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Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2011 » Травень » 9 » Tanya and Elena from Odessa 11.08.2009 | 22:45
Tanya and Elena from Odessa 11.08.2009 | 22:45

Tanya and Elena from Odessa 11.08.2009 | 22:45

e-mail: tatyankaxxx@rambler.ru site:
Hello! Just want to share experiences ... Our group met in Odessa on Hutsulshchyna you at the hotel "Patkovskyy"
in Bukovele unforgettable days with 3 to 6 August
 Now it just pulls you back, honestly! How many hidden beauty in your wonderful mountain land! Such fresh
 spruce air, such net almost lukivalnoyi water will not find anywhere else in Ukraine,
such sweet delicious blueberries as on mountain tops can not buy at any bazaar! such superohayni cabin
 the sea of ​​colorful flowers - only Gutsulschine, even in the neighboring area is already in a different way!
For three days we traveled with excursions around half Ivano-Frankovsk region: were Zhenetskomu
and Yaremchansky waterfall in cages and fed the deer in Yaremche boars were in Vorokhta in Coloma,
Kryvorivni and Verhovine in museums, monasteries in Maniava, rose to Lake Nesamovyte ...
 impressed that in every corner, rivers, lakes, mountains, towns - their own legend and, sometimes, not one!
 however, these legends are very tough - if you love it to death if you hate the blood ...
Many thanks to our speaking guide, many duuuzhe he told us about gutsulskie authentic traditions
 Life, unfortunately no last name or his place of work I Remember yatala know that in studies like
 Chernivtsi University, so all young lad-guide
 with Yaremche to name Peter greetings from Odessa:) Maybe he reads this page ...
I hope next year to return to you again!

Name poslavsheho::: Victoria Sklyarov :::::
::::: Victoria ::::: Electronic address: wisdomua1@ukr.net :::::::::: Communication: Dear colleagues, thank you for the wonderful site!
I would like to communicate in the future on the forum or be able to leave a record in
Guest book.
In mid-December vivdvidala your beautiful land - so many memories and emotions!
here is my little report http://blogs.mail.ru/list/wisdomua/29EACF30A5494896.html
and photographs http://foto.mail.ru/list/wisdomua/57
When you use the link from my blog or e-mail - great!
Always would be happy to collaborate or just come in handy:)
Successful Year to you!

Ivano-Frankivsk region - absolute leader in the rapidly growing revenues from tourism halizi. An important contribution gives region Kalush. It is there in the conference hall recreation Karpaty, 13-16 December took place the seminar-meeting on "Analysis of and recommendations for solving problems concerning agriculture, green tourism in Ukraine", which was attended by Anatoly Pakhlya, Chairman of State Tourism and Resorts, Nikolai Paliychuk, the governor of Ivano-Frankivsk region, Vladimir Vasilyev, chairman of the Union to promote rural tourism, Victor Teres, president of the International Charitable Foundation Heifer Project International, Vladimir Fedoruk, chairman of the Tourist Culture Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Administration, Igor Yakivchuk, Deputy Mayor of Kalush.

Crisis leads to work (to cut)

Speakers reviewed probemy field, including inadequate laws, lack of popularity among NWT potential consumers, and among rural residents, outlined the directions line resource development, including
- Development of a national standard tourist sites, a forum for presentations categorization estates NWT
- Adoption of appropriate regulations
- Improving information and promotional activities
There were also leading the field - Poltava, Transcarpathia, Rivne - which is best established cooperation with NGOs by the authorities.

Head of the Ivano-Frankivsk office of the Union to promote the development of a NWT reported in next year's pilot training center. Education will help beginners follow certain standards.

Crisis leads to work "- said Deputy Mayor Yaremche, and told the success story of its own region, where thanks to the minimum tax on owners of mansions NWT, naddannya them interest-free loans and of information and promotional activities, and development and consistent implementation of master plans for each locality, the results exceeded all expectations. From twenty thousand tourists, as it was 1998, the annual number reached milonnoyi tag.
Thanks to attract multimillion investments in the built up sports and recreation complex Bukovel European level, will create a water park.
Summing up the conference, a scientist and economist Igor Prokop said that under the global trends deahrarizatsiyi economies, namely the development of NWT - the only way to counter an outflow of population from rural areas.

Over the next two days, organizers introduced the guests with the infrastructure of rural estates green Yaremche Smerekova khat, "Under the cliff, answer for, in Yaroslav, Funny guzul," "Big Dipper", tourist complex Kermanich, t. . Rest in mountain-ski complex Bukovel.
Completed the series of unforgettable experiences riding restored "Carpathian tram.

Victoria Sklyarov
December 2007
Kharkov-Ivano-Frankivsk Yaremche

Madam Victoria, always glad to place your material on our websites. Successful Year to you! (Postmaster) January 2008.


Poslavsheho Name: Julie ::::: ::::: Electronic address: lilu007-86@mail.ru :::::::::: Communication:
I would like to begin my story with a confession of love to bezmezhnoprekrasnoho Carpathians, in which I fell in love in summer 2006 roku.Vin not only captivates with its beauty, but also wonderful people, folk traditions, customs, life, etc. For me it was like the call of the blood, since I was born and lived in Odessa in 1921 ...::::::::: IP-address: 194.44X.45X.XXX

Nice to read such letters, but unfortunately not a valid address and thank Julia can only through the portal. We want to Carpathians cause all such good memories. (Postmaster) November 2007.

Poslavsheho Name: Julie :::::::::: Electronic address: yulya_nikitkina@ukr.net :::::::: Communication:
Hi all! Welcome to Odessa! Once you wrote the letter, but unfortunately you are not fully published it, but anyway thanks for the post. There I have one request, or to place on your site with photos from my holiday in Yaremche ?::::::::: IP-address:

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