
"Карпатська тиша"

Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Головна » Статті » Свята України :: Праздники Украины :: Holidays » Pre-Christian holidays

Holiday Velez (Ukrainian Santa Claus).

December 6

Holiday Velez (Ukrainian Santa Claus). He goes on sunlight to Earth and brings a wealth of embryos, yield offspring. They shouted at him that day as the kids today call Santa Claus. Since his arrival starts learning songs, preparing for Christmas. "This is our Forefathers Velez taught to plow the land and grains to sow, reap and Viña Vinci Suffering in the fields and put the sheaf to the bonfire, and chtyty Him as God the Father!" - Written in the Book of Veles. Believe that Velez poridnyv man and animals, ancient Ukrainian taught not to kill animals and feed in the plow harness and cart to take milk from them.

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Категорія: Pre-Christian holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-20)
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