premortal, soldiers.

I pray for your holy wins and losses.

Only you do not blow imprisoned last march,

Only eternal live.

We ryastu you in bed legs from house to house.

Nadaruyem grandchildren as lastiv'yatok, for the holiday.

Only you until the world is not waste in granite,

Only eternal live!

(The children)

11. Nobody is forgotten.

In the ashes no one from above:

Soldiers portraits embroidered wings floating ...

And until the memory is living in people and mothers

Dopoty and sons, who stumbled at the world, live.

The poet emphasizes that life is not obirvetsya while in the world have.

12. Read our - of willow root.

Do not seek the ancient nobility:

At the family coat of arms

We coins eternal: "Mother."

(Cycle "Gray's my sun)

13. Stay, poets!

Wait Netreba ...

Mother went to the porch and watching the sky ...


14. Mom, evening up,

The sight of you dew.

Only you, like a star

Daleniyesh in heaven

Daleniyesh as in tear eyelashes.

Cherry garden on the hill

They came back cranes.

And I like to the stars

Dolitaty wing

Everything you like to eternal stars.

Where ever you went,

Quiet trail rod

Vechorovoyu matioloyu,

Rye-dawn destiny.


The young sunflower -

Frosty swallow

Gray sun ...

15. Our Mother - gray turtle.

All hearts to her hornetsya:

Golden Bee - beads,

Heaven - praznykovoyu handkerchief,

Hoary oak - smoky-grandfather,

Squirrel - painted gingerbread

Jura-crane over the well -

Tears clean-Vodice,

And the earth - wheat yaroyu,

A summer - designed sycamore,

What with the forty-first anxious:

"Where is this girl, your judged?"

Moon - not pierced gold

A birch - morning malt,

House - swallows on roof,

A fog - widow comfort.

Krashanka - sun in the cupboard ...

But it all to them - the song.

16. Have sown during my sleep under the window.

A Pospelov sunflower.

And now: even though the storm, although weed or fog

And me - sunny.

The mother sow flax in under my window.

A rose canvas.

And now: although ravines, though winds through pine trees,

But I go anyway.

The mother sow snow that it mildly - to toe;

And yielded potions.

Although cuts in January, and I shoulder

Cranes cranes.

Mother planted hops to girls everywhere

As I znadzhuvav,

And they that vanity, all were passing,

Yet one - dared.

Mother chose flax. And wine has long been

Khmil'na hmelytsya so.

And from under the wings cranberry under my window

November steletsja.

Only flowers to her at my window

Not Opava sunflower.

I carry it in the world to not only me,

To you and sunny.

17. Song about mother.

(Enforcement pupils songs)

People planted their years, litechka rye,

Removed the planet, sent sporyshu paths,

Taught the children how the world conscience to live.

Polehko sighed - and quietly went over the limit.

- Where is it you, Mom? - Frightened children rushed.

- Where are you, Grandma? - Grandchildren run to the gate.

- And I'm not far ... where the sun goes to rest.

It is time to me, kids ... And without me you're already growing.

- And how can we without you? .. And you namyslyly, Mom?

- Who us, grandmother, the dream will lead to fairy tales?

- And I'll leave all the rainbow of cranes,

And silver grass, and gold on the ears.

- We will have rainbow, we do not have money and PLN

If only you were waiting for us always end goal.

But we are refining all of your eternal job -

Stay, mother, Stay forever. Do not go.

She smiled, a beautiful gray and as fate.

Abandoned - pieces rose towels.

"Stay happy" - was designed and field

The whole planet for all generations and ages.

18. But it is illumined

All addition to the countless middle of the night?

What is it - the sun in the night?

Mother ... take out food.

Mother and bread - two of the leading images that are closely intertwined in the poetry of Boris Oleinik.

19. No such food on earth

As he, my mother baked,

The sheet peanut in the oven,

Deep like a tunnel near Yaremcha.

As the heavens stars, that mother's bread

Was showered with cumin seeds,

He cried and manyv me away,,

How sweet holiday in our house.

I can not fathom ever, as vmistylos

My life in a small word: bread.

The world - the star of sweet cumin.


20. We all grew up with bread, son,

From the work that is - miracle of miracles -

She gave birth and in us;

Raising four to pidnebes.

We called the bread of good, honest work

In fraternal worker basket.

We honor him as the body

In it - folk soul shines.

("In defense of bread")

21. You, the Almighty in heaven, sea and land -

Bread is one for all generations and worlds

My day cometh, the day passed and the mere

Bless. And sanctify. And education.

Kolos-flooding! Sign of fine faith

In the sky down and find the one forgive stupidity,

What is gold and still have for the measure

So, if gold can be measured life ...


III. Consolidation of learned material

Teacher. Boris Oleynik Poetry encourages us to think. So now we Consider those eternal values ​​in each of our lives. This mother and bread.

1. Work in groups.

Task: write an essay-miniature, using data lines of poetry Boris Oleinik.

1. In the hands'm golden spike,

He is full of praise of men,

In it I hear a girl voice,

Innovator and LINK.

2. We all grew up with bread, son,

From the work that is - miracle of miracles -

She gave birth and in us;

Raising four to pidnebes.

3. Give all that took, and osvyatys.

Even more than he took, manage to give ...

Standing on a horizon of light -

She Learn to ...

4. Our Mother - gray turtle.

All hearts to her hornetsya ...

(Discussion group performances. Evaluating responses from reviewers.)

2. Work on drawing up schemes "The sun poetry Boris Oleynik.

- Identify the epithet (the definition of art).

- On separate sheets of paper (rays) to write poetry epithets Boris Oleynik (who she?).

(Students are responsible, to attach your ray of "sunshine" on the board.)

If we had been with Boris Oleinik, he would respond to his poetry:

You do not break forth break forth, and summer is not heard.

All run and make haste - even sing or lament ...

That would find: a boat while they wander

Is blindly driven as deaf herd?

Why? Let the children assessed fairly.

We lived. And even though not all of us eagles

How do I call to report that we quietly resurrected.

Let history judge. They lived, as could ...

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Категорія: All for the tourists of | Переглядів: 1165 | Додав: vechervkarpatah | Теги: I'm kind, of bread | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всього коментарів: 1
1 Robertiinho   (13-11-19 10:40) [Материал]
Happy birthday, woamewritgr,You make my working days much brighter;Come writers all, and raise a glass,For all that woamewritgr does;You know without her we'd be poorerAnd all our stories find no homes - er We'd flounder if she did not cheer usOn with all her competitions.(A few half-rhymes here. otherwise known as cheating.)

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