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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2010 » Січень » 23 » Christmas christmas carol and congratulations
Christmas christmas carol and congratulations

Christmas christmas carol and congratulations

   under windows

Ci at home, at home, mister owner?

Ouch give goodness!

Ouch mi-zh because know, owner at home!

He sidit to itself for konec stola

For konec stola yivorovogo.

Ya on a that table three cups of stoyi

In one cup solodok honey

Ya in the second cup purple beer

Ya in third a cup green vince.

Solodok honey on a svyitiy evening

Purple beer to d'svyitomu Christmas

To the green vince people on zakin!

Ouch give goodness!


Oh in nedilen'ku hide poranen'ku

Hey give goodness!

And in Vifliemi rang early

Ouch esche ranshe of Paraska got up

Ranen'ko got up hide si collected

On svyite Christmas to the church came

To the church came, cerkovcyu had swept

Cerkovcyu swept, pristoli had wiped

Pristoli wiped, s'vichi s'vitila;

Divine Mother of Son gave birth there:

There vsi of S'vitii on families went

Vsi of S'vitii of God praised there

Services served vsey after zdorovyi

At zdorovyichko nashei pani

Nashei of pani, pani of Paraski

Ouch on zdorovyichko, polite Gazdine!

   sheep are pastors

Sheep pastured pastors

At green oak.

Angel this them rotined

Where Vifleem, said them.

They go this nalyakli

On knees priklyakli.

- You me this not boyte

Will find mister Khrista.

Found him in yaselkakh

Povitogo in pelenkokh.

Maria Go gave birth

And in shrouds povila.

Joseph Ditya sways

Sing Mu: «Isuse».

Ouch Isuse, white kvit

The entire world is glad.

Angels are glad

And we are sinful on zemli.


Be healthy, gospodarechku

Be healthy from gospodinechkov!

Give you, Goodness, at home zdorovyi

At home zdorovyi and on chel'idochku

On chel'idochku, on domovuyu

Hide on a cattle on rogovuyu!

Ouch give goodness!

Be healthy, krechnaya picture

Krechnaya of picture, why (name)

Raise healthy thinly highly

To the human girls on zavidon'ku!

D'idevi and nencii on usluzhechku

To your to the owner on utishechku!

Ouch give goodness!

Vinchuemo you sh'istem zdorov'em

Sh'istem-zdorov'em, red fine fellow

Red a fine fellow and mind good

And by a mind good and age long!

Ouch give goodness!

Raise large to the boot

From a boot to the man!

Ouch give goodness!

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