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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 12 » Where can I put a tent in Vorohty?
Where can I put a tent in Vorohty?

Where can I put a tent in Vorohty?

agate tourists who like to go Goverlu, faced with the problem promptly disposed to sleep. Especially when the train arrives late at night. Of course everyone wants to save. Therefore, an edge is the question - where can Vorohty camping, and does not pay for it. And the main thing that was near at least some source of water.
Professionals say that the problems with it especially should not be. The tent can be put in different places.
The closest place - a move the train and go towards the hotel "Ukraine". There, to the left of the pension, is a grove where you can safely accommodate a tent.
The second option is camping at the beginning of the village (on the way to Yaremche). There is a small Dzhereltse.
You can park right behind the bad Vorokhta when walking along the road on top of. Many a spring located directly near the road.
Alternatively, you can normally put a tent on the way to Zaroslyak before CPR. It is quite possible to find a good place, with just a little away from the road. But immediately after the checkpoint for any parking will have to pay. There are also many streams.

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