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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 12 » Gorgan valley and Dovzhyntsya
Gorgan valley and Dovzhyntsya

Gorgan valley and Dovzhyntsya
Suddenly trail put us on the lawn that stretched to the top of the mountain. From afar it seemed out through numerous yellow flowers. After the clay forest meadow grass has started. Zamazala first leg and the other washed her, and so thoroughly that chvakalo sneakers for a long time after we went to dry. Only now, going a lawn, we could see the full range of stone slopes Horhany that vyzyrnuv right. From a distance they seemed gray-green with dark pieces of pine. What I was considering, I could not make out boulders - slopes seemed monolithic.

Mountain Peak: Carpathians 2005 - 3


 Having reached the mountain top peredhorhanskoyi, we did stop. At this time the clouds began to rise. First they closed the bottom of our hill and began to climb themselves Gorgan. Going back to the road, we saw only a trail and forest around.

Type of Gorgan

Passed the top of the ridge connecting the small isthmus covered with forest. The path led through it. Having gone down a bit, we started the climb. When left on high previous stop forest abruptly ended and we were faced with stone field.

Boulders had sharp edges and different shapes. Dimension stones have also been different: from fist to small barrels. Yellow-green shade provided by lichens, which, like paint, covered each piece. Only a thin strip of many feet cleaned to pure gray. She we went.

Several times avoided small colony of pine that were not taken up high up on rocks and stelylasya. After some time the trail got lost, but the peak was close enough, in addition, clouds completely disappeared and at the top, even began to make clear. Outdoors stones quickly dried up and we moved on dry ground.

How, here reached the crest of the spine. On the south side - where we went up - it was clear, but the north is dominated by clouds. We went to the west.

Continue on the ridge was easy. Peculiar rest after a long recovery. Only twice riskier: if unsuccessful, you can roll down a step in one or the other way.

Began a smooth recovery. After it stopped for lunch. Trianhulyator next show that we conquered the mountain top Dovbushanka and even their highest point since the beginning of the campaign: at 1755 meters above sea level.


View from Dovbushanka on Vedmezhyk

Stop lasted longer than previous ones. Once eaten, made a few photos. Colorful place! With only three of us had previously visited Dmitry in such mountains. I first saw this huge pile of stones and could not understand what keeps her heaps. When a solid cover small blocks should be some monolithic foundation. But its outcome was nowhere in sight. Later, walking on ridge, we saw a small, several meters tall, solid rock, but it was only once.

Once another "saddle", were the second-tallest peak spine - Mount Vedmezhyk. At an altitude of 1736 meters north wind was blowing strong and the clouds that drimaly for spine began to climb through it. Through them we have not seen Dovbushanka, although it saw Vedmezhyk.

On top of this there was no metal trianhulyatora, but lay a stone heap round profile and a half feet in diameter and the same height. Similar mounds while we were climbing Vedmezhyk. Also, my eye caught a small rectangular hole in the stone embankments, obviously hand origin. Each of them could lie man, so perhaps they have remained since the times of war: it seems monotonous bottom of the mountain, and on the very top called a good overview of areas.

Descended from the top, we at last postrybaly Horhanskyi stones and plunged into the sea pine. Was difficult to read. Footpath barely looked at, and after some time has disappeared altogether. We started to go straight. But it was not easy: many branches plutalysya underfoot, beaten in the face and opposed the movement. There were so many that I did not walked the earth, and through them, and when falling at perechepyvshys kotrus then proven to featherbed the branches and needles. Similar exercises are produced and my friends.

But ultimately, it's the end of this trial, and we went down to the "normal" trees with tall trunks. We found numerous tvarynyachi track, but the greatest joy brought human well beaten path that down to several hundred meters to the right.

- This is the trail that we need. We pass two more hills and stop there for the night. - I said, glancing at a map.

- Come on already, msye Pahanel. - Andrew muttered, tired as we all pine slope.

Here, of course, some viewed parallel, because I like famous literary character, previously traveled these places just sitting in my room. A small deviation of the map has allowed us to fully understand what the mountain pine, which so many of Gorgan.


In the valley Dovzhyntsya

 The path was well and truly beaten, so at very short time we went a considerable distance. The path goes through the forest slopes, passed away only a few small lawns, overgrown shrubs lopuhopodibnymy.

Leaving on searches in place, we found him busy. On a small flat lawn tent stood, and beside her sat a young man and woman. From their conversation vhaduvalosya that they communicate in Polish. Looking up a new lawn, we were a little more. New job for which will soon come across, different from the previous that contained a plot next to cut down the forest. In addition, land around was generously dotted with cow trails and so similar.




Dropping backpacks, repeated yesterday's scenario. And I, and Dmitri returned empty-handed. Leaving Andrew to prepare a place for camp, we went in search of water. On the map near the river began. But we found only a very weak stream, but ate wild strawberries. And then decided to ask the Poles.

We found them in the same place and left. Pryvitavshys, I asked:

- Do you speak English?

- Yes!

- Can you tell us, where we can get some water?

She began searching for paper to draw us where to go, but suggested that a young man. «Five minutes» - he assured, and we followed him followed. Andrew passed away. He is ozbroyivsya shovel and rejected various rubbish from the next stall space.

Spread the word the way some of our eyed. It turned out that they both went to the village and Bystrica had intended to climb Dovbushanka. Meanwhile passed much more than the promised five minutes until we reached a small stream that crossed the road. He was not much stronger than the previous one in one place waters decreased with image dambochky, allowing for the set.

- Cool water! - Assured young man, noticing our hesitation and defiantly drinking several pryhorshen with waterfall.

Picking up water bottles, was visible from its yellowish clay color, but had no choice. And time looking better as well.

Returned, and saw that Andrew has already put a tent fire and breeds. Now, with the water, you can begin to prepare dinner.

Supper is as completely dark. But the sky potopalo in stars and glowing moon. Accustomed to his light, can more or less normal to see things around. Only at the end of dinner at the top clouded, but the rain never came.


July 11, 2005, Monday

The morning was overcast. When we climbed out of the tent, next was a Pole. Pryvitavshys, he went on with pivtoralitrovoyu bottle of water. Surprising that he spent only half an hour and a half liters. Local water none of us liked, so decided to pack my things, and after breakfast down to Dovzhyntsya.



We went on the road at the earliest time for the entire trip. The path followed by descent. Over the entire period of the paths to the river have made only one stop: Strawberry on the ground. Light snack brought considerable satisfaction. Although the berries and were small but very fragrant, especially ripe yet and very sweet.

Coming out of the woods down to the right tributary Dovzhyntsya and stopped for breakfast. It appears that tributary flows from the same source, which we yesterday evening from gaining water. But it was not muddy stream, and rapid crystal clear mountain streams. His strong current deposit a sandy spit where we are located.

Things not rozpakovuvaly and received only needed to eat. To boil water faster, Andrew overlaid tripod stones. And it seems to have worked. Removing pot of porridge, we immediately hung another with water for tea. Do not wait until it boils, zahodylysya eat porridge.

When our meal was in the midst, came about quite suddenly a loud explosion. Dima, who was sitting closest to the fire, but behind him, suddenly sprang up, as in spring, and we threw to Andrew looked behind the fire. The first my thought was that of high temperature or something else torn bowler, but looking at it, I sighed with relief: he hung on a tripod is still lined with stones. Only when it is left no trace of fire - off bare ground. It turned out that made so much noise one of the stones around the fire. Through the power of the explosion threw him into the river, but he still kept long after this heat, even in cold running water. And on the opposite side is a few meters was implanted vuhlynkamy small - scattered remnants of the former fire.

Again fierce fire was gently luck.

Already assembled, we saw a group of tourists who walked way. Spread a few words:

- Hello!

- Hello!

- Tell me, correctly in Dovbushanka we going?

- Yes. Go straight, then left pidiymaytes way.

- Thank you. And from where you are?

- From Kyiv.

- And we from the city.

Last phrase particularly memorable Andrew, evoking memories of times reports "orange" November.

After several hundred yards way, we descended and crossed the river Dovzhynets. At this point it is shallow, so we threw a few stones, made the crossing.



Mountain River

And then started up. Immediately we moved numerous animal paths, and then stumbled upon the remains of the road shown on the map. And soon it disappeared permanently. Angle of elevation is not diminished, and it became increasingly go. Gradually, the forest became more and more wild. Missing hints of trails, but appeared many fallen trees, which further complicated the recovery. For a complete picture not only lacked rain. Question arose: the heavier descend or climb mountain pine bosky?

Gaps between trees in front that emerged after the next leap, predicted to soon complete this section. There, above, was not only trees but also recovery. In this respect the very top meet the shape of its name: Mount flat.

From the very top was visible all mountain, flowery little yellow flowers. From the south and east to the summit were wooden fences - two or three long vertical poles, which were kept in small columns. Behind her, on the adjacent slope stretched wooden cabin. Looks like they kept cattle, pasture ohorodyly to and not rozbrelasya.

A strong piercing wind, which appeared as soon as we climbed the ridge, we stopped for a long time, and headed south along the fence. Footpath barely looked at the tall grass, so Dima even suggested an alternative search, but never found. Fortunately, the ghost of a trail, go to the forest into a wide track.

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